
In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

author:Thirteenth Sister

A poor old man, 70 years old, returned to the mainland from Taiwan to find his relatives. In a dilapidated village, he found a family full of children and grandchildren. This was originally a touching story of searching for relatives, but a series of shocking events that followed made this ordinary old man the focus of national attention. His identity and experience shocked the authorities, and once aroused the attention of his superiors and quickly dealt with it. What kind of legendary life did this old man go through? What special role did he play? Let's step into this bizarre historical theater...

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

During the years of the Great Revolution, ordinary young people participated in the revolution

In September 1917, Xie Hanguang was born in an ordinary peasant family in Fengshun County, Guangdong Province. Since he was a child, his family was poor, and he followed his parents to work on the farmland, working hard all day long. However, Xie Hanguang has been brilliant and self-motivated since he was a child, and he did not give up his dream of studying in a difficult environment.

At the age of 16, Xie Hanguang was admitted to a local middle school for further study with his outstanding talent and studious qualities. During his time at school, he gradually came into contact with Marxism and communist thought, and developed a strong interest in these new wave revolutionary thoughts. After graduation, Xie Hanguang has always pinned his ambition to change the fate of the country and the people, so he went to Guangxi alone to study.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

On the campus of Guangxi University, the influence of progressive ideas is everywhere. A large number of patriots and revolutionary pioneers have been nurtured and cultivated here, and Xie Hanguang has also met many like-minded fellow travelers here. Under the influence of a group of radical ideological teachers, Xie Hanguang's belief in the revolutionary ideals of Marxism and the communist cause became more and more firm.

In 1942, at the age of twenty-five, Xie Hanguang graduated from Guangxi University with a major in forestry, and soon after returning to his hometown, he met the love of his life, Zeng Xiuping. The two hit it off at first sight and soon became husband and wife. But only nine days after his honeymoon, Xie Hanguang received a secret letter from a friend of the Communist Party of China, asking him to go to a secret place to carry out the party's mission.

Although his wife was pregnant, Xie Hanguang still chose the road of revolution without hesitation. In a difficult choice, he could only temporarily entrust his wife and unborn children to his family to take care of them. Under the advice of his wife, Xie Hanguang embarked on a revolutionary road full of hardships and dangers.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

In a secret stronghold called the "Liuzhou Farm of the Guizhou-Guizhou Railway", Xie Hanguang began his party work. With his expertise in agriculture and forestry, he quickly mastered the operation and management of the farm and quickly built trust. Over the next few years, Xie Hanguang provided secret shelter and support to a large number of Communists here. The farm gradually became an important secret liaison point for the CCP in Guangxi.

After going through the tortuous process of war and national liberation, Xie Hanguang stood out as an excellent underground party member. By 1947, he secretly took an oath within the party and officially joined the Chinese Communist Party. From then on, the path of revolution became the whole meaning of his life.

It has been lurking in Taiwan for a long time, and it has been stormy

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

At the end of 1947, under the instructions of the party, Xie Hanguang began his difficult and long road to Taiwan. In order to keep his identity secret, he had to part with his wife and children and go to Taiwan alone to carry out the party's secret mission.

In Taiwan at that time, the reactionary regime of the Kuomintang was raging, and the anti-communist and counter-revolutionary arrogance was arrogant. At great risk to his life, Xie Hanguang disguised himself as an ordinary forestry expert and settled down in the Taiwan Forestry Laboratory. In order to avoid revealing his identity, he had to move cautiously and always be vigilant for hidden spies around him.

In the Forestry Laboratory, Xie Hanguang quickly gained the trust of his supervisor with his solid professional knowledge and excellent work ability. Soon after, he was promoted to the position of director, responsible for forestry research and management. This allowed him to cover his true identity and also created favorable conditions for future underground work.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

However, at this moment, an unexpected change happened. His college friend, underground party member Zhang Bozhe, was also sent by the organization to infiltrate Taiwan to carry out secret missions. The two have been close friends since their college days, and they have shared weal and woe along the way with revolutionary ideals. Although he is now in a different place, Xie Hanguang did not hesitate and immediately found a hidden identity for Zhang Bozhe's subordinate branch.

Since then, the two have secretly fought side by side, living and dying for the revolutionary cause. They have made full use of their positions to not only provide shelter for a large number of underground party members who have crossed the sea from the mainland to Taiwan, but also to install them in various posts in the forestry system, creating opportunities for them to cover their activities.

However, the turbulent years are far from over. In 1949, the Kuomintang regime was defeated and retreated to Taiwan, and the anti-communist and counter-revolutionary White Terror intensified sharply. The party organization soon discovered that the situation in the Taiwan region was becoming increasingly dangerous, and it was no longer a safe place for party members to lurk for a long time. So the order to evacuate was soon issued, requiring all underground party members to find a way out as soon as possible.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

This is undoubtedly a huge test for Xie Hanguang and Zhang Bozhe. The counterrevolutionary agents of Taiwan's military command are eyeing their every move. Just as they were looking for a chance to break out, an unexpected disaster struck. During a routine party member contact, a party member was accidentally searched and arrested by the military commander, and then forced to confess to the inside information. Soon after, the identity of Zhang Bozhe was also quickly discovered by the military commanders.

