
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life

author:Jade in the stock

The uselessness of technology is fundamentally the uselessness of people

Some people are invincible with wooden swords, and some people rely on the sky to injure themselves. Try to strengthen yourself and let yourself run ahead of technology, not run for the sake of chasing technology. Technology is a sharp sword in the hands of every stock market investor, the sword is unintentional, the soft sword is impermanent, the heavy sword has no edge, the wooden sword has no lag, and there is no sword and no style.

Dugu's quest to be invincible in the world has also gone through such stages, and finally reached the unity of man and sword, I think he would never say at that time, the sword is useless, want to survive in this market, want to find the thrill of fighting the sword to the end of the world, please always remind yourself, don't be in the initial stage of shareholders forever.

Stock market investment is a marathon, not a 100-meter race, you can't rush, let alone be opportunistic! The short-term is silver, the long-term is gold, and the real investor is a person who can see the long-term trend of the stock market, grasp the opportunity, and wait for a long time. People who only seek short-term profits and do not have a long-term vision are not considered investment masters.

A farmer leads a donkey to the market when he passes by a well and the donkey accidentally falls into it. The farmer was in a hurry, and he tried his best to save the donkey. Listening to the desperate wail of the donkey at the bottom of the well, thinking that the donkey would starve to death in the well, the farmer's heart was like a knife. He really couldn't bear to see the donkey suffer in this way, thinking that instead of letting his beloved donkey suffer and die, he would better bury it with soil and let it free early. So, ruthlessly, he took a shovel and began to fill the well with soil with a shovel. But what the farmer did not expect was that the donkey shook off his body and filled the soil he put in, filling it under his feet, and then slowly the soil filled higher and higher, and the donkey got closer and closer to the well. Finally, by these soils, the donkey was saved.

No one's life can be smooth sailing, there will always be ups and downs. When you are in a desperate situation, as long as you don't give up, there will be a turnaround. All suffering will eventually become a stepping stone on your way to rise, allowing you to climb faster and stand higher.

Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life

Today I will introduce you to a stock pattern that can increase the intensity of entering the market, and I will call it "all-army attack". Understand this form, you can try to get on the car at the bottom of the mountain, it is recommended to like and collect and repeatedly speculate.

There are three main points in the form of the whole army's sorties:

1. The stock price is less than MACD60 for more than 2 months;

2. The MACD moving average begins to line up bulls;

3. While increasing the volume, the stock price wears MACD60;

The whole army's attack tactics are all here, friends with hearts can like and collect, detailed I put it below, friends who do not understand can leave a message in the comment area, insist on learning a technical theory every day.

Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life

How to be a successful investor

Stock market investment, risk first, profit second

It is useless how much you earn, as long as there is a risk control that is not in place, it will make all your previous efforts zero, or even in vain! The market is not a casino, and the operation of the market can be carefully arranged. When you buy, you have to ask yourself, is this a buying point? What level is this what buy point?

What is the trend of the big level? What is the current distribution of hubs at various levels? How is the broader market going? What is the sector in which the stock is located? The selling point is similar. The more clearly you analyze the situation of this stock, the more convenient the operation will be. Financial markets are a great place to test personal psychological barriers. Most people end up staying away from the financial markets, and only a few who remain are determined to figure out what works.

The psychological hurdles that such people will eventually have to overcome will shift from the market itself to finding systematic ways to operate. The essence and basic strategy of trading: In order to become a winner, investors mostly put in various pains and efforts, and the process is tormented, and there may not be results in the end

Only a few people can jump out of the ineffective cycle of reincarnation and stand at the top of the trading pyramid. Trading is a brutal, zero-sum game, and we make deals with only two outcomes, slaughter and being slaughtered. We don't want to be harvested leeks, the first thing to do to be a winner is to recognize what is the essence of trading and then match what basic strategy to match.

Stock trading to achieve profit has a process, and this process, often make you painfully tangled, make you uncomfortable, maybe before engaging in stock trading, you think that you are a leader, and because of unfamiliarity with stock trading, you feel very hard and confused, this is normal. No one can enter this market and succeed all at once,

Everything has a process, don't blindly pursue to make money, remember that the process is more important than the result. When your skills and level are not up to the master, losing money is inevitable, so the only thing to change the loss is to learn and try to get you to the master level.

Keep learning

As the saying goes: "Live to be old, learn to be old", investment is absolutely inseparable from learning. Investing makes money and you gain experience, and when you lose money, you also gain "experience".

There is a paradoxical saying: "The investment market has certain rules to follow, but it is also unpredictable". The reason why there is a pattern is because investors can judge the timing of buying or selling through past experience. It is unpredictable because there are always various uncertainties in the market, and in the event of a "black swan" event, the previous prediction will be broken.

Therefore, success in investing is only possible if you are willing to continuously learn professional knowledge and learn from various successes and failures.

