
Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

author:Huang Zhong, a time traveler
Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

Lv Bu

In 196, Yuan Shu led an army to attack Xuzhou, and Liu Bei ordered Zhang Fei to defend Xiaping, and he led his army to fight Yuan Shu in Xuyi and Huaiyin. After a month of holding each other, the two sides won or lost each other. When Lü Bu first entered Xuzhou, he wrote to Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu fought Liu Bei and wrote back to Lü Bu, encouraging Lü Bu to capture Xuzhou. Lü Bu was overjoyed when he saw it, so he led his troops to Xiaping. In Xiaping City, the deceased Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian's old general Cao Bao was at odds with Zhang Fei. Cao Bao also sent people to recruit Lü Bu to come to Xiaping. Soon after, Zhang Fei killed Cao Bao. There was chaos in Xiaping City. The Danyang soldiers opened the city gate after Lü Bu reached Xiaping, and Lü Bu entered Xiaping smoothly. Lü Bu sat on the city gate and commanded the army to break through Zhang Fei and capture Liu Bei's wives and concubines and their families. Liu Bei learned that the rear was attacked, so he had to lead the army back, and when he reached Xiaping, the army collapsed. Liu Bei collected his pawns and attacked Guangling in the east, and Lü Bu sent troops to help Yuan Shu and break Liu Bei's army.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

Liu Bei

At this time, Liu Bei was in Haixi County, Guangling County, hungry and tired, and the big and small officials cannibalized each other, and the poverty and hunger invaded. Liu Bei planned to return to Xiaopei, so he sent his officials to Lü Bu to ask for surrender. Lü Bu was also annoyed that Yuan Shu was no longer transporting grain, so he asked Liu Bei to return to Yuzhou, attack Yuan Shu with his own force, and prepare carriages, horses, and child servants to greet Liu Bei, and return his wife Xiao and Buqu's families, so that Liu Bei served as the assassin of Yuzhou and stationed Xiaopei. Lü Bu saw off Liu Bei in Surabaya and called himself Xuzhou Mu. In October of the first year of Jian'an (196), Yuan Shu sent the general Ji Ling to lead a total of more than 30,000 horses to conquer Liu Bei, and Liu Bei asked Lü Bu for help. When Ji Ling and the others heard that Lü Bu came to rescue Liu Bei, they had to collect troops and did not dare to act rashly. Lü Bu set up camp a mile southwest of Xiaopei, ordered people to recruit Liu Bei, and sent guards to invite Ji Ling and other generals, and Ji Ling and others also invited Lü Bu to drink together. Lü Bu said to Ji Ling and the others: "Xuande, is my Lü Bu's virtuous brother. Now that he is surrounded by you, I came to rescue him. I don't like to watch others fight each other, I only like to resolve disputes for others. ”

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)


Lü Bu ordered his men to erect a halberd in the camp gate and said, "Look at the small branch on my halberd, if it is fired, the princes should immediately stop attacking and leave here, if the shot is not hit, then you will stay and fight Liu Bei to the death." He drew his bow and fired an arrow at the halberd, hitting the small branch. The generals were shocked and praised: "General, you really have the power of a god! The next day, Lü Bu had another feast with the generals, and then returned to the army separately. Liu Bei was in Xiaopei, recruited the old army, and regathered tens of thousands of people, Lü Bu disliked him and personally sent troops to attack Liu Bei, Liu Bei was defeated, and went to Xudu to rely on Cao Cao. Cao Cao treated Liu Bei favorably, made him a pastor of Yuzhou, and sent him military food and troops, so that he could go to Peicheng to collect the old department. In 197, in order to unite with Lü Bu and make him use it for himself, Yuan Shu proposed to Lü Bu that his son marry Lü Bu's daughter. At first, Lü Bu agreed. Yuan Shu sent Han Yin as an envoy to formally convey to Lü Bu that he would change his year name and ascend the throne as emperor, and at the same time asked to take Lü Bu's daughter and his son to consummate the marriage. Later, after the persuasion of Prime Minister Chen Jue.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

Yuan Shu

Lü Bu resented that Yuan Shu did not accept him at the beginning, although his daughter had already left with Han Yin at this time, he still chased her back, refused this affair, and put the messenger Han Yin in shackles and shackles, and sent him to the Xudu street market to be beheaded for public display. Cao Cao personally wrote a letter to comfort Lao Lübu. Lü Bu sent Chen Deng, the son of Chen Jue, with his letters to present Emperor Xie to Han. He also gave Cao Cao a fine ribbon as a gift.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