Faced with a grim situation, Xie Hanguang quickly took action to secretly transfer Zhang Bozhe to his hidden secret residence in an attempt to get him out of the crisis. But soon, a group of spies who were deliberately chasing and killing broke in, and Zhang Bozhe was killed on the spot in a panic. Xie Hanguang fled all the way in the rain of bullets, and only survived one life.

Since then, Xie Hanguang has been living a wandering life of displacement and constant hiding. He had to change locations and hide from time to time, and he was cautious for fear of revealing his whereabouts, and finally survived the tight pursuit of the Kuomintang agents.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

It wasn't until many years later that Xie Hanguang got rid of the terrible experience of being in a desperate situation and being arrested at any time. He went into hiding, relying on his professional knowledge and skills to make a living, but he never gave up his revolutionary ideals and communist beliefs.

Middle-aged retired to the mountains, and has been chivalrous for decades

Time flies, and after several life and death wanderings, Xie Hanguang finally found a temporary refuge in a remote mountain and old forest. This hideaway surrounded by mountains and lush forests gave him a temporary refuge.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

In order to hide his whereabouts and confuse the public, Xie Hanguang had to completely abandon his past and change his identity to disguise himself as an ordinary forest farmer. Dressed in coarse cloth and armed with a hoe and pickaxe, he toiled as hard as the rest of the village's peasants. In this way, Xie Hanguang settled down in this deep mountain and old forest and lived the life of an ordinary farmer.

Despite the hardships of life, Xie Hanguang has never lost his professional knowledge and skills. With many years of professional training in forestry, he is very good at identifying tree species, exploring woodland, planning logging, etc. Soon, he won the admiration of the villagers with his extraordinary skills.

Soon, Xie Hanguang became famous in a remote mountain village. The villagers found that this seemingly ordinary old farmer actually knew forestry knowledge well and had unique insights into sparse forest seedlings. So everyone asked him for advice on how to work as a forest farmer, hoping to learn more from him.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

In this way, Xie Hanguang began to teach the villagers the techniques of forestry planting and thinning in the mountain villages, disseminated the knowledge of scientific forestry, and engaged in the cause he was most familiar with. The villagers also respect this "forest farmer brother" very much and respect him.

As his contact with the villagers increased, Xie Hanguang gradually shed his disguise of incognito and began to reveal his revolutionary identity to the villagers. Everyone expressed their heartfelt sympathy and admiration for this old man who had been involved in danger several times and finally lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

Since then, Xie Hanguang has become famous in the village, and soon became a well-known local "forest farmer". Many forest farmers from other towns have also come to seek advice, and even some forest farm employees have come to the door to ask for forestry knowledge.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

In this way, Xie Hanguang lived a semi-secluded life in the mountain village, teaching forest farmers scientific planting techniques during the day, and devoting himself to studying forestry theory at night, writing many manuscripts and notes on forest management and seedling cultivation. With this professional skill, he not only won the trust of the villagers, but also became famous at that time.

However, Xie Hanguang's heart is still often worried about his wife and children who he has not seen for many years. Often in the dead of night, he remembered the crying of his wife and the immature faces of his children when they were separated, and he couldn't help but burst into tears. Now that his wife is over half a hundred years old, I am afraid that it is difficult to recognize; And the child has already grown up, right?

As an underground party member, Xie Hanguang knows better that he can't miss his relatives. However, for the sake of the party and the revolutionary cause, he could only work hard to suppress his inner worries and stick alone in this remote deep mountain and old forest. It wasn't until many years later that he had the opportunity to find out about his wife and children.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

found the news of children and grandchildren, and the latent identity alarmed the center

In the mid-1980s, with the advancement of the tide of China's reform and opening up, exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait became increasingly frequent. The situation of family separation and the separation of relatives caused by special historical reasons is finally expected to be alleviated and resolved.

This change also brings significant opportunities for Xie Hanguang. As an old underground party member who has been lurking for many years, he is finally expected to get the opportunity to visit his relatives and find out the whereabouts of his wife and children. Since having to be separated from his wife and children many years ago, Xie Hanguang has always been worried about the safety of his family.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

With the new family visit policy, Xie Hanguang quickly began to go through the formalities of going to the mainland. Under the arrangement of the organization, he returned to the mainland by ship in 1988 with great excitement. The old man was full of wind and frost, and not many relatives and friends could recognize his identity at a glance.

According to the informant's guidance, Xie Hanguang traveled to his wife and children's hometown, Fengshun County, Guangdong Province. In a dilapidated village, he finally found the whereabouts of his wife and several children. At this moment, the old man couldn't help but burst into tears and wept bitterly. His wife, Zeng Xiuping, is an 88-year-old woman, and her children have already started a family and have a full house of children and grandchildren.

