
#Miaobi Shenghua Creation Challenge#Tang monk apprentice, who will be fired first? Seeing this topic, many people will say that it must be Zhu Bajie, good food and lazy to do, often touch fish at work without saying, business ability


#Miaobi Shenghua Creation Challenge# Tang monk apprentice, who will be fired first?

Seeing this topic, many people will say that it must be Zhu Bajie, good food and lazy to do, often touch fish at work, business ability is not enough, still a color embryo, salty pig hands are almost stretched to the superior.

Why do such people stay? The company wants to lay off employees, and the first person who should be laid off is him, is it really waiting for the New Year?

The preferred answer is that may be mixed with not very good employees, who will perform the fire? That must be the boss, from the boss's point of view, Zhu Bajie has a lot of merit, why cut him?

Look at how many people have eyes, and when to say something, people are clear in their hearts. The boss needs to obey him unconditionally.

Bajie can also enliven the atmosphere, so that Sun Wu Air Conditioner, who has no sense of hard work and grievances, jokes and is angry. Otherwise, along the way, a few old men walked with their heads stuffed and fought hard to fight monsters, and there was a lot less fun without Bajie.

Bajie can also be a prop man when appropriate, and if the Tang monk wants to educate Sun Wukong to wake up the sand monk, he must first take the Bajie to open the knife.

Bajie has thick skin and flesh, and never talks back, nor does he shout about strikes. At most, he pouted and sulked, and he was happy to give him something delicious, and he was immediately resurrected with blood. Not to mention seducing him with beautiful women and running faster than anyone.

Employees with small shortcomings and small problems are actually better to handle, and leaders like this. Give a little sunshine and shine, and you won't have a tantrum.

If it wasn't for the Bajie, would it be Goku? Smart leaders will definitely not cut Goku. Only Goku picks the picks and leaves, the leader not only needs someone to slap the horse, but also someone has to do the work.

When is the business big man number one, how can it be cut? What's more, the Tang monk has mastered the tightening curse of holding Sun Wukong, and he is not afraid that he will turn the sky over.

What are you afraid of if you make a little emotion? Business capability is number one! Such a prickly employee has in every unit, and the leader easily does not dare to provoke him, not to mention that this employee still has a strong network, repeatedly rescues from emergencies, and must not rely on his network circle?

Although the Tang monk is an imperial disciple and holds the clearance paperwork, he is not familiar with the people of the Heavenly Court, so he can't always ask for help from Guanyin Bodhisattva for everything.

With Goku it is different, he eats black and white. His past underworld and prison experience also taught him many rules.

With the ability to reach the sky and a strong circle of contacts, such talents are rare. Who dares to fire him for squid? Unless the project is gone.

Speaking of which, the white dragon horse is also a dispensable character, although he is the sixth son of the dragon king, but he only plays the role of a mount, is it long overdue to be fired?

No, not also, the white dragon horse has a backstage, it is clear that it is stuffed into this team for gilding, and it is easy to cut.

What's more, the White Dragon Horse is used for window dressing. Do you see which boss doesn't drive a luxury car these days? Even if you are in debt, you have to drive a BMW, it seems that people are rich and powerful, and they can't lose momentum!

All that remains is the poor sand monk. After some analysis, only the sand monk was the first to be fired.

Who let the monks endure hardships and endure hardships and grievances? The level of business is not high, you can't fight away the monsters, you can only do some miscellaneous work in normal times, and any new person will change.

Those who use clumsy tongues will not please the leader or co-optiminate their colleagues, but will only say that "the master has been captured by a monster again."

The key is not yet background, and mistakes have been made. When such an employee encounters a layoff, the first thing the leader thinks of is him. Are you right?

#Miaobi Shenghua Creation Challenge#Tang monk apprentice, who will be fired first? Seeing this topic, many people will say that it must be Zhu Bajie, good food and lazy to do, often touch fish at work without saying, business ability
#Miaobi Shenghua Creation Challenge#Tang monk apprentice, who will be fired first? Seeing this topic, many people will say that it must be Zhu Bajie, good food and lazy to do, often touch fish at work without saying, business ability
#Miaobi Shenghua Creation Challenge#Tang monk apprentice, who will be fired first? Seeing this topic, many people will say that it must be Zhu Bajie, good food and lazy to do, often touch fish at work without saying, business ability

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