
The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

author:Xiao Qi came to talk

On the road of scientific and technological development, there are always some projects that are destined to become the regret of history, like a shooting star on the ground, illuminating the entire night sky in an instant, but destined to disappear in silent extinguishment. The Super Collider, hailed as the largest project in the history of American science, is the clearest example of this.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

Looking back, the launch of the U.S. Super Collider program was seen as a huge breakthrough and an important milestone in the scientific community. Keen scientists have insight that if human beings can fully grasp the mysteries at the atomic level, it will be possible to unravel the mystery of the universe and understand its basic laws. As a result, countless elite scientists have pinned their hopes on this huge temple of science and technology.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

The Super Collider is one of the proud U.S. science and technology projects, with the goal of making breakthroughs in particle physics. However, in the face of growing fees and doubts from all sides, the project gradually fell into trouble. The U.S. leadership is frustrated by the fact that thousands of dollars are poured into it without seeing the desired results. The question arises, why doesn't China build a super collider? As a rapidly developing power, China will naturally not give up its participation in this project of great scientific significance. China already has strong scientific research strength before this, and has been pursuing a leading position in science and technology. So when the U.S. Super Collider program began, China quickly expressed its willingness to join, and it made great efforts.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

China has invested a lot of energy and resources in the Super Collider program. Countless top-notch scientists and engineers squeezed their heads to participate in the project. They put aside their personal fame and fortune to pursue scientific truth and progress. However, at the very beginning, China suffered setbacks in this project. It is precisely the United States that has exploited China's aspirations and ambitions to advance its interests. The United States was the first to raise the wind, claiming that China's participation in the Super Collider program would only affect its national security. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face, which makes China indignant and frustrated. However, Chinese scientists with scientific dreams have not given up, and they continue to persevere and prove their worth with practical actions.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

Developments since then have been daunting. The United States has used international political means to throw out various conspiracy theories and restrictive policies to prevent China's normal participation in the project. They are carefully laid out, and behind the scenes, they try to turn the Super Collider project into a political tool to achieve their goals. For China, these situations can be called a dilemma of the enemy. The American Super Collider project ended in a mess and became a case of failure. China has put a lot of energy and effort into this, but these have been wasted and have not received due rewards.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

The principle of the super collider is very simple, which is to accelerate elementary particles to very high speeds, and then let them collide at extremely high energies, helping scientists observe debris and new particles. This technological feat has generated great interest and competition in many countries, including the United States.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

Why is the United States building a super collider? There's an interesting story behind it. In the last century, the United States lagged behind the USSR and Europe in the construction of colliders. At that time, the United States and the Soviet Union had been engaged in military competition, and the collider became one of the areas of this competition. In 1949, after the war, when the world was still shocked by the Union's first large particle collider, the United States was not to be outdone. That Soviet collider had a running capacity of 480 MeV, making it the world's highest-energy collider. The higher the accelerator operating energy, the more new particles are prone to particle collisions, so the operating energy is one of the important indicators to measure the performance of the collider. The Soviet Union broke the record, and for the United States, it was not only a technological backwardness, but also a challenge to face.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

Therefore, with the efforts of American scientists, it was decided to build a more advanced and higher-energy super collider. The significance of this project is not only a scientific and technological breakthrough, but also a symbol of national honor and competitiveness. The United States needs to show its strength and prove its leadership in technology. Building the Super Collider is a huge undertaking that requires a lot of money and resources. But the United States was fully committed to the program because they recognized the importance of science. Science not only offers new possibilities for progress, but also changes people's perception of the world. The Super Collider breaks new ground, helping scientists observe debris and new particles, further revealing the mysteries of the universe.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

The construction of the Super Collider has also promoted the development of the field of science and technology. In order to achieve higher operating energy, scientists are constantly exploring new acceleration technologies and advanced materials. This is not only a breakthrough for the collider itself, but also a boost to the development of the entire scientific community. The Super Collider project has a profound impact on the country's scientific strength, technological development and innovation capabilities. Soon after, the U.S.-built Super Collider also became the world's highest-energy collider, successfully breaking the Soviet record. This is not only a victory of science and technology, but also a manifestation of national pride. The United States has reinvented itself and proved its leadership in technology.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

Although the construction of the Super Collider was surpassed by scientific experimental projects in other countries in the decades that followed, its significance can never be ignored. It represents a kind of national pursuit and ambition for scientific progress, and embodies human desire and exploration of knowledge. The determination and efforts of the United States to build the Super Collider are not only a piece of history, but also an inspiring story. The construction of the super collider is not only to catch up with competitors, but also to break through the boundaries of science, change people's perception of the world, and demonstrate the strength and honor of a country. The existence of the Super Collider is not only a technological feat, but also a celebration of human ingenuity and courage. It will always inspire us to pursue the progress of science and the future of humanity.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

The American Super Collider, a high-profile science program, is officially on the table. For the United States, this project is undoubtedly of great importance, and it has been given great importance from top to bottom. Now, however, five years later, this much-anticipated megaproject has been halted. What is even more bizarre is that this way of calling the stop is simply bizarre, and it can even be said to be extremely ignorant.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

U.S. Congressman Wood Bot went so far as to say in a congressional debate: "The collider's propaganda is a fake, it has no effect at all, it can neither cure cancer, nor solve the problem of male baldness, or even guarantee that the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series." "This baseless and rational statement is simply staggering. When such absurd theories spread around the world, countless scientists sighed for it.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

After these jaw-dropping remarks, the famous Chinese-American scientist Lee Zhengdao exclaimed bitterly: "The day of the shutdown of the SSC is a black day in the history of American science." As a Nobel Prize winner, Li Zhengdao is well aware of the importance of science and the significance of development to human civilization. And Nobel Prize winner in physics Murray Gell-Mann was even more blunt: "This is a significant regression of human civilization." "Chinese scientists have always attracted much attention and expectation, and their scientific research results have aroused widespread discussion and appreciation around the world. However, just as we are proud of the great achievements of Chinese scientists in various fields, the equally regrettable news has arrived.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

China has been researching and designing particle colliders for a long time, and this huge and complex project has always attracted attention. However, due to many factors, the project never started construction. This is a great regret for Chinese scientists who have always been eager to make breakthroughs and progress in the field of science. It was during the period of reform and opening up that China actively carried out diplomacy with other countries, and exchanges and cooperation in various fields were greatly promoted. Among them, the "science diplomacy" approach has become one of the bridges for knowledge and technology exchanges between China and other countries in the world. As one of the projects with frequent exchanges between scientists at that time, the particle collider naturally became the focus of international cooperation between China and foreign countries.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

China is ready to assemble a team and devote itself to this huge scientific research project. Chinese scientists know that the construction of a large collider will have a huge boost to exchanges between China and foreign countries, especially with a scientific and technological power like the United States. As a result, they forgot to sleep and eat, and put in great effort and painstaking efforts. Just as all the preparations were almost settled, a U.S. government shutdown order came suddenly. This unexpected decision shocked and frustrated everyone. The preparation and investment of Chinese scientists in the early stage, all the energy and efforts, seem to have become meaningless, and everything seems to be in vain.

The US super collider is in ruins, not only 1 billion US dollars in the water, but also pitting China?

Although the construction of the particle collider has not yet begun, the dreams and pursuits of Chinese scientists have not faded. They still cherish the love and pursuit of science, and use their talents and efforts to explore uncharted territory.

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