
Today's cold dew, come to a bowl of white fruit jade bamboo chicken soup to nourish the lungs to make up for it!

author:Shangguan News
Today's cold dew, come to a bowl of white fruit jade bamboo chicken soup to nourish the lungs to make up for it!

Cold dew season words health

Cold dew is the seventeenth solar term of the twenty-four solar terms and the fifth solar term in autumn. After the cold dew, the height of the sun continues to decrease, and the temperature drops a lot compared to the white dew solar term, and the cold dew condenses, so it is called "cold dew".

Today's cold dew, come to a bowl of white fruit jade bamboo chicken soup to nourish the lungs to make up for it!

Nourish the lungs when cold dew

Entering the cold dew, there is cold air going south, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the autumn dryness is obvious. After the weather is cool, many people instinctively like warmth and heat, and it is easy to have internal heat on fire, which is not conducive to yin. Late autumn is cold and dry, and should be mainly based on maintaining yin essence, as Chinese medicine says in the four times of health: "Spring and summer nourish the yang, autumn and winter nourish the yin." Therefore, in terms of diet, it is necessary to eat more nourishing and dry food.

White fruit jade bamboo chicken soup

Today's cold dew, come to a bowl of white fruit jade bamboo chicken soup to nourish the lungs to make up for it!

Goji berry: flat in nature, sweet in taste. Nourishes liver and kidney, improves shrewd eyes.

Red dates: warm, sweet. Nourish the stomach and nourish the stomach.

Yam: Sex flat, sweet taste. Nourish the spleen and stomach, benefit the lungs and kidneys.

Lily: Cold, sweet. Nourish the yin and moisturize the lungs, clear the mind and calm the mind.

Coix kernel: cool, sweet. Strengthen spleen moisture, remove paralysis and stop diarrhea.

Yuzhu: Flat sex, sweet taste. Nourish yin and dryness, nourish and quench thirst.

White fruit: flat sex, sweet taste. Hold the lungs and stabilize asthma, stop the belt shrinkage of urine.

Medicinal dietary materials

Today's cold dew, come to a bowl of white fruit jade bamboo chicken soup to nourish the lungs to make up for it!

10g of goji berries, 6 red dates, 10g of yam,

Lily 5g, Coix Kernel 20g, Yuzhu 5g,

White fruit 10g, hen 500g,

Ginger, green onion, salt to taste.

Medicated meal steps

1. Wash the hen and cut it into chunks of water, add an appropriate amount of ginger and shallot to the water, pour the chicken into the water after boiling, and take out the ginger and shallot;

2. Peel the white fruit and rinse the rest of the ingredients. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and put in all the ingredients except goji berries;

3. After boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 2-3 hours, add goji berries half an hour before coming out of the pot, and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste after the soup is ready.

Medicated dietary efficacy and contraindications

The effect of baiguo jade bamboo chicken soup is to nourish yin, moisturize the lungs and strengthen the spleen.

Contraindications: White fruit has small poison, should not eat too much at one time.

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