
Italian Vancebeth: Five years after the fall of the Northeast, the legendary experience reveals the atrocities of the Japanese beasts

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Vance White: A journalist and spy from Italy who recorded the brutality of Japan's invasion of China, Vance Beth, wrote about the brutal acts of Japan during its invasion of China. He witnessed and deeply affected the persecution of Chinese people by the Japanese army. His report attracted widespread attention and shock, and he became a witness to Japanese aggression. This article will present the truth and brutality of Japan's invasion of China through Vancebeth's personal experience, and reveal the atrocities of the aggressors, in order to make readers think deeply and alert. Vance Beth's legendary experience Fan Shibai, also translated as Vance White, Fan Shibai, Fan Sibo, etc., was born in Italy in 1888. From a young age, he fought in the Mexican Revolutionary Army and was promoted to captain. He then became a traveled journalist throughout the Americas, Asia and Oceania. During World War I, he was sent to work in the Far East as a member of the Intelligence Service and became an international spy. It was during this period that he became acquainted with many Chinese and Japanese dignitaries, including Zhang Zuolin. In 1920, Vance became Zhang Zuolin's staff member and changed to Chinese nationality. However, in 1928, Zhang Zuolin was assassinated by the Japanese, and Vance Beth was forced to leave China and engage in business for a time.

Italian Vancebeth: Five years after the fall of the Northeast, the legendary experience reveals the atrocities of the Japanese beasts

But after the 918 incident, Japanese secret services found him and threatened him to work for Japan. Vancebeth's wife and daughter were also taken hostage by the Japanese army. Forced into desperation, Vancebeth became a tool of the Japanese secret services, becoming a Japanese spy and translator. On February 5, 1932, Japanese troops entered the city of Harbin, a major town in Northern Manchuria, and on this day, four months after the Shenyang Incident, the sound of artillery and gunfire rang out in the city. The Japanese army attacked the Chinese military camp, and innocent Chinese soldiers became victims of the Japanese. In the two weeks before that, businesses had come to a halt, streets empty and people stuck in their homes. In addition, 100,000 refugees fled to Harbin, exacerbating the demographic pressure on the city. The atrocities committed by the Japanese made everyone wary and fearful. Japanese troops marched into Harbin, accompanied by thousands of Belarusian refugees. They held Japanese flags, cheered for the Japanese army, and insulted and insulted Chinese. However, this brief applause was soon shattered by the harsh reality. The Japanese plundered the refugees' property and transferred the money into their own hands.

Italian Vancebeth: Five years after the fall of the Northeast, the legendary experience reveals the atrocities of the Japanese beasts

During the massive raids by the Japanese, almost everyone faced the threat of arrest, imprisonment or death. The Japanese officers became rich, while the White Russian diaspora was rewarded with death and suffering. Japanese rape in the major cities of Manchuria, day and night, was full of fear and danger. Chinese merchants were attacked by Japanese looting, and the Japanese police turned a blind eye. Caucasian women are not safe anywhere, and countless Caucasian women have become rape victims of the Japanese. On February 27, 1932, a Belarusian and her 16-year-old daughter were attacked by the Japanese in the street. Mother and daughter were raped and suffered unimaginable pain. Such barbaric acts took place all over Manchuria and became the main source of discussion. It was a time full of horror and everyone wanted to escape from Manchuria. Japanese shooting On April 12, 1932, during an operation to subvert the Soviet soybean wagon in Vladivostok, a Japanese military vehicle was blown up at Hengdaohezi, 100 miles west of Mureng. Vancebeth and two Japanese gendarmes went to Hengdao River to investigate. Many police, gendarmes and detectives conducted large-scale searches, but found no leads.