The next scene made Xie Hanguang even more moved. When he confided his true identity to his family, his wife and children were full of emotion. They thought that their husbands and fathers, who had died in battle many years ago, had been on secret missions under the instructions of the party. Although his life and death have not been heard for decades, Xie Hanguang has never betrayed the party or changed his career.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

This touching scene of family reunion soon attracted the attention of the local Commission for Discipline Inspection. When the county leaders learned of Xie Hanguang's glorious revolutionary status, they immediately reported this rare and special situation to the higher authorities.

Xie Hanguang's years of incognito and uncertain life and death experience caused a great sensation at the time. A few days later, after hearing the news, the relevant leaders of the provincial party committee and the central authorities were highly concerned about the matter. The higher authorities soon sent a team to the field to understand the verification.

Subsequently, more shocking details were verified one by one: this seemingly inconspicuous old man turned out to be an underground party member who was sent to Taiwan to carry out secret missions in the 40s of the last century; For decades, he has been on the run, has never betrayed the party, has not changed his ways, and has adhered to his revolutionary beliefs unswervingly; Even in the most dangerous moments, no secrets of the organization were revealed...

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

Faced with such a rare situation, the central authorities once held a special meeting to discuss the handling of Xie Hanguang. In the end, it was decided that the leaders would personally receive the condolences and give them high commendation and preferential treatment. The central government also deliberately opened a green channel for the children and grandchildren of Xie Hanguang's family, and gave strong support in terms of further education and employment.

In this way, an originally ordinary family visit incident shocked the central high-level because of Xie Hanguang's special experience and identity. This old revolutionary, who was once regarded as a dead in battle, has been lurking for decades, repeatedly tested by life and death, and finally reunited with the great era.

The Party Central Committee solemnly received the old revolution, demonstrating the immortality of the old revolution

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the prosperity of the country and the unified leadership of the party, Xie Hanguang's special situation finally took a turn for the better. As an old underground party member who had carried out special tasks in Taiwan, he was highly valued and summoned by the central authorities.

Early one morning in March 1989, Xie Hanguang was accompanied by the staff of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and took a special bus to Beijing. It was the first time in his life that he set foot in the capital city. At his residence in Beijing, Xie Hanguang was received as powerful and enjoyed extremely high courtesy. The Central Committee has issued a clear directive to do its utmost to serve this veteran party member who has suffered for a long time.

A few days later, an important moment came, Xie Hanguang bathed and changed his clothes and tidied up his appearance. He was then escorted into a spacious interview room, accompanied by his staff. It was the top leaders of the party and the state who had been waiting there for a long time.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

Seeing the leader come to meet in person, Xie Hanguang was suddenly so excited that he had no master. As an ordinary party member, it is the greatest honor in life to be able to witness the demeanor of the leader. What is more, it is precisely the wise policy decisions and correct leadership of these great men that have enabled the cause of the party and the country to achieve today's great achievements.

In the face of the warm greetings of the great leader, the old man completely forgot the hardships and tribulations of the past, and his gratitude was overflowing. He recounted his work, life and revolutionary experiences over the years. The leaders attending the meeting all expressed their heartfelt praise and affirmation for the heroic deeds of this red party member.

At the end of the meeting, the leaders personally presented Xie Hanguang with a pennant embroidered with the words "immortal," representing the highest honor given to him by the party Central Committee for his revolutionary achievements. Xie Hanguang tearfully accepted the pennant and once again thanked the Party Central Committee for its care and attention to him.

In 1988, a 70-year-old impoverished Taiwan compatriot returned to the mainland to look for relatives, only to learn that his children and grandchildren were full of them, and his true identity alarmed the central government

Since then, Xie Hanguang's family has moved into a high-quality apartment in Beijing and enjoyed comprehensive and generous treatment. As the priority of the children in the family, many young people in the family have been given excellent opportunities to go on to higher education, and some have been directly assigned to important units. Although Xie Hanguang himself is over 90 years old, he was still specially hired to serve as a lecturer at the Central Party School to impart his theoretical and revolutionary experience for many years.

From a down-and-out man who was cared about by no one to being personally met and commended by the leaders of the Party Central Committee, Xie Hanguang's experience can be called a bizarre legend. This contains the CPC's concern for its party members and reflects its high respect for the immortal exploits of the older generation of revolutionaries.

In the case of Xie Hanguang, we see an eternal spirit – that is, loyalty to the party and the revolutionary cause. It is this noble character that makes him unswerving and unyielding in the most dangerous moments of his life. The party organization has also used practical actions to show the world that it attaches great importance to and affirms the merits of the older generation of revolutionaries.

Now that he has stopped at the end of his life, Xie Hanguang is still often invited to attend various important occasions and listen to his stories about his eventful years. Even though his gray hair is gray, he still shines brightly, attracting attention everywhere he goes. Under the face of the vicissitudes of life, there is a pure heart that will never fade.

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