Cao Cao

Chen Deng visited Cao Cao and recounted Lü Bu's shortcomings of courage and capriciousness, hoping that Cao Cao would get rid of him as soon as possible. Cao Cao immediately raised Chen Jue's rank to 2,000 stones and appointed Chen Deng as the Taishou of Guangling. He instructed Chen Deng to privately divide Lü Bu's team and respond internally for himself. When Yuan Shu heard that Lü Bu had rejected the marriage and killed his own envoy, he sent his generals Zhang Xun and Qiao Rui to join forces with Han Xian and Yang Feng, and led tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry to attack Lü Bu in seven ways. At that time, Lü Bu only had 3,000 troops and 400 horses. Lü Bu adopted Chen Jue's strategy. Wrote to Han Sian and Yang Feng. Persuade them to eliminate harm for the country. And promised that after defeating Yuan Shu's army, the generals gave them all the money and grain. Han Xian and Yang Feng, who were greatly pleased, immediately wrote back to express their obedience. Lü Bu marched, and when he was a hundred paces away from Zhang Xun's camp, Han Xian and Yang Feng defected together, and Lü Bu broke Zhang Xun and others in Xiaping, beheaded ten generals, captured Qiao Rui alive, and the rest of the Yuan army scattered and fled, many were killed and wounded, fell into the water and drowned, and almost all the army was destroyed. Lü Bu later led an army with Han Xian and Yang Feng, advancing on Shouchun by land and water, and plundered. When he arrived at Zhongli, Lü Bu had harvested a large amount of supplies and led his army back. After Lü Bu's army crossed, Yuan Shu personally led 5,000 horsemen to ride on Huai, and Lü Bu's cavalry all returned laughing at the north of the bank.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

In 197 AD, Yuan Shu became emperor. The crowd betrayed

In the third year of Jian'an (198), Lü Bu once again rebelled against the imperial court and allied with Yuan Shu, sending Gao Shun to attack Peicheng and defeat Liu Bei. Cao Cao sent Xiahou Wei to rescue Liu Bei, but was also defeated by Gao Shun and others, and in September, Gao Shun and others attacked Peicheng and captured Liu Bei's wife and children, and Liu Bei was defeated and surrendered to Cao Cao. In September 198, Cao Cao personally led troops to attack Lü Bu and reached Pengcheng. Chen Gong said to Lü Bu: "We should lead the people to fight against the battle, and our army will definitely attack with ease." Lü Bu believed: "It is better to wait until Cao Cao comes to attack and force the enemy army into Surabaya." "In October, Cao Cao attacked Pengcheng, captured Lü Bu's chancellor Hou Xiang, and took advantage of the victory to attack Xia Pi, Lü Bu personally led his cavalry to attack, but was defeated by Cao Cao, and Xiao Chenglian was captured. Cao Cao chased him to the city and besieged Xiaping.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

Situation map of the late Eastern Han Dynasty

At that time, Guangling Taishou Chen Deng led the county troops to precursor Cao Cao, and Chen Deng's three younger brothers were all in the city, so Lü Bu took the three as hostages to ask Chen Deng for peace, but Chen Deng insisted on not complying. After the city was besieged, Lü Bu's subordinate Zhang Hong was afraid of being affected, so he took advantage of the night to release the three back to Chen Deng. Xiaping's situation was critical, and Lü Bu was afraid, and said to the sergeant from the white gate tower: "Don't besiege me again, I will turn myself in in front of Duke Ming." Chen Gong said: "Rebel thief Cao Cao, what is the Duke of Ming!" If you descend on him today, it is like an egg falling on a stone, can you still save yourself? Lü Bu then sent Xu Xian and Wang Kai to ask Yuan Shu for help, and personally led more than 1,000 cavalry out of the city. Although Lü Bu was brave and fierce, he was less resourceful and narrow-minded and more jealous, and without Chen Gong's advice, the generals were suspicious of each other, so they lost many battles. At that time, Zhang Yang tried to rescue Lü Bu, but could not do anything, so he sent troops to Dongshi in an attempt to attract Cao Cao's attention. Yuan Shu also listened to Xu Xian and Wang Kai, and Yan Bing supported Lü Bu. Lü Bu was worried that Yuan Shu would not send help because of the failure of his marriage in the past, so he tied his daughter to a horse with a cotton cloth, and personally rode out of the city at night to give her daughter to Yuan Shu, when the Cao army defenders blocked it with arrows, Lü Bu could not pass, so he had to return to the city. Lü Bu also planned to have Chen Gong and Gao Shun defend the city, and he led his cavalry out of the city to cut off Cao Cao's grain road. Lü Bu's wife said to Lü Bu: "It is feasible for the general to personally go out and cut off the Cao Gong grain road, but Chen Gong and Gao Shun have never been at odds, and as soon as the general leaves, the two must not be able to defend the city together. I hope that the general will think carefully and not be harmed by Chen Gong and others. The concubine was originally in Chang'an, but it had been abandoned by the general, and Lai Pangshu kept it privately to avoid difficulties, and now he does not need to take care of the concubine's body. After Lu Bu listened, he was depressed and couldn't decide.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

