
Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

author:The self-talking president

Welcome to: The Talking President

Today, let's talk about a very powerful urban legend - the truth of the Doomsday Flood.

In 2009, when the movie "2012" was released, the legend began to spread quietly.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

"2012" is not a movie, they say, and that the CIA and the world's elites have long known about the apocalyptic ending.

Since the time of Darwin, they have been quietly studying.

By the 1960s, they had the truth, but they chose to hide it and continue to tell us that Darwin was right, species are evolving, and everything is fine on Earth...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

However, there are always those rebellious geologists who raise their arms and shout, floods, floods that destroy the world...

Perhaps, the Eye of the Sahara is not a geological wonder at all.

The Sphinx and Pumapungu are also not ancient ruins.

They are the testimony of the Great Flood, the truth of those doomsday floods...

1923 University of Chicago

In 1923, Dr. J Harlen Bretz had just completed a 12-year expedition to the Columbian plateau.

He said in his thesis that the flood, everything is a flood.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

The gullies of the Columbia Highlands, Puget Sound in Seattle, are all testimonies of a prehistoric flood.

Those barren deserts are rivers, not valleys, they are scars on the earth, once swept away by super floods.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

There are dry falls ruins on the plateau that are 5 times or even 10 times larger than Niagara Falls.

Prehistoric floods devastated the place...

Soon after, Dr. J was talking in Washington, D.C., and the naysayers were saying with mathematical formulas, we've figured it out for you, causing what you call the Channeled Scablands, which would require 170 billion cubic meters of flooding a day through the Wallula Gap, so tell us, where is the water?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Dr. J had not yet discovered the source of water, but a flood was a flood, and were the shocking geological wonders on the plateau not enough to prove it?

The opponents seized the opportunity, they turned into judges, and in a condescending tone, geological wonders?

Well, according to your wonders, we calculated that the total amount of water exceeded 2 trillion cubic meters, or that question, water source, water source where is it?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In the end, Dr. J lost to mathematics, and he has since been nailed to the stigma of Catastrophism.

However, 40 years later, another scientist who was not afraid of death preached the catastrophe theory, and he boldly published a popular book.

But immediately, the CIA, shut it down before making sure that no one in the general public had read it.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Some say the book explains Dr. J's water problems.

It is also said that the book reveals the truth about the prehistoric flood.

What's more, the CIA is also a believer in catastrophe, they discovered the water source under the clues of Dr. J and found the truth about the doomsday flood, but they chose not to let any ordinary people know...

So, what exactly is written in this banned book?

Why it was called The Story of Adam and Eve was not known at the time.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained


In 1965, while the CIA banned books, the geologists who tried Dr. J came to the Columbian highlands.

They looked at the gullies in front of them, these places that Dr. J called - the passage of devastation, and they were saying, Honorable Dr. J, belated greetings and tributes, and now, we are all proponents of catastrophe.

Greetings and Salutations. We are all now catastrophists!

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

What the?

Which play is this?

Then, in 1972, an even more explosive story came, NASA and the United States Geological Survey jointly released the first satellite photo of the Earth, which took the devastated passage of the Columbian plateau, yes, exactly the same as the map drawn by Dr. J in 1923, they actually wanted to rehabilitate Dr. J.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In 1979, the Geological Society of America awarded Dr. J. Penrose the 97-year-old Penrose Medal.

Then, Dr. J also changed his words, yes, not one flood, but seven floods gradually eroded the Colombian highlands...

Could it be that this is a settlement?

Dr. J helped them crack the truth of the doomsday flood, and they also cleaned Dr. J's innocence, but at the same time sealed the truth of the doomsday flood can only be spread in a small area, and it is never allowed to be spread to the public, so, Dr. J, and Law, you change one flood to seven floods, so that we can handle the rest of the work...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

So, is the logic behind this series of weird events really like this?

Also, what is the catastrophe theory that talks about tiger color change?

Originally, these stories in the sixties and seventies were full of suspense, but unfortunately, under their control, all the stories were forgotten until 2013...

2013 CIA

This year, the CIA of the United States, obstructed by the "Freedom of Information Act", suddenly declassified thousands of pages of historical archives on its official website.

