
United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

author:Sword Light Frost Nineteen States
United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

May 30 is a day that will engrave its mark on the history of continental spaceflight. The Shenzhou 16 spacecraft carrying the mainland's astronauts successfully docked with the core module of the Tiangong space station. Not only that, the successful rendezvous with the Shenzhou 15 astronauts means that the construction of the mainland space station has taken another solid step.

United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

A space dream spanning three decades

Since 1992, the idea of a space station has taken root in the minds of mainland astronauts. After 31 years of hard work and firm pursuit, from scratch, the dream of the mainland space station has finally come true, achieving a historical leap from zero to one in the true sense.

United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

However, looking back, our road was not always easy. Especially in the early years, the United States has tried many times to isolate the continent in the field of space, and has said first: "Chinese never in this life can know what the space station is!" Such humiliating remarks have become the driving force for mainland aerospace workers.

United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

Until 2021, when the mainland's space station arrived as scheduled, showing the world the rapid progress of China's science and technology, some people who had looked down on us in the past suddenly jumped out and accused: "The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, how can its operating system not use English?" In the face of such remarks, many people want to ask: Do you have to consider the taste of dogs when cooking at home?

United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

A historical review of the International Space Station

At the end of the 70s, during the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union chose to cooperate to allow the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft to achieve space docking, which also laid the foundation for the birth of the International Space Station. In 1992, the burden of the ISS was handed over to Russia. At this time, the mainland's space industry was just beginning, and it was eager to participate in this great project.

United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

However, while the European Space Agency and others welcomed the mainland's participation, the United States vetoed the mainland's request for its own reasons.

United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

Chinese Space Station: Persistence and Independence

In order to get rid of its dependence on external technology, Continental officially launched its manned spaceflight project in 1992. After unremitting efforts, the mainland's space industry has changed with each passing day, not only the construction of the space laboratory has been completed, but now the construction of the space station is also on the right track.

United States: The Chinese space station does not meet international norms, their operating system does not use English!

In the face of this, the once doubtful voice sounded again. The United States is dissatisfied with the Chinese use of the operating system of the mainland space station, which is undoubtedly another disrespect for the mainland space industry, but the Chinese space station is independently designed and built by the mainland, and we have the right to decide everything inside, including the language used.


The continent's space station technology is advanced enough, but our attitude towards other countries has always been open and cooperative. At present, the continent has in-depth cooperation with many countries and institutions such as the European Space Agency, and we always believe that only openness, cooperation and win-win results can promote the sustainable development of the global space industry.

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