
The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

author:Studious and serious flower cat

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189-190 AD was the last period of peace in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but many major events took place in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In 190 AD, Dong Zhuo deposed the Shao Emperor and established himself as emperor, which became the biggest event at that time. But why did Dong Zhuo dare to do this? During the Eastern Han Dynasty, which prided itself on high festivals, power was not the only foundation. Dong Zhuo's power base was not solid, but he became the master of the empire. Why? He must have done his homework and got the tacit approval of the other ministers. But surprisingly, Dong Zhuo once privately consulted another person. What is this opinion? What is the background of this person? What preparations did Dong Zhuo make? All these questions remain to be answered.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

Once, there was a rising political star, Yuan Shao, who during the Eastern Han Dynasty, made friends with celebrities, especially party members, by virtue of his background and official reputation, in order to enhance his career and reputation. His fame even spread throughout the country, and guests rushed to his court. However, this aroused the fear of the eunuchs in power, allowing Zhao Zhong to warn Yuan Shao through his uncle Yuan Kui. Just as the general He Jin was recruiting staff, Yuan Shao was appointed as a rafter. After that, Yuan Shao successively served as the imperial historian and the great general Hu Bian. This experience made He Jin regard Yuan Shao as a confidant, and Yuan Shao's shadow can be seen in many things He Jin did later. Yuan Shao once abandoned the official and fled to Jizhou, and Pei Songzhi said that the words in this account are exaggerated, but judging from the fact that Yuan Shao fled, this fact did happen.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

So, the question is, why would Yuan Shao, a nephew, be valued so much by Dong Zhuo and discuss with him in advance? After He Jin's battle with the eunuchs, the Eastern Han government entered a brief period of power vacancy. Everyone was speculating about who could compete for the supreme power throne of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Yuan family became the first choice. Yuan Shao, Yuan Wei, and Yuan Shu all held important positions in Jingshi and held real power. In the process of chasing and killing the eunuchs, Yuan Shi also showed great attention. But does Yuan Shao really have the idea of competing for power? Let's continue to follow the development of Eastern Han politics and see to what extent this relatively absurd historical plot will be unfolded. Yuan Shao gave He Jin the idea of bringing in foreign troops into Beijing, which was a very attractive strategy. Dong Zhuo, as a former official of Yuan Shao, reacted strangely. Yuan Shao persuaded He Jin to confirm his true identity.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

However, Yuan Shao soon fell into a passive situation. Dong Zhuo asked Yuan Shao for advice and wooed his relatives, showing the strength of the Yuan family, but their reaction was interesting. Yuan Shao fled to Jizhou, while Yuan Wei directly agreed to Dong Zhuo's move to depose Emperor. These phenomena show that Dong Zhuo holds the initiative. So, why did Yuan Shao fail to rise and instead let Dong Zhuo become the master? In 189 AD, Dong Zhuo's luck was really good. Dong Zhuo had always been uneasy about his status as a local warlord, so He Jin summoned foreign troops into Beijing. Dong Zhuo had no roots in Luoyang, but successfully kidnapped the emperor from the palace, and Dong Zhuo's army in Beijing consisted of only 3,000 men. He Jin happened to die, and his subordinates defected to Dong Zhuo. With their support and strong army, Dong Zhuo began to have competitive capital. Although Dong Zhuo is a warlord, he has a strong political mind.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

Dong Zhuo had his own army in Liangzhou, and he refused the conscription of the imperial court and gained the support of the Eastern Khan regime. Dong Zhuo also eliminated He Jin's military successor, leaving him an opportunity. This shows that Dong Zhuo is a warlord with political wisdom. Through careful planning, Dong Zhuo demonstrated his political skills as a warlord. Behind the introduction of foreign troops into Beijing, Dong Zhuo's scheme was hidden. He used his luck to successfully seize control of the emperor. Dong Zhuo's political skills enabled him to cope with various situations and succeed. However, Yuan Shao failed to take advantage of the good cards he held, and instead made Dong Zhuo the master. This begs the question, how can one warlord succeed through political manoeuvres while the other is passive.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

Summary: Dong Zhuo used his political acumen and luck to successfully seize control of the emperor. His political skills enabled him to deal with various situations with success. Although Yuan Shao held a good card, he failed to take advantage of the opportunity, but instead let Dong Zhuo become the master. This story teaches us that political success depends not only on luck, but also on wisdom and strategy. So, how can we use political maneuvers to succeed in real life? Please leave a message to share your thoughts. Dong Zhuo, who shocked the people of Luoyang, relied on an army of 3,000, but he felt that his troops were insufficient and he was worried that he would not be obeyed. So, he cleverly moved his troops out of the city at night, and then re-entered Luoyang during the day.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

