
The combined forces of the United States, Japan, the Philippines and other seven countries have come, and will demonstrate their might in a large scale in the South China Sea, and the People's Liberation Army is waiting for a stern battle


Title: The Evolution of the South China Sea and China's Rise

The combined forces of the United States, Japan, the Philippines and other seven countries have come, and will demonstrate their might in a large scale in the South China Sea, and the People's Liberation Army is waiting for a stern battle

Recently, the situation in the South China Sea has heated up again, and disputes between various parties have come to the fore. China has shown a firm stance in safeguarding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, but external interference has gradually increased, and the South China Sea issue has become the focus of the international stage. This article examines the evolution of the situation in the South China Sea and the implications of China's rise.

The situation in the South China Sea has heated up

Not long ago, the Philippines attempted to create trouble near Scarborough Shoal in an attempt to recapture the island. However, China resolutely thwarted this attempt. The China Coast Guard released a series of live images that clearly show the interception of Philippine official vessels by Chinese coast guard vessels. This move proves to the world China's determination to safeguard its territorial and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.

Increase in external interference

While China has repeatedly stated its desire to resolve the South China Sea disputes through dialogue and negotiation, external forces have increasingly stepped up their involvement. In particular, the United States is actively wooing Western countries in an attempt to play a greater role in the situation in the South China Sea. Previous seven-nation exercises and multiple joint cruises have shown that the United States is concerned about the situation in the South China Sea.

China's firm response

The combined forces of the United States, Japan, the Philippines and other seven countries have come, and will demonstrate their might in a large scale in the South China Sea, and the People's Liberation Army is waiting for a stern battle

In the face of external interference, China has always maintained professionalism and restraint. The China Coast Guard has shown a high degree of professionalism in the process of law enforcement, which also shows that China has made sufficient preparations and planning on the South China Sea issue. Despite increasing external pressure, China has always firmly upheld its sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

The impact of China's rise

As the world's second largest economy, China's real industrial capacity continues to rise. China has made remarkable achievements in shipbuilding and automobile exports. Despite the general downturn in the world's major economies, China's economy still maintains strong growth. This gives China the ability to increase its economic and military influence on the international stage.

External challenges and internal dilemmas

However, despite China's remarkable rise, China also faces challenges and dilemmas. The overall weakness of the West, and especially the internal problems of the United States, have made the United States less dominant in the global role. The wave of multilateralism has also made global rule-making more equitable and inclusive. Therefore, China needs to carefully address external challenges, while focusing on domestic issues to maintain its rising momentum.


The evolution of the situation in the South China Sea has aroused widespread concern from the international community. China has shown a firm stance in safeguarding its own rights and interests, but external interference is also increasing. China's rise has brought new dynamics to the situation in the South China Sea, but China also needs to face external challenges and internal difficulties. In the ever-changing international environment, China will continue to play an important role and contribute to regional stability and global peace.

The combined forces of the United States, Japan, the Philippines and other seven countries have come, and will demonstrate their might in a large scale in the South China Sea, and the People's Liberation Army is waiting for a stern battle