
Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

author:Released by Longnanli County

Source: From Baidu Famous Doctor Online Network

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Two women in Yongcheng, Henan Province, were poisoned after eating cold skin, causing 1 death and 1 severe illness, and the woman's family said in an interview with the media that after testing, the two were rice fermentation acid poisoning.

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

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Who would have thought that a bowl of plain cold skin could kill a person?

And foods like cold skin that may harbor deadly risks are actually common in our lives.


—The First—

Black fungus that has been soaked for a long time

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Properly treated dried fungus itself is non-toxic, but if soaked for too long, it can be contaminated with a bacterium called Pseudomonas coco-toxin, which can be killed by high-temperature cooking, but long-term immersion and suitable environment can cause it to produce a deadly toxin that resists high temperature, rice fermentation acid.

That's right, it's the deadly toxin in the opening news that causes 1 death and 1 severe illness.

After consumption, mild vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, weakness, severe cases can cause shock or death.

The incubation period is generally 30 minutes ~ 12 hours, and a few can be as long as 1 ~ 2 days.

· Serving recommendations

Eat fresh, soak for no more than 2 hours, if you find that the fungus has a peculiar smell or the surface is sticky to the touch, do not eat it for the sake of safety

· Similar to food

Silver fungus; Lentinula edodes; Mushroom; soy products, such as bean skin, curd bamboo; Fermented cereal products, such as wet pho, wet rice flour, rice dumplings, etc.; Potato products, such as vermicelli, cold peel, etc.


—The Second—

Sprouted potatoes

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Ripe potatoes are non-toxic and harmless and can be safely eaten, but green unripe potatoes or sprouted potatoes contain a high level of toxin solanine, which can cause poisoning after consumption.

The incubation period of poisoning varies from minutes ~ hours, and the toxin will irritate the gastric mucosa, resulting in nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe coma convulsions and death; If the child is poisoned, it may also cause cerebral hypoxia ischemic damage, affecting intellectual development.

· Serving recommendations

Green-skinned, underripe, sprouted potatoes try not to eat, gouging out the bud eyes may have a certain effect, but there is no guarantee that it will be fine, it is better to throw it away for the sake of safety.

· Similar to food

Other nightshade plants such as green tomatoes, eggplants, tarragon.


—The Third—

Contaminated homemade liquor

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Although homemade wine is cheap and will be very rewarding in the process, due to unscientific brewing methods, irregular operation procedures, inadequate disinfection, lack of testing conditions and other factors, it is likely to lead to excessive methanol and the growth of a large number of bacteria, resulting in the accumulation of toxic substances.

After drinking, it may cause poisoning, chest tightness, palpitation, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and other phenomena, and severe cases may cause blindness or even death.

· Serving recommendations

Alcohol, it is best to not make home, choose regular goods on the market, safe and taste better.

If you must make your own home, you must pay attention to ensuring the freshness of raw materials, the safety and hygiene of the operation process, and the temperature control of the fermentation environment.

· Similar to food

Homemade foods such as yogurt, enzymes, pickles, and sour soup cannot ensure the safety and hygiene of the entire process, and what you can buy in the supermarket is better to spend money on.


—The Fourth—

Unwashed raw fruits and vegetables, salads

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Raw fruits and vegetables and salads that have not been adequately cleaned are likely to lurk a serious threat to newborns, pregnant women, children, adults over 40 years old and other immunocompromised people - Listeria, which is one of the deadliest foodborne pathogens and is widely present in refrigerators.

3~70 days after infection, fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and even sepsis, meningitis and other symptoms will occur, and pregnant women may cause miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal sepsis and other consequences.

· Serving recommendations

As a susceptible group, pregnant women and children need to pay extra attention, be sure to eat fully heated food, avoid raw food, and at the same time need to pay attention to keeping the kitchen clean and raw and cooked separately.

· Similar to food

Cold-processed meats such as ham, bacon, luncheon meats; raw meat, such as steaks cooked in three, five, and seven, raw seafood such as sashimi, drunken shrimp, pickled shrimp, crab; Raw eggs; Unpasteurized raw milk or raw juice.


—The Fifth—

Undercooked green beans

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Uncooked green beans contain harmful substances such as saponin and phytoagglutinin, which can cause strong irritation to the mucosa of the digestive tract and cause food poisoning.

After ingesting unripe green beans, the incubation period of poisoning is 10 minutes ~ 5 hours, mainly manifested as gastroenteritis symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, and may be accompanied by dizziness, palpitation, chest tightness, numbness of limbs and other poisoning symptoms, after treatment will get a better recovery.

· Serving recommendations

When eating bean products such as green beans, you should cook them at high temperatures as much as possible, preferably to change color, and eat without the smell of beans.

· Similar to food

Undercooked legumes such as peas, lentils, kidney beans, soybeans.


—The Sixth—

Unboiled soy milk

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Similar to green beans, soybeans also contain saponins, plant lectins, trypsin inhibin, etc., although the toxicity of soybeans is slightly weaker, if a large amount of unboiled soy milk is ingested, it will still cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and diarrhea.

· Serving recommendations

Here you need to pay special attention to the false boiling phenomenon of soy milk, raw soy milk boiled to about 90 °C will appear a large amount of white foam, but at this time soy milk is not cooked, should continue to heat for 3~5 minutes to be really cooked.

Uncooked soy milk or raw soy milk usually has a more obvious bean smell, return to the pot and cook for a few minutes or simply do not drink it.

· Similar to food

Undercooked legumes.


—The Seventh—

Bitter melon seeds, peanuts

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Melon seeds and peanuts taste bitter because they have molded, which means that they may contain a deadly toxin, aflatoxin.

Because of its strong hepatotoxicity and teratogenic effects, it is listed as a Class 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer under the World Health Organization, that is, a clear human carcinogen.

Starch, protein, fat and other nutrients in nuts, high temperature and high humidity environment, are the best soil for aflatoxin reproduction

· Serving recommendations

Don't eat weird-tasting, moldy grains, oils and nuts, Aspergillus flavus is spread in the form of spores, and once mold occurs, the whole package of food may have been contaminated!

· Similar to food

Nuts, dried fruits, corn, sorghum, wheat, rice, etc.


—The Eighth—

How to deal with food poisoning urgently

1. Induce vomiting

Quick check! These foods carry a risk of poisoning and can be fatal if ingested

Immediately stimulate the throat to induce vomiting, you can stimulate the throat with fingers or chopsticks, or use natural emetics such as salt or plum to spit out the toxic food remaining in the stomach.

2. Gastric lavage

If vomiting is unsuccessful, you can try to stimulate the throat with fingers or chopsticks, causing vomiting, while drinking plenty of water, repeatedly, until the remaining toxic food in the stomach is cleaned.

3. Catharsis

If there are obvious symptoms of poisoning within 6 hours of eating, laxatives can be used to empty the stomach of toxic residues.

4. Rehydration

Appropriate amount of water, salt, etc. according to the situation to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body.

5. Keep samples

Determining what is causing food poisoning is critical to subsequent treatment, so be sure to keep the food or vomit that may be causing the poisoning after a food poisoning so that the hospital can test it.

Of course, the above methods are for reference only, and the safer way is to call an ambulance immediately regardless of the severity of the symptoms and send them to the hospital in time.

Okay, that's it for today.

Many health risks are "saved", those improperly handled dangerous foods, should be thrown away, don't accidentally eat big problems!

If you still have any "dangerous" food you want to add, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to let more people be aware of potential food safety risks.

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