White Gate Tower

Cao Cao besieged the city for three months, and the water of Si and Yi flooded the city, and Lü Bu's army was separated up and down. At first, Lü Bu's general Hou Cheng lost his famous horse, but soon found it again, and the generals came together to congratulate Hou Cheng. Hou served everyone with wine and meat, and first offered it to Lü Bu. Lü Bu said angrily, "I, Lü Bu, forbid alcohol and wait for the brewing, and the generals eat and drink together as brothers, are you planning to murder me Lü Bu together?" Hou Cheng was shocked, discarded the brewed wine, and returned the gifts sent by the generals, and he was not at ease ever since. Therefore, on December 7, 199, Hou Cheng rebelled with Song Xian and Wei Xuan, bound Chen Gong and Gao Shun, and led his people to surrender to Cao Cao. Lü Bu saw at the White Gate Tower that the Cao army was attacking and the general trend had passed, so he ordered the left and right to hand over his first rank to Cao Cao, and the left and right could not bear it, so they went down to the city and surrendered. Lü Bu was tied up in front of Cao Cao and said to Cao Cao: "I am generous enough to the lower generals, and they have betrayed me together temporarily." Cao Cao said, "How can you be called kind when you carry your wife behind your back and fornicate with the wives of several of your subordinates?" Lu Bu was silent. Lü Bu said to Liu Bei on the side: "Xuande, you are a guest on the seat, I am a prisoner, the rope is too tight for me, can't you say a word for me?" Cao Cao said with a smile: "Binding the hungry tiger has to be tight." Lü Bu said, "Duke Cao got me, I led the cavalry, and Cao Gong led the infantry, and I could unify the world." Cao Cao was quite moved, and Liu Bei persuaded: "No, Duke Ming, didn't you see how Lü Bu served Ding Jianyang and Dong Taishi!" Cao Cao nodded. Lü Bu said to Liu Bei: "Big Ear can't believe it the most!" In the end, Lü Bu was hanged and then beheaded. Lü Bu's Chen Gong and Gao Shun were also executed. Cao Cao ordered that the heads of Lü Bu, Chen Gong, and Gao Shun be sent to Xu Du Zhanggong and then buried.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

Chen Gong

Cao Cao summoned Chen Gong's mother, and devoted Chen Gong's mother for life, and arranged for Chen Gong's daughter to marry, caressing her family, and treating Chen Gong's family more heavily than at the beginning.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)


Former Shang Shu ordered Chen Ji's son Chen Qun to also be in Lü Bu's army, and Cao Cao used it with courtesy. Yuan Shu (袁涣), a former subordinate of Yuan Shu, was detained by Lü Bu during the dispute between Yuan and Lü, and also submitted to Cao Cao with Chen Ji's father and son.

Western Jin Dynasty (34) - Lübu in Renzhong, Chitu in Mazhong (below)

Zhang Liao

Zhang Liao, a subordinate of Lü Bu, was the prime minister of the State of Lu at the time, led the army of the State of Lu to surrender to Cao Cao, and was appointed a general of Zhonglang. Lü Bu has no strategy. Jump sideways left and right. Three family slaves. and did not listen to the opinions of his subordinates, although there were many brave generals and advisers. In the end, you can only end up in a different place.

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