
Warm story: unquenchable love in poor families!

author:Funny Spiegel Xh

Why is the affection of poor families weak? When they were young, many people thought that love could overcome everything, no matter how difficult they faced, as long as two people loved each other, they could face it together. However, the reality is often unsatisfactory, and many couples from poor families end up in a mess. Even if the relationship between two people is good, without financial support, it is difficult for love to withstand all kinds of pressures in life. Why is the affection of poor families so weak? This article will discuss three aspects: insufficient material conditions, heavy life pressure, and narrow vision. First, poor households have limited material conditions and simply cannot meet the needs of all. Taking food as an example, a piece of pork is only enough for three people at most. However, in a household, there are often six or even more people. In this case, not only is there not enough to eat, but even competition for food. If you are slow, you may not be able to grab pork and can only eat greens. Of course, it is not excluded that some poor families do not have such difficulties in terms of diet. However, the situation is even more complicated if the problem of food is extended to things like houses, cars, and savings. For a dozen dollars of pork, someone may be humble.

Warm story: unquenchable love in poor families!

But for hundreds of thousands or even millions, when everyone's needs cannot be met, quarrels are inevitable. Once there is a thought of quarrelling, family affection can easily be forgotten. Second, the pressure on poor families is very high. Children born into poor families have to worry about school fees from the beginning of their studies. Even though I worked hard to go to college, I had to pay most of my monthly salary because I had to support my parents and help my siblings in my family go to school. And those colleagues who do not need to give back to their families can use as much as they pay each month. What's even more infuriating is that they don't need to worry about the house and the car, because the home already has it. And after you give back to your family, you have to work hard to prepare the house and car, is it uncomfortable? When parents are old and powerless, they have no pension, no health insurance, and can only rely on you. At this time, your siblings are unwilling to take leave to accompany their parents on the grounds of high life pressure, and they are even more unwilling to pay money. If you were the party, would you feel angry? Will there be arguments with siblings? As soon as an argument occurs, family affection becomes irrelevant. Some people become strangers or even do not communicate with each other after the death of their parents.

Warm story: unquenchable love in poor families!

Third, children born into poor families have a narrower vision due to material constraints. The children of the rich understand that unity is the last word. However, children born into poor families are full of caution. Whether it is for people or affairs, it has the characteristics of a small family. When a conflict of interest arises, they are likely to turn their backs and turn their backs. Have you noticed that people who come from the countryside to the city sometimes look down on their hometowns? This is not because they are dismissive because they have money, but because they are afraid of being dragged down by their loved ones back home. In general, the weak family affection of poor families is mainly due to the following reasons: insufficient material conditions, heavy life pressure and narrow vision. However, this does not mean that all poor families lack affection. Some people have been able to maintain deep family ties despite living in poverty. They know how to cherish each other, support each other, and face difficulties together. Therefore, whether poor or rich, the existence of family affection depends on everyone's love and dedication to their loved ones. For poor families with weak family ties, we need to think about how to change this situation.

Warm story: unquenchable love in poor families!

The government should increase support for poor families, provide more help and protection, and reduce their living pressure. At the same time, education also plays a key role, through which children from poor families have a broader perspective and understand the importance of solidarity and cooperation. Family members should also strengthen communication and understanding, face difficulties together, and work together to establish a stronger family relationship. Finally, I would like to ask the question, do you think poverty necessarily leads to a weakening of family affection? In your family, is affection affected by economic conditions? Please leave your comments and let's explore this topic together.

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