
Yizhang: Heart-warming service polishes the beauty of the landscape

author:New Hunan

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client, October 7 (Correspondent Li Yongdong) During the "Double Festival", the autumn air is refreshing, suitable for travel, and tourists in tourist attractions have a "blowout", in order to cope with the peak of passenger flow, Yizhang County strives to create personalized, characteristic and heart-warming services, continuously improve the quality of tourism services and tourist satisfaction, and polish the beauty of mountains and rivers with heart-warming services.

Yizhang: Heart-warming service polishes the beauty of the landscape

On September 29, the first day of the super "Golden Week" holiday, tourists from all over the world came one after another. In the newly put into use tourist service center in Yizhang Mangshan, the scenic area staff is patiently and meticulously providing tourists with various tourism consulting services, orderly guiding tourists in and out of the scenic spot, in the emergency command center, the staff always pay attention to the real-time monitoring large screen, and at any time for various emergency situations for command and dispatch, the scene is tense and orderly. "The tourist service center integrates risk prevention and control, supervision and management, guarantee services, and emergency rescue, and can monitor and timely coordinate scheduling in real time to deal with emergencies in scenic spots." Cheng Jun, general manager of Chenzhou Mangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said: "During the 'Double Festival', all staff in the scenic area canceled their vacations and stayed at their posts in 24-hour shifts to ensure the safety of tourists. ”

On September 30, when the traffic in the Wuzhifeng Scenic Area of Yizhang Mangshan was endless, the flow of people was like weaving, and at 10:45, a tourist bus full of 57 tourists drove to the section of Shenggong Tan Village in Fengli Town, near the Mangshan Scenic Area, due to insufficient fuel for the vehicle, the vehicle could not drive, causing road traffic jams.

After receiving the call for help, the nearby police on duty immediately stepped forward to take safety protection measures and comfort the drivers and passengers. At the same time, it was reported to the Yizhang County Holiday Tourism Emergency Command, and the headquarters immediately activated the emergency plan. Considering that the scene of the incident was 22 kilometers away from the nearest gas station, plus all the mountain roads were all mountain roads, and it took a long time to go back and forth, the traffic police department quickly dispatched police forces to the Wuzhifeng Scenic Ropeway Station, 5 kilometers away, to transport car fuel with professional oil drums. At the same time, he worked with volunteers of Yizhang County Good People Association and scenic area staff to do a good job in traffic facilitation and tourists comfort and explanation. After the bus was quickly restarted, the passenger, Mr. Liu, said gratefully: "Your help is really too timely, otherwise we don't know what to do." Subsequently, the traffic police and volunteers of Yizhang County Good People Association and scenic area staff immediately dredged the vehicles at the scene, and by 11:30, the road was restored to open traffic.

Yizhang: Heart-warming service polishes the beauty of the landscape

During the "Double Festival", the Yizhang Mangshan Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area Fu Delivery Project began trial operation, and tourists from all over the world came to experience. When entering the parking lot of the scenic spot, the staff incarnated as "artificial traffic lights" and "service + guidance" to reasonably guide tourists to divert, reduce congestion as much as possible, and ensure the smooth, safe and orderly road up and down the mountain. "The scenery is very beautiful, the service attitude of the staff is very enthusiastic, will give you directions, explain some precautions for play, etc., and give a big praise to the scenic spot." Mr. Feng from Guangdong gave a thumbs up and said that this trip to Mangshan was very comfortable, and the overall feeling was more beautiful.

The Mid-Autumn Festival National Day Golden Week holiday tourism service is a major test of the quality of tourism service of "Chenxin Service", Yizhang goes all out and works together to ensure that tourists have fun and swim comfortably. Yizhang County New Era Civilization Practice Good People Association has set up a number of good people volunteer service posts along the intersection of Huangsha Expressway to the east and west gates of Mangshan Scenic Area, and selected more than 200 outstanding good people volunteers to solve problems for tourists and add color to the "city of good people". In order to solve the problem of self-driving travel congestion, Yizhangmangshan Mountain Area joined hands with traffic, traffic police, and townships along the way, launched temporary parking lots on roads, rented more than 40 buses, set up multiple stops, ferried tourists for free, and sent free love bread and milk to tourists at 6:30 p.m. Traffic police and traffic officers are all on duty, guiding tourists to get on and off the bus, maintaining road order, preventing vehicles and tourists from blocking the road, and affecting the sense of travel experience.

Yizhang: Heart-warming service polishes the beauty of the landscape

On October 2, a heavy rain disrupted the shuttle bus pick-up order, and some tourists queued for up to 3 hours before taking the return ferry bus, Yizhang Mangshan Wuzhifeng Scenic Area sent a letter of apology in time, and invited tourists who purchased tickets to Wuzhifeng on the same day to watch the first fog of the year in Mangshan Wuzhifeng Scenic Area for free. On October 5th, the temperature dropped sharply, the Mang Mountain View Area was foggy and light rain, and the Five Finger Peak Scenic Area also specially provided tourists with brown sugar and ginger tea to drive away the cold and warm up, and the intimate service was praised by tourists.

According to the statistics of the cultural and tourism department of Yizhang County, during the eight days of the super "Golden Week", the county received a total of 485,300 tourists, and tourists experienced the pragmatic measures of "responding to accidents and falling into place", making the ecological appearance of Yizhang Mountain and Water more beautiful.

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