Someone immediately noticed the problem.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Among the archives, there is a science fiction novel from 1965, and the CIA has banned a science fiction novel?

When enthusiasts opened this novel curiously, suddenly a huge amount of information poured into the brain - isn't this the "Story of Adam and Eve" back then? The one that declares catastrophe.

Why is the old thing suddenly brought up?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Quickly opened this forbidden book, it turned out that it began with the words:

California's mountains sway like ferns in the breeze;

The vast Pacific Ocean recedes into a 3.2-kilometer-high wall of water before sweeping eastward.

Supersonic winds tear everything apart.

And the wind was followed by the sea wall of the Pacific Ocean, and huge floods flooded Los Angeles and San Francisco as if they were just grains of sand...

Stone: Wait, how can a strong wind be supersonic? This is also too sci-fi?

President: This is actually related to the ultimate problem - the source of the flood, oh, don't worry, let's move on...

Every living thing was torn to pieces by the wind, and the earthquake spared not an inch of land, lava gushing out from under the earth's crust, and a sea of fire exacerbated the devastation.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

For the next three hours, walls of water in the Pacific swept across the continent, submerging the land already ravaged by winds, earthquakes and magma in boiling water.

In less than a day, all traces of civilization have disappeared – Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York – all but legends, and a few hours ago, millions of people were still moving around in each of these places, and now they are gone...

Some lucky people, escaped on the leeward side of Pike's Peak, watching the interweaving of lava and seawater, it turns out that only a mountain like this can withstand the impact of disaster...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

The North American continent was not the only place affected, South America, Europe, Asia and Siberia, and then the author described the great cataclysm in each of these places—earth, water, wind and fire, without mercy, the flood covered up all traces of civilization, and finally, the surviving human beings, returning to the Stone Age, began to restart like Adam and Eve.

It turns out that this is the meaning of the title of the book, "Adam and Eve".

Is there really such a super cataclysm?

Supersonic winds? Illogical floods and earth fires.

Why did the CIA ban this nonsensical novel back then?

Is it just because he preaches catastrophe?

So further crack, what is the catastrophe theory?

It turns out that all these stories have to go back to the era before Darwin, when the theory of evolution had not yet been put on the altar...

1812 Paris, France

In 1812, when Darwin was 3 years old, the mainstream doctrine was catastrophe, and the academic leader was Georges Cuvier, a French baron.

In this year, the Baron published a book called "Theory of the Earth", which explained the catastrophe theory from three aspects: stratigraphy, comparative anatomy and paleontology. The way the planet looks today — biological and geological, he said, is largely shaped by sudden, transient, very violent events that can be regional and potentially global.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Simply put, why are there so many strange species on Earth?

Evolution sees this as a gradual process—natural selection, natural selection.

Little by little, the monkeys slowly turned into orangutans, into great apes, and a small number into people.

So, species are abundant.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

However, catastrophism rejects this gradation, and instead emphasizes that after a sudden catastrophe, living things naturally re-emerge in a new environment.

For example, at that time, experts found traces of super floods everywhere in the formation, layer after layer, and, corresponding to the strata, there were fossils of various prehistoric mosasaurs, mastodons, ground sloths and other extinct creatures.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

At the same time, dissecting and comparing these fossils, experts will find that they are indeed more in line with the environmental conditions that appeared in the strata at that time in terms of physiological structure, such as higher oxygen content, wider grassland, higher temperature and so on.

Catastrophe uses the triple evidence of stratigraphy, fossils, and comparative anatomy to prove a problem—that is, why there are so many sudden extinctions and sudden rises of species in the strata.

This is because of the natural law of earth's catastrophe, after each great disaster, the species of the previous era will become extinct, and the species of the next era will naturally germinate, if the sun rises and sets the same, the natural law, and the cycle continues.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In fact, if we juxtapose the theory of evolution and the theory of catastrophe, then we will find that the theory of evolution is the same as the theory of catastrophe, and there is no problem.

Darwin's theory of evolution can never be repeated, and we cannot see the day when monkeys become humans.

Isn't the same with catastrophe? We will never see a global flood and see a new group of species re-emerge after the heavens and the earth are recreated.

They are essentially the same—scientific theories—irreproducible conjectures, not scientific laws.

