
Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity

author:Beiqing Net

Tea is a good health product, not only can clear the mind and nourish nature, but also rejuvenate thirst, refresh the mind, clear heat and detoxify and many other effects. It was recorded in the "Materia Medica" that "all medicines are the medicine of all diseases, and tea is the medicine of all diseases", which shows that drinking tea has many health benefits.

China's tea-drinking culture has a long history, and different production processes and traditions have created different teas: green tea, black tea, yellow tea, white tea, black tea... Its taste is different, the effect is different, and it is even more exquisite when drinking!

Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "there are five elements in heaven and five internal organs in people", and drinking tea should also follow the natural changes of heaven and earth, nourish according to the seasons, and supplement the five internal organs. So what tea is suitable for different seasons? What issues should I pay attention to when drinking tea? Today, Xiao Er will come to talk to you about drinking tea~


Drink green tea in spring: relieve liver depression

1 Spring is easy to liver yang hyperactivity, suitable for drinking green tea

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in spring, yang qi grows, trees grow, and the five elements belong to wood, which communicates with the liver. If the yang is too strong and the liver qi is too high, it can easily lead to liver yang hyperactivity, dizziness, tinnitus, facial warmth, dry mouth, irritability, insomnia and dreams.

Wood corresponds to cyan, so it is suitable to drink some green tea in spring. Spring tea, is the best quality of green tea in the year, fresh taste, pleasant aroma, and retains more natural substances, its tea polyphenol content is relatively high, antioxidant is strong, for regulating lipid metabolism, promote liver repair, have certain benefits.

Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity

In addition, its production method also retains the characteristics of coldness, and sweet and bitter, which can help reduce liver fire, relieve depression, and reduce the risk of liver disease.

2 roses + green tea: regulate qi and relieve depression, beauty and beauty

Rose flowers have the effect of rational qi and depression, blood circulation and stasis, and have a certain conditioning effect on the liver and stomach; Drinking rose flowers often also helps to improve beauty and eliminate fatigue. Coupled with the antioxidant and anti-aging effects of green tea, it is especially suitable for women to drink in spring.

3 Drinking green tea in spring has "2 wants"

(1) Choose "Ming Qian Tea"

Different from Pu'er tea, black tea, the older the better, green tea is the pursuit of fresh tea, folk has always had "Ming Qian tea, expensive as gold" saying. After testing, it was found that the young shoots of spring tea plants contain the richest nutrients, especially the first young leaves, which contain the most tea polyphenol substances, but the second and third pieces will be reduced in turn.

Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity

(2) Drink "head brew tea"

Like black tea, oolong, etc., very particular about the process of washing tea, while green tea is the best head tea. The doctor once mentioned in an episode that the first brew of tea contains the most nutrients, reaching 60% of the total nutrients; The nutrients of the second brew of tea are reduced to 30%; The third bubble dropped to only 10%; The fourth brew of tea has only 2% nutrients.

It is recommended to drink green tea without washing tea, drink up to the first 3 brews, and do not brew too much and too long.

Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity


Drinking black tea in summer: nourishing the heart and stomach

1 High incidence of myocardial infarction in summer, suitable for drinking black tea

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer is the season of vigorous vegetation, the weather is extremely hot, and the five elements belong to fire, which communicates with the heart. If the anger is too strong, it is easy to interfere with the mind, make the heart beat faster, increase the burden on the heart, and lead to a great increase in the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, pulmonary heart disease, myocardial infarction and other diseases.

And fire corresponds to red, so it is suitable for drinking black tea in summer. Black tea is a fully fermented tea, tea is relatively mild, and the theaflavins contained in it can help regulate blood lipids, prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The experiment of Osaka City University in Japan pointed out that after drinking black tea for one hour, the blood flow rate through the heart blood vessels was measured, and it was confirmed that black tea could help prevent myocardial infarction and strengthen myocardial function.

Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity

2 black tea + perran: strengthens the spleen and stomach, relieves heat and dampness

In summer, the temperature is high, the humidity is high, and people like to eat raw and cold food, the spleen and stomach are more likely to be injured, and there are symptoms of spleen and stomach discord and dampness such as stomach bloating and stomach pain, bowel sound, dull mouth, white and greasy tongue.

At this time, black tea can be combined with Peilan, which can not only nourish the heart and protect the heart, but also play a role in aromatic humidity, release heat relief, and improve gastrointestinal diseases.


Drink white tea in autumn: clear heat and moisturize the lungs

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the autumn summer is cool, the climate is dry, and the five elements belong to gold and communicate with the lungs. At this time, the air is cool and dry, easy to consume fluid, so that the lungs lose nourishment, lung qi operation is abnormal, easy to cause cascading pain in the two flanks, chest full of qi, dry cough, nasal congestion, cold without sweat, headache and body heat and other cold and dry symptoms.

And gold corresponds to white, so it is suitable for drinking white tea in autumn. White tea is a slightly fermented tea, which is cool but not cold, and has the effect of clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs, calming the liver and improving blood.

White tea has "one year tea, three years of medicine, seven years of treasure", after years of storage, the tea polyphenols, caffeine, amino acids and other substances will gradually be converted into flavonoids, for improving the permeability of blood vessels, reducing blood lipids and cholesterol has certain benefits; At the same time, the tea will gradually turn from cool to warm, which is very suitable for people with three highs.

Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity


Drink black tea in winter: warm the stomach and lower fat

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in winter, the weather is cold and frozen, the yang qi is hidden, and the main water of the five elements is connected with the kidney; And water corresponds to black, so it is suitable for drinking black tea in winter.

At this time, the cold and evil attack, the kidney needs to store essence for the winter, and black into the kidney, can nourish the kidney essence, black tea is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc., can play a better role.

In winter, in order to drive away the cold, people will eat more greasy and nutritious food. However, eating too much and exercising is easy to cause gastrointestinal indigestion, increased blood lipids and other problems. Black tea belongs to post-fermented tea, under the action of microorganisms, can help warm the stomach and dissipate cold, eliminate food conduction, remove oil and control fat.

Four seasons of tea drinking is exquisite! Master the "schedule" and drink it out for health and longevity

Source: CCTV Home for Dinner