
Iran betrayed Hamas! 1,500 daredevils died in vain!

author:Smart wind sound nqC

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Hamas daredevils broke into occupied areas on motorcycles, powered paragliders and other vehicles

Iran betrayed Hamas! 1,500 daredevils died in vain!

On the morning of October 7, an earth-shattering war broke out. The "Quds Force" daredevils organized by Hamas, riding motorcycles, power paragliders and other means of transportation, broke through the Israeli blockade from Gaza, broke into the occupied areas, and launched crazy attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians. Armed with homemade Rajom rocket launchers, they randomly bombarded Israeli military bases, government agencies, residential areas and other targets. It is estimated that nearly 2,000 Hamas daredevils were involved in the offensive during the operation.

The Israeli military reacted quickly and launched a large-scale liquidation operation

Iran betrayed Hamas! 1,500 daredevils died in vain!

Shocked and outraged by the Hamas raid, the Israeli military immediately mobilized its air force, army and special forces to launch a massive liquidation operation. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally commanded the war, vowing to "wipe out Hamas" once and for all. The Israeli military has used its advanced intelligence systems and weapons to ruthlessly hunt down and strike down Hamas daredevils. In the air, Israeli fighter jets and drones delivered precision strikes on Hamas vehicles and rocket artillery; On the ground, Israeli tanks and infantry cleared and blew up Hamas hideouts and strongholds. In exceptional cases, Israel has also sent special forces to raid and assassinate key Hamas targets. Hundreds of Israeli soldiers and civilians were reportedly killed and thousands injured in the war.

Hamas death squads were completely wiped out, with 1,500 bodies scattered throughout the Israeli-occupied territories

Iran betrayed Hamas! 1,500 daredevils died in vain!

After several days of fierce fighting, the Israeli military finally declared victory. On October 10, the Israeli military said it had killed more than 1,500 Hamas fighters in a "territory" clearance operation. The bodies of these Hamas daredevils are scattered in all corners of the Israeli-occupied territories, creating a grim picture. These include senior leaders, including Abu Hamza, a member of the Hamas Politburo. In addition, hundreds of Hamas daredevils have been captured or surrendered. Twenty-four hours after the start of the war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that "most Hamas members in Israel have been eliminated." After the 9th, Hamas had abandoned its "mass invasion" operation.

Iran, the financial owner behind the scenes, withdrew first

Iran betrayed Hamas! 1,500 daredevils died in vain!

However, in this bloody war, Hamas's behind-the-scenes benefactor, Iran, showed great cunning and betrayal. It is revealed that the Hamas raid was carried out with the support and guidance of Iran. Iran has provided Hamas with a large amount of money, weapons and intelligence in the hope of striking Israel and facilitating its expansion and hegemony in the Middle East. Iran also sent a number of military advisers and agents to assist Hamas in the planning and implementation of the operation. However, when Hamas was met with a strong Israeli counterattack, Iran quickly withdrew its personnel and supplies, abandoning Hamas and leaving it alone. Iran's Foreign Ministry said that the Palestinian resistance to Israel is "legitimate" and "calls on all Islamic countries to support Palestine." But in reality, Iran has not taken any substantive action, only made some empty statements and condemnations in words.

Hamas Politburo member Musa Abu Marzouk called for ceasefire talks

In this war, Hamas paid a heavy price, not only losing a lot of personnel and materials, but also losing Iran, an important ally. Hamas's reputation and influence have also taken a serious hit, and its approval rating among the Palestinian people has plummeted. Faced with such a situation, Hamas had to lower its posture and seek a peaceful solution with Israel. On 10 October, Musa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas Politburo, publicly called for "ceasefire negotiations." He said Hamas was willing to engage in direct or indirect dialogue with Israel to end the conflict and seek a long-term peace solution. He also said that Hamas is willing to accept the mediation and good offices of the United States, Russia and other countries or organizations.


This Hamas-sponsored raid on Israel was a failed adventure. Far from causing substantial damage to Israel, it has dealt a heavy blow to Hamas itself. It also exposes Iran's conspiracies and treachery in the Middle East. This war has brought more suffering and suffering to the Palestinian people and more threats and challenges to peace and stability in the Middle East. We hope that Hamas will recognize the situation, renounce violence and terrorism, live in peace with Israel and seek genuine well-being for the Palestinian people.

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