Italian Vancebeth: Five years after the fall of the Northeast, the legendary experience reveals the atrocities of the Japanese beasts

Daisa, a gendarme commissioned to investigate the matter, declared that even if brutal torture and killing were required, the perpetrators would be found. As a result, 400 Chinese, Russian exiles, and Soviet citizens were arrested. The 400 people were locked up in a large warehouse, and no one knew their fate. The trial began with Daisa, a gendarme and his assistants, sitting at a table facing the arrested people. Vancebeth was assigned as an interpreter. A gendarme placed a case file in Russian and Japanese on the table, and Daisaku selected one and handed it to Vancebeth. He instructed Vancebeth to call out a Russian worker named Astarkin. However, Astagin said he knew nothing about it. Faced with Astakien's indifference, Daizo angrily pulls out his pistol and threatens to kill him. However, Astagin remained principled and insisted on his ignorance. This made the Inquisitor so angry that he roared at Vancebeth, "What did he say? Epilogue Vance White's pen witnessed the brutality of Japan's invasion of China, and his report attracted widespread attention and shock. However, the international community at that time did not pay enough attention and assistance to this. Now, we have passed that dark age, but the scars of history are still there, and we cannot forget it, let alone repeat it.

Italian Vancebeth: Five years after the fall of the Northeast, the legendary experience reveals the atrocities of the Japanese beasts

As readers, we need to wonder, will history repeat itself? How can we prevent the recurrence of similar acts of aggression? Let us work together so that peace and justice will prevail forever. 【Question】What do you think is the significance of Vancebeth's testimony in exposing Japan's crimes against China? The Truth in the Sino-Japanese War: The Brutal Confrontation Between the Volunteers Resisting Japanese Aggression and the Japanese Army During the Sino-Japanese War, the northeast region became a battlefield between China and Japan, where many bloody battles and horrific atrocities took place. In this war, the Chinese volunteers became the main force against Japanese aggression. However, the Japanese military's propaganda machine has been trying to cover up their failures and brutality. This article will reveal the truth, describing the heroic resistance of the Chinese volunteers and the barbaric behavior of the Japanese army. The article begins by describing a tragic scene in which a Russian janitor was shot dead by a Japanese daisa, causing screams and cries from those around him, and the entire area was plunged into chaos. Then, an angry Chinese rushed towards the Japanese Daisa, only to be killed. Vancebeth came to power to quell the anger of the masses and relay the intimidating orders of the Japanese daisa. Next, Daisaku of Japan interrogated many Chinese and Russian men and women, but did not get information about the bombing or the murderer.

In the end, Daizo released some of them and shot another. This scene reveals the cruelty of the Japanese army against innocent people. Next, the article reviews the bombing of Japanese military vehicles and attacks on Japanese garrisons. Vancebeth reveals the truth about his men blowing up the train and describes the Volunteers' attack on the Japanese. These attacks resulted in a large number of Japanese casualties, but Japanese officials tried to cover up the truth, claiming that the losses were small. The article also described the disinformation in Japanese newspaper propaganda, pointing out that the dead and wounded figures in the official reports of the Japanese army were very different from the actual situation. The article then describes Vancebeth's contacts with Colonel C and other members of the Volunteers. Colonel C reveals to Vancebeth the weapons and materiel they seized from the Japanese, as well as their belief in fighting for freedom. Colonel C said that they were not bandits, but Chinese who fought for the freedom of the Motherland. The article also mentions Vancebeth's negotiations for the exchange of prisoners, as well as the losses he witnessed by the Japanese. Finally, the article cites the report of Major General Hattori, a Japanese officer, revealing the significant losses of his unit in the battle against the volunteers. To sum up, this article reveals the truth in the Sino-Japanese War, showing the heroic resistance of the Chinese volunteers and the barbaric acts of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army tried to cover up their defeats and atrocities, but the facts could not be concealed. We should face up to history, remember those who fought for freedom, and reflect on the harm war has done to humanity. We need to work to preserve peace and avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies. Finally, I would like to ask readers a question: how much do you know about the history of the Sino-Japanese War? What are your views and comments? The covert operations of the Japanese invaders played an important role in the War of Resistance Against Japan in northeast China. However, it was not only the Chinese military and civilians who fought against the Japanese invaders, but also a group of organizations known as the "Northeast Volunteer Army", whose proficiency in guerrilla tactics and attacks on Japanese troops were remarkable. This article will introduce the background and combat experience of the Northeast Volunteers, and highlight the story of one of their leaders, Vance White. In the 1930s, the Japanese invaders established Manchukuo in northeastern China, where they tried to control and dispossess Chinese people. In the process, they recruited a number of Chinese to cooperate, including a bandit named Wang Qingji, nicknamed "Laoying". However, these Chinese initially joined to deal with the Russians and North Koreans, only to find that they were asked to mutilate their own compatriots.