This strategy not only confused everyone, but also attracted forces in Luoyang City, including the Dangyu faction and the Union Prefecture faction. In particular, Ding Yuan, who was sent by the Union State, was reused in Dong Zhuo's scheme. However, Ding Yuan did not have enough political foundation to take power alone, and was eventually subdued by Dong Zhuo's forces. And Zhang Liao and others, who belonged to the same faction as Ding Yuan, also turned to him under the coercion of Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo thus strengthened his military power and successfully conquered the Hezhou faction and the He Jinyu party. Dong Zhuo is like a magical magician, skillfully arranged, and finally has the power to crush the crowd. He completed the accumulation of strength and the promotion of his status in a very short time, and became the chief doctor of the Eastern Han government. The rise of Dong Zhuo makes people wonder whether his hegemony can last?

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

Will his rule bring more turmoil? Please leave your comments. Important opportunities were missed, and Yuan Shao missed the best opportunity to confront Dong Zhuo head-on. When Dong Zhuo had just entered Luoyang, Yuan Shao already had the opportunity to close the Northern Palace and eliminate the eunuchs, but he did not dare to act because he was afraid of Dong Zhuo's relocation plan. When Bao Xin warned Yuan Shao that Dong Zhuo had his own army and agenda, and if he did not strike in time, he would inevitably encounter disaster, Yuan Shao was afraid of Dong Zhuo and did not dare to speak. Yuan Shao's mistake gave Dong Zhuo an opportunity, and he found Yuan Shao for a dialogue, exposing Yuan Shao's true thoughts. Yuan Shao was so frightened by Dong Zhuo's intimidation that he left Jizhou the next day. Yuan Wei remained in the central government, without soldiers, reputation and prestige, unable to disobey Dong Zhuo, which led to the abolition of the establishment.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

After Yuan Shao fled Luoyang, he couldn't wait to send troops to attack Dong Zhuo, which also led to the question of whether Jizhou Mu Hanfu should help the Yuan family or the Dong family. This question is very thought-provoking and reveals the contradictions in Yuan Shao's heart. On the one hand, Yuan Shao feared the risk of a head-on confrontation with Dong Zhuo, and on the other hand, he was unwilling to lose power. Yuan Shao is unwilling to take risks and just wants to reap the benefits, which is the fundamental reason why he missed the best opportunity. Summary: Yuan Shao hesitated in the face of the critical moment of confrontation with Dong Zhuo, afraid of the relocation plan, afraid of Dong Zhuo's intimidation, which eventually led to the loss of the best opportunity to confront Dong Zhuo. His mentality and actions reflect his ambivalence about power and risk. For Yuan Shao, he should bravely face the challenge, act positively, and not just try to reap profits. Only by taking the initiative can we have a chance to change the situation.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

Therefore, we should also pay attention to the critical moments of life and not miss opportunities because of fear of risks. If you were Yuan Shao, how would you deal with Dong Zhuo's threat? How do you think he should seize the opportunity to fight Dong Zhuo? Yuan Shao, a ruler who had the opportunity to become the ruler of the Eastern Han Dynasty, missed his last chance because of his character and thoughts. After the formation of the Sour Jujube Alliance, Yuan Shao could have taken military action, but he chose to support Liu Yu as emperor, a move that makes one wonder if he just wanted to establish his own archway. Yuan Shao's tragedy was caused by his own character. After Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, Yuan Shao became his greatest rival, but unfortunately, although Yuan Shao was widely welcomed, he was unwilling to take any risks and eventually missed the opportunity for power after He Jin's death. This allowed Dong Zhuo to rise smoothly.

The truth behind the dispute, the truth of peace in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is revealed!

Yuan Shao lost the opportunity, but he was unwilling to accept reality, and Dong Zhuo struggled to get to the top, which naturally could not satisfy Yuan Shao. Thus, as Yuan Shao and the Yuan clan lost their last chance to rule the world, they also lost the last glimmer of hope for peace in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Yuan Shao's story tells us that a person's character and thoughts determine his destiny, and only by daring to take risks and dare to act can he seize opportunities and achieve his goals. So, do you think Yuan Shao's failure is due to his character or something else? Have you had a similar experience? Please leave a message to share your thoughts.

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