
The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

author:I am glad to hear about the world

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As the morning sun shone over the Palestinian Gaza Strip, filled with gunfire and a barrage of rocket fires, the eyes of the world were once again focused on the troubled land of the Middle East. The rockets were aimed at Israeli cities, and a new conflict quietly began. This is a conflict, a history that has no end, and a war that is embarrassing.

The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

According to Deif, head of the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Hamas fired nearly 5,000 missiles and rockets at Israel in 20 minutes. They announced the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa, an operation that began in Gaza and spread to the West Bank and abroad. For Israel, this was a sudden attack, like history repeating itself.

The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

Hamas's operation, named after the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, is both a Muslim "noble sanctuary" and a temple hill for Jews, and the controversy behind it has been plagued for years. In 1947, the United Nations drew up a partition plan that divided Palestine into two states, with the Jewish state receiving 55% of its land as Israel, and the remaining 45% belonging to present-day Palestine. In 1967, after the end of the Third Middle East War, Israel occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Since then, Israel's attempts to implement a policy of Judaization in the region have sparked strong resentment among Palestinians and Muslim groups in neighboring Arab countries.

The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

Today, Israel effectively controls most of the Palestinian state, and the Gaza Strip is at the heart of the conflict. Since the Israeli blockade of Gaza by land, sea and air in 2007, unemployment in the region has soared, poverty rates have risen sharply and residents are living in continued hardship. This Hamas attack should have sounded the alarm for Israel. Israel cannot normalize relations with Arab countries while trying to expand into Palestinian territory. The status quo is that Israel has the ability to blockade Gaza and expand Jewish settlements, but the Palestinians will not stand idly by.

The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

Not just rocket attacks, but Hamas militants have infiltrated Israeli settlements, a shocking threat. Social media was flooded with video images of Israeli border blockades being blown open, cars from Gaza pulling into Israel, and Israeli tanks occupied and burned. In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Hamas supporters celebrated the occasion. These images make us think that the threat of rockets and the infiltration of militants have made this conflict more complex than ever.

The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

The conflict took place on holidays and Sabbaths in Israel, like history repeating itself 50 years ago. On October 6, 1973, the Arab coalition of Egypt and Syria launched the Fourth Arab War against Israel on the "Day of Atonement," a traditional Jewish holiday. That war ended with Israel's victory, but it also cost Israel dearly.

The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

Today, we see the cycle of history again. This new conflict seems to have no clear end, with every change creating new contradictions, and each conflict hurting innocent people. This is not just a conflict, but an endless tragedy, a sad story, and who will write the ending of the story?

The Holy Land dispute haunts Israel: the state of war behind the expansion effort

We must not forget that the root causes of this conflict have long been laid and that the solution may not be simple. However, we can hope that, through dialogue and understanding, and through joint efforts, perhaps one day peace and stability will usher in this troubled land of the Middle East, where everyone can enjoy tranquillity and hope.

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