
Cold dew today! Autumn is deep and dewy Doing these things well will make you live longer and prolong your life

author:Beijing Satellite TV
Cold dew today! Autumn is deep and dewy Doing these things well will make you live longer and prolong your life



"Cold dew frightens the autumn evening, looking at the chrysanthemum gradually yellow"

——Tang Yuanshu, "Yong Twenty Four Qi Poems Cold Dew September Festival"

After the double holiday, the autumn atmosphere becomes stronger. Today is the "cold dew" of the twenty-four solar terms, if "white dew" is the transition from heat to cool, then "cold dew" is the transition from cool to cold, at this time the dew is cold and shining, as if the autumn mourning condensed into crystal tears, "cold dew cold dew, cold dew everywhere". The earth gradually becomes bleak and silent, the fallen leaves sway to the soil, and the cycle of nature and the change of life are thought-provoking.

Cold dew season, the temperature gradually decreases, do not blindly "autumn freeze" at this time, for patients with weak physique, allergic rhinitis, asthma, digestive diseases and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, this season cold evil is easy to invade the body to induce old diseases, it is recommended to do a good job of keeping warm, morning and evening pay attention to appropriate addition of clothes. In addition, do not mess with "sticking autumn fat", although autumn is a good time for supplementation, you also need to pay attention to balanced nutrition and moderate supplementation. In particular, obese people and patients with gout, three highs, pancreatitis, gallstones, chronic nephritis, gastroenteritis and other diseases should eat less fatty and greasy food to avoid discomfort or even aggravate the condition. So how should you eat healthy after cold dew?

Eat oranges 1 orange = 4 flavors of "medicine"

Tangerines are seasonal fruits in autumn, not only do they taste good, but their nutritional and medicinal benefits should not be underestimated! The vitamin C content in oranges is among the highest among fruits and is a good source of vitamin supplements in autumn. Moreover, oranges have the highest potassium content and carotene content, and are also rich in dietary fiber, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients, which are helpful in protecting blood vessels, assisting in lowering blood pressure, protecting eyes and eyes, protecting skin, and enhancing immunity. Eating oranges often can quench thirst, relieve cough and moisturize the lungs, and effectively relieve some symptoms of autumn dryness.

In addition to the sweet and sour orange pulp, the little oranges are full of treasures. Orange nucleus can dissolve phlegm and disperse, reduce swelling and relieve pain, orange network, can loosen the liver and stomach, dissolve phlegm circulation, for cough phlegm, long-term cough, chest tightness shortness of breath, hiccups and regurgitation can play a certain conditioning role, orange leaves have the effect of thinning liver qi, clinically often used to assist the treatment of liver qi discomfort, liver qi stasis and other conditions. Orange peel contains a large amount of vitamin C and sesame oil essence and other ingredients, which has the effect of rational gas, phlegm and dampness. However, although oranges are good, they need to be eaten moderately, and people with poor kidney function and poor blood sugar control should not eat oranges in large quantities.

Cold dew today! Autumn is deep and dewy Doing these things well will make you live longer and prolong your life

Nourish the yin and dryness, nourish the lungs and drink five juices

The five juices drink comes from Wu Jutong's "Wen Disease Article Discrimination", which was originally a prescription to treat warm disease and thirst. Regular use can moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, nourish and quench thirst, not only for autumn and winter dry cough, but also to relieve dry skin, dry nose itching and other problems.


100g snow pear, 100g lotus root, 50g water chestnut, 10g fresh aloe root, 10g wheat dong


Cut the snow pear, lotus root and water chestnut into small pieces, put them into the crushing chamber of the wall breaker together with the reed root and wheat dong, and then add 500ml of mineral water (or warm white open) to the crushing chamber, select the "fruit and vegetable juice" function, press the start button, and wait for completion.

Pay attention to people with spleen deficiency and loose stools should not drink.

Cold dew today! Autumn is deep and dewy Doing these things well will make you live longer and prolong your life

Almond perilla tea

Xingsu exudes from the famous prescription in the famous Qing Dynasty physician Wu Jutong's "Wen Sick Article Discrimination" to treat coolness. In response to this recipe, the "Yangshengtang" program has refined a special tea substitute, which is suitable for people with cold and dry symptoms.

Cold dew today! Autumn is deep and dewy Doing these things well will make you live longer and prolong your life

【Medicinal Herbs】

6g almonds, 10g perilla, 5g brown sugar


Peel or powder almonds, boil for 5-10 minutes, add perilla, soak for about 10 minutes, you can add an appropriate amount of brown sugar according to your taste.


Almonds are warm and bitter, and have the effect of laxative, cough and qi reduction. Perilla Xinwen has the effect of dissolving phlegm and regulating qi and dissolving divergence. Brown sugar can moisturize the heart and lungs. This can prevent or adjunct to the treatment of dryness.