If we really want to say that the probability that we can witness the catastrophe theory is still a little greater than the theory of evolution, it stands to reason that the catastrophe theory should be more reliable.

But why, 50 years after Cuvier, Darwin wrote "On the Origin of Species" and proposed the theory of evolution, and the catastrophe theory has since been nailed to the pillar of shame against science?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In fact, this has to do with religion, don't forget, catastrophism is too similar to the Bible, doesn't the Bible say the same?

Before the Great Flood, there were Nephrins, there were giants, after the Great Flood, the giants became extinct, and mankind rose?

On the other hand, limited by the technological level of Darwin's time, it is difficult to find evidence that could cause a global catastrophe, just like the geologists who tried Dr. J back then, they followed the evolutionary geological gradient hypothesis, and it was impossible to find the source of such a large-scale flood.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

However, then everything changed and experts acknowledged Dr. J's super flood, and they found water sources - it turned out to be the repeated ice ages on Earth, when in the northern part of the Columbia highlands, in present-day Canada, there was a very terrifying Glacial Lake Missoula, a remnant of prehistoric glaciers, when the ice age ended and the glaciers slowly melted. At the junction of Missoula Glacial Lake and the Columbia Plateau, an ice dam more than 600 meters high has appeared, with a huge amount of glacial meltwater on one side and the Colombian Plateau without glacier cover on the other.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In the end, the ice dam burst, and instead of 2 trillion, more than 20 trillion cubic meters of meltwater poured down, and the super flood created those devastated wonders on the Colombian plateau...

However, this conclusion does explain Dr. J's water problems.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

But there are still two major suspense that have not been cracked, that is:

1. Where did the repeated ice ages come from? Why can glaciers extend into the Colombian highlands?

2. This repeated ice age is already a very exaggerated geological cataclysm, but is the kind of global cataclysm mentioned by Cuvier and the Bible and Adam and Eve real? What is the source of the catastrophe?

Obviously, the CIA and the world elite are not stupid, they may have studied and solved these two problems when they banned Adam and Eve in the 60s...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

1958 Einstein

Fast forward to 1958, at this time, Dr. J has not yet been rehabilitated, and the divine book "Adam and Eve" will not be published for another 8 years.

That same year, Einstein suddenly received a first draft of a paper on geophysics.

The contributor, Charles H. Hapgood, is a professor of geology and history at Harvard University.

Hapgood's argument is clear, that is, he opposes the theory of continental drift and supports the theory of crustal displacement.

What does that mean?

In fact, it is still the difference between catastrophe theory and evolutionary theory.

Catastrophe emphasizes sudden change, evolution emphasizes gradual change.

Similarly, the theory of continental drift is a gradual change school that goes with the theory of evolution, while the displacement of the earth's crust is a sudden change school that goes well with the theory of catastrophe.

Let's start with the theory of continental drift in our textbooks, which believes that our continental plates are moving little by little every year, from Pangea 330 million years ago, little by little drift to today's land territory.

But in fact, volcanic and geological experts have been studying mid-ocean ridges, studying the Pacific Rim and the Himalaya-Mediterranean volcanic belt, and they simply can't find a more reliable dynamic of continental drift beyond a little evidence of seafloor expansion.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Moreover, this drifting force, which lasts for hundreds of millions of years, almost uniform and unchanging, is also thermodynamically difficult to explain, unless the earth is a refrigerator, or there is an air conditioner inside, which can maintain a constant temperature at the center of the earth for hundreds of millions of years.

This involves some nuclear physics and thermodynamics inside the earth, which is Einstein's specialty, so Hapgood sent a letter to Einstein to ask the big guy to help him with his staff.

Next, we talk about the theory of crustal displacement, which is a conjecture re-established by Professor Hapgood in order to tinker with the theory of continental drift.

He believes that the formation of today's geographical plates is not a gradual process over 330 million years, but the result of several or dozens of sudden changes, just like the ice age on the surface, there is also periodic warming and cooling in the center of the earth.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In this way, it is not the continent that slowly drifts, but in a certain period of high temperature in the center of the earth, the earth's crust collides violently, displaces, and the heaven and earth are rebuilt, and then tend to flatten, and then wait for the next heaven and earth reconstruction.

For example, the movie "2012" quotes Hapgood's theory.

