
American military experts bluntly said: "The ten countries in Southeast Asia have already turned, and the United States has no chance"

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In this era of change and challenge, the vortex of geopolitics continues to unfold around the globe. The U.S. strategy of sowing discord, which had been successful for some time, now faces a new reality. Unusually, U.S. military experts recently said: "The 10 Southeast Asian countries have changed their attitudes, and the United States has lost the opportunity." ”

China's rise is undoubtedly one of the most striking phenomena in the world today. Its economic strength is constantly increasing, scientific and technological innovation is changing with each passing day, and its military strength is also growing. This series of rises has not only changed the balance in Asia, but also has far-reaching global implications. The 10 Southeast Asian countries saw this change and realized that maintaining close ties with China may be their best bet.

American military experts bluntly said: "The ten countries in Southeast Asia have already turned, and the United States has no chance"

Over the past few decades, Southeast Asian countries have repeatedly received support and intervention from the United States to counter China in geopolitics. Now, however, they are revisiting this strategy. They understand that working with China can not only help achieve economic prosperity, but also ensure stability and peace in the region. By contrast, continuing to work with the United States could involve them in conflict and unnecessary tensions.

The United States has always adopted a consistent strategy of targeting all potential adversaries and developing corresponding strike plans. One of its core strategies is to cultivate agency states or inspire action in neighboring countries. When the United States feels insecure, it takes action to divide and weaken potential threats.

American military experts bluntly said: "The ten countries in Southeast Asia have already turned, and the United States has no chance"

The United States is also suspicious of Russia, constantly provoking relations between Russia and European countries, while actively infiltrating neighboring countries and trying to deal with Russia through color revolutions and other means. This strategy was most effectively manifested in the recent Russian-Ukrainian war, which plunged Russia into crisis.

America's distrust of France and Germany led it to support Britain in order to constantly foment discord within Europe and even stir up divisions. Similarly, the United States is distrustful of Middle Eastern powers such as Iran and Turkey, and therefore supports countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt in order to destabilize the region. The United States has even introduced Israel into the Middle East, constantly aggravating the situation and creating turmoil.

American military experts bluntly said: "The ten countries in Southeast Asia have already turned, and the United States has no chance"

Now, however, the United States has found that the 10 Southeast Asian countries have begun to change their attitudes, because they recognize that the Eastern world pattern is changing rapidly. In particular, China's all-round rise economically, politically, militarily, and technologically has made it the most powerful power in Southeast Asia. The gradual loss of status by the United States has made Southeast Asian countries understand that they can only secure their future by following China, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

The evolution of this situation will have a profound impact on the global landscape. China's rise will continue to shape the course of international affairs, and the United States will have to adapt to this new reality. At this critical juncture, deep strategic thinking is required on all sides to address the challenges and opportunities ahead.

American military experts bluntly said: "The ten countries in Southeast Asia have already turned, and the United States has no chance"

To sum up, the long-standing strategy of Western countries to sow discord is being challenged under the changing world pattern. The changing attitude of the 10 Southeast Asian countries indicates that the United States has lost its previous opportunities, while the rise of China is changing the geopolitical landscape. Divergent perspectives and discussions on this change will undoubtedly continue, and we welcome your views and inquiries to discuss this important topic. At the same time, welcome to follow us, we provide you with fresh historical information every day, so that you can understand the development of global affairs. You can learn about the world's major events without going out!

In these transformative times, the evolution of geopolitics has had wide-ranging implications for the world. America's long-standing strategy of sowing discord, which for some time helped it maintain its leadership, now faces new challenges. At the same time, the change in attitude of the 10 Southeast Asian countries marks a major change in the geopolitical landscape.

American military experts bluntly said: "The ten countries in Southeast Asia have already turned, and the United States has no chance"

It is not uncommon in history that the United States has been adept at dividing potential adversaries and weakening them. Today, however, the rhetoric of American military experts sends a very different message: the 10 Southeast Asian countries have changed their positions, and the United States may have missed the opportunity.

China's rise is one of the most striking phenomena in the current global landscape. Whether it is economic, scientific and technological, or military, China is developing rapidly. This rise has not only changed the balance in Asia, but has also had profound global implications. Southeast Asian countries continue to observe this change, and they are gradually realizing that maintaining close ties with China may be more beneficial for their future.

Over the past few decades, Southeast Asian countries have relied geopolitically on U.S. support to counter China. Now, however, they are revisiting that strategy. They understand that cooperation with China will not only bring economic prosperity, but also contribute to stability and peace in the region. By contrast, continued dependence on the United States could embroil them in unnecessary conflicts and tensions.

One of the core U.S. strategies is to cultivate proxy nations or inspire neighboring countries to act in order to defend their own interests. However, this strategy may no longer be applicable in the current changes. America's distrust of France, Germany, Iran, Turkey and other countries has led to a series of geopolitical conflicts. However, the changing attitude of the 10 Southeast Asian countries shows that the global landscape is rapidly evolving, and the traditional strategy of the United States may need to be revisited and adjusted.

This evolution will have far-reaching global implications. China's rise will continue to shape the course of international affairs, and the United States will have to adapt to this new reality. At this critical juncture, deep strategic thinking is required on all sides to address the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Finally, we encourage our readers to continue to participate in the discussion and share your views and insights. The evolution of geopolitics is a complex and important topic, and we look forward to hearing more voices from all walks of life to discuss this important issue. At the same time, please continue to follow us, we will continue to provide you with the latest historical information and in-depth analysis. In these times of change and challenge, it's important for everyone to know what's going on.

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