Know yourself

You know, people are different, including personality, specialties, risk appetite, etc., it is precisely because of these differences that each person's investment direction and way are different.

If a person cannot correctly understand himself, for example, he has a low risk tolerance, but makes high-risk investments, and finally has a huge loss, he will definitely not be able to bear it, and he will bear greater economic pressure. Senior financial lecturer of Jiafeng Ruide, when investing, everyone should take advantage of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and make investments that suit them in order to be more likely to succeed.

Know how to diversify

"Eggs can't be put in one basket", I believe all investment veterans will understand. Diversification is actually to tell everyone to invest money in products with different risks, such as investing in high-risk products such as stocks or futures, and then configuring stable financial products such as Wenli Select Portfolio Investment Plan, which can not only reduce risks, but also expect returns while being stable.

Control emotions

Many investors will be affected by emotions when investing, such as being impetuous once there is an investment loss, thinking of quickly returning to the capital, increasing investment, and ignoring other people's suggestions and reminders, insisting on going their own way, and finally suffering more losses.

Similar situations are not uncommon, because emotions can affect investors' judgment, making investors unable to think rationally, and so that there are continuous losses. Senior financial lecturer of Jiafeng Ruide said that usually, a successful investor will not "rise in blood pressure" due to market fluctuations, will not be frustrated by a failure, and will not be complacent because of a success, they will control their emotions at any time and pursue long-term investment benefits.

With these qualities, it can help you invest, achieve long-term appreciation and preservation of wealth, and continuously improve the quality of life.

Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life

Stock speculation is definitely a technical job, if a shareholder does not understand anything, completely follow the trend, others believe what they say, others buy what they buy, chase stocks as soon as they rise, and buy stocks as soon as they fall, then it is difficult to gain a foothold in the stock market. However, if you want to master the skills of trading, the best way is to find a trading skill that suits you, and then constantly summarize, constantly improve, and finally form a set of your own trading methods.

To form your own buying and selling rules, my advice is:

1. It can be judged by the medium and long-term moving average system, such as the 60-day moving average, 120-day moving average, and 240-day moving average as the direction, when the moving average system is arranged in a long position, it is said to be a long market, and only participate in the opportunity of the head market.

2. Find buying and selling points through MACD and other indicators, intervene when signals such as golden cross, bottom divergence, air refueling, and secondary golden cross below the zero line appear near the zero line, and leave the market when the high stagnant MACD red column continues to shorten after the sharp rise.

3. In terms of position management, the total account is maintained at about three, each position is balanced, the total position is determined according to the strength of the market, when it meets the buying point, it can enter at one time, and the exit can be taken profit in batches, after the first position reduction, the remaining capital protection looks at a higher position.

Today I spent a little time, I have sorted out the 9 entry methods summarized over the years of stock speculation into pictures and texts, especially friends who do not have a set of operating systems, I sincerely hope that everyone can study carefully, master the essence of it, and then use it, and finally form a method that suits you, and stand firm in the stock market.

Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life
Livermore: "The trend comes out, the money comes by sitting and waiting"! Reading this article will be useful for life

Investment insights

Many people are also dissatisfied with their current situation, and they are also complaining about their poor life, if you don't want to be poor anymore, taste the following words in the dead of night, maybe enlighten you, your fate may soon change.

[1] The reason why people are poor must be poor in thinking.

The biggest difference between the poor and the rich is the difference in the way of thinking, so the first thing to change is that your poor thinking does not have anymore, the most critical one of the poor thinking is to be satisfied with the status quo, that is, full of fear of their future, instead of being silly afraid and worried, why not let yourself take a little risk, and then go forward through storms, many times walking and walking suddenly wide, business is done, the doorway is there, poor life is lived, and it enters the ranks of the middle class.

[2] Self-defeating and self-abandonment, looking down on oneself as a poor root.

Many people's root of poverty lies in self-defeat, they don't believe that they have the ability to make money, they don't believe that they are business material, they don't believe that they can do it to the manager, can do the director, can do the vice president, this idea must not have, at least your life should have some goals, what kind of goals you want, as long as you can achieve it through hard work, you are now an ordinary worker, why can't you become the director manager through your own efforts, You ask yourself according to the requirements of the director and manager, go in this direction, or in a few years you will be able to realize your small idea, the key is that you dare not do it.

[3] We are surrounded by noble people, but we don't find them nobles.

Many people always suspect that they have never met a nobleman, in fact, this is a great misunderstanding, there will be nobles around us at any time, when you encounter technical problems, do you go to consult those experts? Have you seen the elite of the industry? If not, how do you know you haven't met a nobleman? You didn't expect to meet, so you don't know in front of you!

This is the end of this issue, thank you for your support! Market stock selection is like gambling stone jade, pay attention to jade in stocks, and take you to the stock market! See you in the next issue!