Why did the protagonists flee in a transport plane in the end, there was not enough fuel, and they were ready to make a forced landing in the South China Sea, but when they landed, the pilot said excitedly that due to the displacement of the earth's crust, the Himalayas moved 3,000 kilometers to the east, and to the original position in the South China Sea, we can now land directly on the Himalayas.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

I believe that the vast majority of friends did not understand this paragraph back then, which is actually Hapgood's theory of sudden change, and Cuvier's proposal back then, Hapgood also believes that civilization and species will be destroyed and reborn again and again in this shocking sudden change.

Moreover, Professor Hapgood also found a source of power for this sudden change in the earth's crust, that is, the earth's axis is deflected, but why the earth's axis is deflected, this is another complex set of geomagnetic field, geophysics and thermodynamic things, which is also Einstein's specialty.

Therefore, Professor Hapgood wrote to Einstein and asked the big guy to help him calculate whether his theory of deflection of the Earth's axis is more reliable than the constant temperature theory of the continent drift and the earth's refrigerator?

Sure enough, sure enough, Einstein said after the calculation, yes, geophysically, the displacement of the earth's crust is more reliable than the continental drift.

So Einstein wrote the foreword to the paper, which was then published as The Earth's Shifting Crust. However, after the book was published, strange things happened quickly.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Even with Einstein's approval, "Crustal Displacement" was quickly branded as pseudoscience, and the theory of continental drift was suddenly written into textbooks.

But you know, the theory of continental drift, in fact, has not been known for more than 400 years, it was first proposed by a Dutch map publisher (Abraham Ortelius) in 1596, and then in 1912 by a German explorer called Alfred Lothar Wegene, when recovering from injuries, accidentally looked at the map, inspired and re-proposed, he believed that the edges of the continents from the map can be completely combined. Does that mean they drift apart slowly when they start together?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Obviously, this method of looking at maps and engaging in physics is not reliable at all.

However, just after Hapgood and Einstein teamed up to prove that the displacement of the earth's crust may be closer to the truth, as if someone suddenly reacted to something, they immediately hid the displacement of the earth's crust and pushed the continental drift to the foreground.

So, they must have found something, right?

Then, the most amazing story came to 1966, when the book "Adam and Eve" was suddenly banned by the CIA.


Because, judging from the later version declassified in 2013, this book almost closes the loop on all the catastrophe clues and conclusions from the time of Cuvier to Hapugood, that is, it preemptively announces the truth of the doomsday flood to the world...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Supersonic winds

When I first watched Adam and Eve, I was also stunned by this supersonic gust of wind.

But then, when we open the book, a picture appears on the title page, which is actually the central thesis of the book Adam and Eve—the enhanced version of the theory of crustal drift, or rather, the theory of axis shift.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Since the unbanned part of the book is only 57 pages, while legend has it that its original version has 284 pages, the axis shift is described in this fragment is very difficult to understand.

But if we bring Hapgood's theory of crustal drift into this picture, we can roughly guess how the author explains why the Earth's axis shift occurs.

The general logic is as follows:

First of all, between the earth's crust and mantle, there is a layer of lava material, this layer of material, described by Adam and Eve very much like a non-Newtonian fluid, non-Newtonian fluid We have introduced many times, like this, you can run and jump, but you can't stand still, it is typical when strong is strong, weak is weak.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Then, Adam and Eve said that the strength of this layer of lava material is related to geomagnetic deflection, which is a rigid solid within a certain range of geomagnetic deflection and can be carried against the earth's crust to maintain stability.

However, once the local magnetic deflection reaches a certain critical point, then this layer of lava material will begin to flow like water, the earth's crust loses stability, it will be thrown out by the Earth's rotational inertia 90 ° between 6 and 12 hours, that is, the Earth's axis is suddenly deflected by 90 °, the new north and south poles come to Peru and the Bay of Bengal, and the old north and south poles run to the equator.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Isn't it a little confused?

Think of it, the earth is like a spinning top at high speed, and there is a layer of glue between the core and the outer skin of the top to stick them together.

However, at a certain zero point, the glue suddenly loses its viscosity.

At this time, the core is still spinning wildly, but the crust on its surface is sticky, slippery, and has long been confused, collided and began to rearrange, which is why in "2012", the Himalayas ran to the South China Sea.

