
The "ugly star" giant Xingmao counterattack road, magnificent!

author:Optimist Research Institute

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This article tells the legendary life of Ju Xingmao, an actor and director, the difficulties and setbacks he faced on the road to acting, and how he persevered in pursuing his dreams and finally succeeded. Juxingmao's tenacity and fighting spirit have provided us with valuable inspiration.


Ju Xingmao's story reflects the cruelty and fierce competition in the entertainment industry. He has been ridiculed since he was a child for his appearance, but he firmly believes that acting skills change everything. His life in Beijing was hard, but he never gave up and worked hard for his dream of being an actor. Even if it was just a trick at first, he went all out and constantly improved his acting skills. He eventually gained the recognition of director Guo Jingyu and became a director with great success.

The "ugly star" giant Xingmao counterattack road, magnificent!

This story underscores the importance of persistence and hard work. No matter how the outside world views his appearance, Ju Xingmao has proved himself with his acting talent. Not satisfied with just being an actor, he bravely tried his career as a director, and achieved outstanding achievements in it. This is a true success story that tells us that as long as we have a dream, we should pursue it firmly and never give up no matter how difficult it is.

Personal opinion:

Juxingmao's story is very inspiring. His tenacity and persistent pursuit of dreams are the keys to success. No matter how the outside world evaluates, as long as you have faith, hard work and perseverance, you can overcome all difficulties and achieve your goals. In addition, his story also reflects the hardships of the entertainment industry, and there are often countless hard work behind his success.

The "ugly star" giant Xingmao counterattack road, magnificent!

The story also reminds us that appearance is not the only factor that determines a person's success. Inner talent, hard work, and courage are equally important. We should not feel inferior or give up pursuing our dreams because of our appearance. Instead, we should face challenges positively, believe in our own value, and move forward courageously.

Revelation and Truth:

Perseverance: Juxingmao's story teaches us that perseverance is the key to success. No matter how difficult and setbacks you encounter, as long as you persist in pursuing your dream, you will have a chance to achieve it.

Inner talent: Appearance is not the only factor in success. Inner talent, hard work, and courage are just as important and can change destiny.

The "ugly star" giant Xingmao counterattack road, magnificent!

Brave Attempts: Ju Xingmao is not just an actor, but also tries to become a director and eventually succeeds. We should be brave enough to try new areas and not be limited by our comfort zone.

Selfless help: Guo Jingyu's help and guidance to Juxingmao is an important support for his success. Helping and cooperating with each other can achieve more.


Juxingmao's story is a model of perseverance and struggle. He used his hard work and talent to break the limitations of appearance and achieved remarkable success. His experience tells us that as long as we have dreams, we must pursue them firmly and not be afraid of difficulties and setbacks. Inner talent and courage are more important than physical appearance, and success depends on one's own effort and confidence. At the same time, mutual help and cooperation are also important factors in realizing dreams. Whether in the entertainment industry or other fields, Ju Xingmao's story is worth learning and learning from.

The "ugly star" giant Xingmao counterattack road, magnificent!

As we delve into Ju Xingmao's story, we can start from a few key points to gain a deeper understanding of his success and philosophy of life.

First of all, Ju Xingmao's story emphasizes the power of self-confidence and persistence in life. Although he was once considered "too ugly" and even ridiculed, he was never frustrated by his appearance. Instead, he focused on improving his acting skills and acting abilities, and eventually gained recognition for his outstanding performance. This reminds us that self-confidence and persistence are the keys to achieving our dreams. No matter how the outside world views you, as long as you believe in your own value and bravely face challenges, you will have the opportunity to create your own brilliance.

The "ugly star" giant Xingmao counterattack road, magnificent!

Secondly, Ju Xingmao's story also reflects the uncertainty and fierce competition in the entertainment industry. Success is not easy in this field, and the path to success is often full of bumps and setbacks. Through long-term efforts and unremitting pursuit, Juxingmao finally achieved success. This reminds us that no matter what field, we need to have patience and perseverance and persevere in striving for our dreams.

In addition, Juxingmao's story also emphasizes the intrinsic value and talent. While appearance may be the first impression, ultimately our inner qualities and abilities are truly memorable. His acting skills and talent allowed him to rise from a small supporting role to a successful director. This reminds us to focus on our inner growth and development, constantly upgrading our skills and talents to achieve greater achievement.

Finally, Ju Xingmao's story also emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships and cooperation. His mentor, Guo Jingyu, was indispensable for his help and guidance. On the road to pursuing your dreams, helping and cooperating with each other is essential. We can learn that building positive relationships and finding the right partners can be a huge help in our careers and lives.

All in all, Juxingmao's story is a model full of inspiration and inspiration. His success not only demonstrates the strength of tenacity and self-confidence, but also highlights the value of inner talent and collaboration. This story tells us that no matter what the external environment is, as long as we have dreams and are willing to work hard for them, we can create our own wonderful life. I hope that Juxingmao's story can continue to inspire more people to bravely pursue their dreams and create their own success stories.

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