One of the missions was to kidnap wealthy Chinese and extort a huge ransom. In addition, they attacked Soviet trains, prevented Russian goods from being exported from Vladivostok, and threatened local farmers to give up their land to allow Japanese immigrants to live. However, during a peasant resistance, the bandit's subordinates suffered a major blow, which greatly damaged his vitality. After that, the Japanese army sent the 63rd Wing to attack these peasants, but they showed great courage against the Japanese, annihilated all the attacking Japanese troops, and killed the wing leader. However, the Japanese army continued to intensify its offensive and eventually occupied the peasant stronghold. Similar battles occurred frequently in northeast China, where the Northeast Volunteers frequently attacked Japanese troops and sabotaged their railroads. In 1935, 73 incidents of destruction of international trains, 131 armed attacks on trains and 74 burning of stations were recorded in the northeast. These incidents resulted in the killing of 340 Japanese employees, the wounding of 650 and the captivity of 451. These attacks have become a headache for the Japanese military. In these contexts, as a Japanese spy, Vancebeth had a deep understanding of the Japanese invaders.

However, he gradually accumulated dissatisfaction with Japanese imperialism and expressed sympathy and support for the anti-Japanese struggle of the Northeast Volunteers. Therefore, he decided to betray the Japanese military and join the Tohoku Volunteer Army. In 1936, Vancebeth and his men launched an attack in which they intercepted a train and stole a large amount of cash. This move announced that they were out of the hands of the Japanese and officially joined the Volunteer camp. However, Vancebeth realizes that he is in danger and decides to escape from the Japanese military. He managed to escape to Shanghai and denounced the criminal acts of the Japanese invaders in the newspapers, which aroused the condemnation of international public opinion. In order to force the Japanese to release his wife and children, the Northeast Volunteers also kidnapped Japanese officers. In the end, the Japanese army had to agree to release him, but all the property of Vancebeth's wife was looted by the Japanese army. Vancebeth then secretly fled to the United States and eventually settled in the Philippines. He wrote a book entitled "Japan's Espionage in China," which exposed the criminal practices of Japanese imperialism and dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese authorities. However, the Japanese military finally found him, arrested him and reportedly killed him. There are also rumors that Vancebeth escaped capture by the Japanese military and disappeared into the Philippine island of Mindanao.

Mr. Vancebeth's book "Uncovering the Great Secret: Japanese Spies in China" has been published many times in Chinese and English, and has been made into a movie. His betrayal and the publication of this book dealt a huge blow to the Japanese invaders. As a fighter against the Japanese invading army, Mr. Vancebeth deserves our eternal memory and respect. Summary: The Northeast Volunteer Army played an important role in the War of Resistance Against Japan in Northeast China. They often attacked Japanese troops and sabotaged railways, causing great trouble to the Japanese invaders. As a Japanese spy, Vancebeth eventually chose to betray the Japanese military and joined the Tohoku Volunteer Army. His betrayal and exposure of Japanese imperialism undermined the morale of the Japanese aggressors. However, he also paid a huge price and was eventually discovered and arrested by Japanese agents. Whether he escaped or not, he was a brave fighter who made an important contribution to the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japan. His story should be remembered, and we should consider whether we have the courage to resist like him in the face of the aggressor.

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