However, the statement of "Adam and Eve" is more exaggerated than Hapgood's displacement, not the 20-30° deflection from the Himalayas to the South China Sea, but the 90° rotation in 6-12 hours, that is, the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal area, directly to the North Pole.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

This sudden braking of the earth's crust is so sudden that there is a layer of earth structure outside the crust - that is, the atmosphere.

The atmosphere can't stop for a while, and it is still moving rapidly by the inertia of the original Earth's rotation.

The so-called rotation of the earth and sitting on the ground for 80,000 li a day is equivalent to the fact that we are still sitting on the ground, but the ground is suddenly broken, broken, and not moving, while the core and atmosphere are still traveling 80,000 li a day.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In this way, the earth's crust is reconstructed, mountains become oceans, oceans become mountains, and lava gushes out, reshaping the surface.

Floods, high winds destroy everything...

This physical analysis may be a bit complicated, but everyone simplifies the understanding - "2012" was made according to this theory, except that "Adam and Eve" is an enhanced version of "2012".

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In "2012", in about 12 hours, the Himalayas ran to the South China Sea, while in "Adam and Eve", it only takes 6 hours, and the Himalayas will run to the North Pole, which is roughly equivalent to the place in Canada and Greenland today.

Then, in this context, let's look at the disasters described in Adam and Eve except North America.

A global catastrophe

South America will find that their Andes are no longer high enough this time, originally, the Andes saved South America once in the process of the reversal of the Earth's axis, which is why today's South American creatures are so strange, and the leeward side of the Andes also has those prehistoric megalithic wonders of Pumapungu and Sky City.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

We will elaborate on this rescue process later.

In short, in this axis deflection, South America will become torn massifs, Adam and Eve say, in less than a day, Ecuador, Peru, and western Brazil were engulfed by crazy earthquakes and volcanoes, like the earth melted, it slipped into the Pacific Ocean, and then was frozen by low temperatures, and soon turned into a frozen hell under the surface of the sea.

People, beasts, plants, dirt, in less than four hours, all turned into hard rock...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Why did it turn into a frozen hell?

Because it's Antarctica now, South America slipped to Antarctica, Himalayas ran to the North Pole, and we keep watching.

Europe will suffer a terrible attack.

The wall of water in the Atlantic Ocean is accumulating higher and higher, as in North America, before the wall of water, supersonic winds will arrive first, but at the same time, the Alps, Pyrenees, Urals and Scandinavian mountains will be shaken higher and higher by earthquakes before the wall of water...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

West Africa and the Sahara Desert disappeared in the fury of nature, engulfed by winds and oceans.

The border between Congo, South Sudan and Kenya narrowly escaped flooding, with only earthquakes and high winds, but survivors there will find that the sun stands still for a full 12 hours at noon.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Is this because the crust does not rotate? Kenya has been basking in the sun on the sunny side, so isn't New Zealand going to freeze to death on the dark side?

That's right, according to the description of "Adam and Eve", the temperature on the dark side plummeted to minus 80 degrees, why do many mammoth remains dug up in the permafrost now have buttercup grass in their mouths and blood in their veins? This is actually the evidence left by the first few polar turns, instant freezing, not far, let's see...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Eastern Siberia and the East Asian continent met a miraculous fate — like a giant underground sickle sweeping across the earth, the Arctic passed by, and supersonic hurricanes were harvesting along with the sickle. From north to south first Eastern Siberia, then the three eastern provinces, Japan, North Korea, North China, Central China, Yunnan stretched to Myanmar and the entire Indochina Peninsula, earthquakes, lava, strong winds, floods, after all disasters, here is a freezing winter, but the entire East Asian continent will not freeze, because most of it has come below sea level...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In West Siberia, east of the Ural Mountains, some lucky people escaped strong winds and earthquakes.

The continent of Antarctica and Greenland still carry their ice sheets, but they are now circling the equator.

The wind and flood lasted for five days and six nights, and on the sixth day, the sea began to calm down and stabilize on their new home.

On the seventh day, the terrible catastrophe ended and a new Stone Age began.

New land surfaced, and now the Bay of Bengal is located in the New Arctic, and the Pacific Ocean west of Peru is located in the South Pole.

Australia is a new continent in the northern temperate zone, and Egypt has risen again from the quagmire of the receding floods.

In the new era, we join Noah, Adam and Eve, Atlantis, the continent of Mu and Olympus, Osiris, Zeus, and Vishnu...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Mythology or history

The above description is the content of the science fiction book "Adam and Eve", or the prophecy book.

The theory is complete, the details are sufficient, all the stories are closed, it turns out that we are just one member of one cycle after another.

The myths of various peoples, Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, Atlantis, Mu Continent, Vishnu, turned out to be prehistoric civilizations that had been destroyed.

And this destruction is not the sinking of continents, nor the ice age, but the deflection of the earth's axis, the displacement of the earth's crust - a direct and hard re-creation of heaven and earth, so civilization can not leave a trace of it.

The story has developed to this point, I don't know what you think?

Perhaps, suddenly looking back, the Casey prophecy we talked about in the last few issues, the Casey map, everything seems to be right.

Casey predicted an axis deflection and predicted a future map before 1942.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

And "Adam and Eve", proposed that the Earth's axis deflected by 90°, and the Earth's crust was displaced, and then deduced that the above situation is very similar to the Casey map, which is around 1966, a full 22 years apart.

Could it be that psychics and crustal displacement theory both lead to the same end and get the same answer?

The scariest thing is that we have already said in Casey's show that geomagnetic deflection is accelerating, and since 98, it has suddenly changed from 15 kilometers per year to 55 kilometers per year.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Is this the so-called accumulation of magnetic deflection in Adam and Eve, and then we are now quietly approaching the limit?

Without further ado, having said so many horror theories, let's talk about the evidence that supports this theory.

Although there are a total of 33 pieces of evidence listed in the book, they are all difficult to understand, and we will start with the intuitive evidence found by some enthusiasts.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Evidence One: The Eye of the Sahara

The Eye of the Sahara is the site of Atlantis, and I believe you must have heard a lot of similar urban legends.

Because they are so similar, the same concentric circles, the same circumference diameter, it is inevitable that people will think.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

And then, enthusiasts, near the Eye of the Sahara, found a lot of similar earth ripples, what does this peculiar landscape mean?

Obviously, remember Dr. J back then?

He advocated the passage of devastation, the thousands of ravines on the Colombian plateau?

Later, this prehistoric flood landscape was discovered by experts in three more places on Earth.

One is in the Altai Mountains, where huge ripples have appeared in the wasteland.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

There's also the Alsek River near Alaska, which also has very magnificent earth ripples.

And the last place, it is the enthusiast who locks on this West African desert, where the earth ripples are larger than the previous two, imagine what level of flood this left after passing over the earth?

Each mountain, or ripple, has a net height of 15 meters and five floors, which is equivalent to 730 billion cubic meters of water per day.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Perhaps, when Atlantis was destroyed, he saw the same scene as in our "2012".

In addition, at the end of the 33 pieces of evidence listed in Adam and Eve, there is such a table.

It is the beginning and end time between the two deflections of the Earth's axis as the author deduces from 33 pieces of geological evidence.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

According to the reasoning of Adam and Eve, the legend of Atlantis corresponds to this axis deflection 11,500 years ago.

At that time, the North Pole shifted all the way from present-day Hudson Bay, Canada, to the present-day Sudan Basin.

If in Atlantis' time, Hudson Bay was the North Pole, then all legends are easy to explain.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

According to legend, Atlantis is in the Atlantic Ocean, similar to the dimensions of Greece, that is, the distance from the North Pole.

In reality, we simply cannot find a land in the Atlantic Ocean that is comparable to the dimensions of Greece.

But what if that Atlantic, that North Pole, that legend of the Greeks, was not the same as it is today?

Move the Arctic to Hudson Bay, and will the Eye of the Sahara, and North Africa as a whole, immediately become a continent in the ocean?

Moreover, its distance from the Hudson North Pole is similar to the distance of Greece from the current North Pole, and the ancient Greeks did not lie.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

And what about Egypt at that time? It may be the southernmost point of the continent, a relatively hot place, a bit of today's Hainan Island feeling.

So, doesn't everything make sense?

As we told in the Sphinx show, why did the Atlanteans know that they came from Atlantis to the Nile when they were doomed?

In fact, it is equivalent to going from Beijing to Guangzhou.

Then they built the Sphinx here.

Immediately afterwards, the evidence was linked, why did the Sphinx have serious water erosion marks?

Perhaps, this truth is like this...

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Evidence 2: The Sphinx

In the era of the Hudson Bay Arctic, seeing the end of 11,500 years approaching, the Atlanteans, who knew that they were in trouble, came to Egypt, which was still a tropical rainforest, and they built the Sphinx here.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

The Hall of Record is also hidden, hoping to preserve the evidence of its own existence and the fire of civilization regeneration.

Then, the axis of the site 11,500 years ago deflected as expected, and the Arctic streaked straight across North Africa from Hudson Bay to the place where it is today the Sudan Basin. This is probably the real reason why the Sahara Eden became the Sahara Desert.

And the water erosion marks on the Sphinx's body may not have been caused by the accumulation of heavy rain, as Dr. Schoch advocated, but by a moment in this huge cataclysm.

Why did the later Egyptians re-carve a head for the Sphinx?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Perhaps, after the cataclysm, the head of the Sphinx has been eroded beyond recognition by the crazy rainfall, and later Egyptians had to re-carve a small head on it.

Also, after this cataclysm, why did ancient civilizations rise from Egypt?

Perhaps, this is all the data calculated by the Upper Poetantis, the Arctic fell to Sudan, Egypt came from the tropics to the northern temperate zone, pyramids, sphinxes, this is their calculated record hall, and civilization escape point.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

The story continues and we see the second row in the table of Adam and Eve, where the North Pole begins 11,500 years ago and ends 6,500 years ago, staying in the Sultan Basin for a total of 5,000 years.

And in these 5,000 years, with the Sultan Basin as the North Pole, we have seen the story of Noah's Ark...

The truth about the Great Flood

At the time of the Arctic in the South Sudan Basin, Egypt had a climate comparable to that of today's Northern Europe.

Further south, there are two warmer, but swampy basins – the homeland of the Sumerians.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

The last wave of civilizations, ancient Egypt, Sumer, developed in this context.

But this wave of development was very short-lived, only 5,000 years old, and the Sumerians had only just entered the Bronze Age, and the relentless, civilization-destroying catastrophe was about to come.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In Adam and Eve, the author also finds a piece of historical evidence, an oral account of ancient Egyptian priests recorded by Plato, who said:

You Greeks are only children, and there is no ancient knowledge handed down among you, let alone ancient science.

Let me tell you some truth.

For various reasons, humanity has been, and will continue to be, a devastating catastrophe, the most terrible of which is the fire of the earth and the monstrous flood...

Any noble and great technology, any extraordinary history, has long been engraved in the records of our temples, and you and other countries have not preserved immortal records.

Then, after a while, the step-by-step flood will hit on time, leaving only those of you who lack words and education, therefore, you must start over, like children, ignorant of what happened in ancient times ...

Recorded from Plato Timaeus.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

So, what does this passage of Plato's account mean?

How do you look at it more and more like the teachings of "2012".

Then, Adam and Eve point out that the biblical flood, which is also recorded historically, was recorded on the Sumerian clay tablet (Utnapishtim), which we shared 5 years ago, Gilgamesh went to find Utnapishtim, a wise man who experienced the great flood, in order to obtain the tree of eternal life.

And Utna's telling Gilgamesh that the flood was true or false was almost identical to the Bible.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

He said, The good Anunnaki, the god Enki, told mankind that a flood of destruction was coming, and Utnapishtim, king of the Sumerians, give up your worldly possessions and build a huge ship...

The giant ship contained animals, seeds, and most importantly, craftsmen and family members.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Sure enough, the flood came, and after sweeping for seven days, the giant ship stopped, they first released a swallow, the swallow flew back without finding anything, and then put a crow, the crow found the land and did not fly back ...

Are the stories on these Sumerian clay tablets myth or history?

"Adam and Eve" believes that this corresponds to the last polar turn, 6500 years ago, the Arctic again came from the Sudan Basin to today's Arctic Ocean, ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the same line was completely erased, civilization once again from Sumer to restart...

M'Continent & Ark of the Andes

The legendary Mu continent is also reasonably explained in Adam and Eve.

The so-called Mu continent is an ancient record that the paleontologist Augustus Le Plongeon claimed to have found in Mayan ruins in 1864.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

The continent of Mu lies like a turtle in the Pacific Ocean, and the archaeological evidence that has been found has been mentioned almost before, such as the giant stone town under the water of Yonaguni Island, the magnetic temple of South Madour, the stone statue of Easter Island, the Latte Pillar on the Mariana Islands, the stone gate of Tonga, and the same language spoken by the entire Austronesian peoples, and so on.

In short, Adam and Eve pointed out that the destruction of the continent was not a sinking, and the sudden appearance of such a huge continent in the Pacific Ocean is by no means an impossible geological myth.

The main thing is that our geological basis is wrong, not the theory of gradual change, but the theory of catastrophe.

The continent and Atlantis were destroyed in the same polar revolution—the time the North Pole came from Hudson Bay to the Sudan Basin 11,500 years ago.

Then, we bring the Arctic of the Sudan Basin into the perspective of the continent, what is this?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Impartially, the Mu continent is just inserted on the south pole, it has changed from the temperate and tropical zone of the Hudson Bay era to the South Pole, and the surviving people have to endure 5,000 years in this ice and snow, and when the Arctic comes from the Sudan Basin to today's Arctic Ocean, it has changed twice and become the broadest Pacific Ocean on Earth, and everything is missing.

However, Adam and Eve say that in these two polar turns, the Andes in South America became the ark.

Last time, floods raised sea walls in the Pacific Ocean - 3200 meters high, but luckily, the Andes are more than 6000 meters, and very long, like a screen, it helped South America withstand hurricanes and floods, and the surviving civilization of the continent was able to leave Pumapungu and Sky City here.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Why was the boulder in Pumapungu cut so precisely?

And layer by layer, why can the huge stones of Sky City be plasticized like plasticine?

And this extremely unreasonable corner turn?

This is not actually the achievement of our generation of so-called ancient Incas, and the ancient Incas only discovered and used these sites.

What really built them were the survivors who fled here when the Mu continent was destroyed.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

The Andes helped them escape the catastrophe 11,500 years ago, but 6,500 years ago, they were no longer so lucky, civilization disappeared, and all survivors died. But luckily, their megalithic ruins, or rather, the megalithic hard drive, the recording hall, remained.

And next time?

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

According to Adam and Eve, the Andes will no longer be able to save these ruins, they will become Antarctica, earth fire and lava will engulf all of South America, and everything will be wiped out in the next era.

Perhaps, these boulder hard drives that can still be seen in our time are regarded by us as worthless stones, and in the next era, no one can see them again...

In short, this is the story told in "Adam and Eve", which was banned by the CIA, I don't know what you think?

Back to reality

Back to reality, this "The Story of Adam and Eve", in fact, has a 1993 reprint, with 232 pages, which has not been banned by the CIA, and can now be viewed by anyone.

The content of my episode also references a lot of the 1993 version, of course, there are many stories about the myth of the continent corresponding to the deflection of the Earth's axis, and who is the author of this book, the mysterious Dr. Chan Thomas? and so on unfinished suspense, our member channel detailed.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

In short, after listening to this episode, when you are looking back at "2012", do you suddenly have a feeling of destroying you and what to do with you?

Is the theory of evolution, continental drift, and the theory of gradual change really irrefutable truths?

Or, in private, the study of fear of causing panic, they have already determined that where there is a gradual change, the truth of the earth is a catastrophe, and the time of the next polar catastrophe, in fact, has already been calculated for us in "Adam and Eve", between 2016-2046.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Perhaps, the Ark and the hard disk have already begun to be built.

But what does it have to do with destroying you?

Newton's predictions, the paleoclimatologists' predictions, the Edgar Casey's predictions, and today's cataclysmic predictions all point precisely to the decade 2035-2045.

Why is evolution being put on the altar? It turns out that in addition to the theory of evolution, there is another set of doctrines that can be explained

Every one of us can see that day.

Well, today's story is shared here, thank you.

Finally, Madame said, I feel that your story is like a dream within a dream, and you have to wake up several layers to return to reality.
