
With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

author:Lively Coke OG9

With the rapid development of domestic operating systems and lagging ecological construction, can they break through?

Domestic operating systems have developed rapidly in recent years and have been widely used in government, enterprises and other fields. However, compared with foreign mainstream operating systems, there is still a certain gap between domestic operating systems in terms of software and hardware adaptation and ecological construction. How to break through this bottleneck and build a complete ecosystem is the key to achieving independent and controllable domestic operating systems and catching up with foreign countries.

The development of domestic operating systems has been tortuous and has gone through many stages. In the early days, it mainly relied on the support of national scientific research projects, and the product functions were relatively simple. After entering the 21st century, with the enhancement of information security awareness, the pace of localization substitution has accelerated. In recent years, with the strong support of national policies, domestic operating systems have made great progress, and product performance has become more and more mature, and has been widely used in key areas such as government, finance, and energy.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

Compared with foreign mainstream operating systems, domestic operating systems are still weak in terms of ecological construction. The success of an operating system largely depends on the completeness of its software and hardware ecosystem. At present, although the domestic operating system has achieved independent and controllable core functions, there is a certain gap with mature systems such as Windows and Linux in terms of software adaptation and hardware driver support.

Software adaptation is a major challenge for domestic operating systems. Since the Windows operating system has occupied an absolute dominance in China for a long time, a large number of application software are developed for the Windows environment. In order for the domestic operating system to truly replace Windows, it is necessary to ensure that these application software can run normally on the domestic system. Due to the differences in operating system kernels, many application software has compatibility problems on domestic systems, which requires developers to carry out a lot of adaptation work, which brings huge resistance to ecological construction.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

Hardware driver support is also a major challenge for domestic operating systems. The operating system needs to interact with a variety of hardware devices, so drivers must be provided. At present, most of the drivers of mainstream hardware manufacturers are developed for mature systems such as Windows and Linux, and the support for domestic operating systems is relatively lagging behind. This has led to the lack of hardware compatibility of domestic operating systems, limiting their application in a wider range of fields.

To solve the above problems and build a complete ecosystem, it requires the joint efforts of domestic operating system manufacturers, software and hardware developers, and the government. Domestic operating system manufacturers need to increase investment, continuously optimize the system kernel, and improve compatibility with mainstream software and hardware. At the same time, it is necessary to actively attract developers to join and contribute more excellent applications to the domestic system. Software and hardware developers should also attach great importance to the domestic operating system market and launch products optimized for domestic systems in a timely manner. Finally, the government should introduce relevant policies to create a favorable environment for the ecological construction of domestic operating systems, such as giving priority to software and hardware products that support domestic operating systems in government procurement.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

Building a complete ecosystem is crucial for domestic operating systems, which is not only related to whether it can truly achieve autonomy and control, but also related to national information security. For a long time, the mainland has relied on foreign products in the field of basic software such as operating systems, which has brought potential hidden dangers to the security of national information systems. Once a major security breach occurs, it may lead to serious consequences such as system paralysis and data breaches. Promoting the development of domestic operating systems and building an independent and controllable software and hardware ecosystem is the only way to maintain national information security.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

From the perspective of individual users, the ecological construction of domestic operating systems is also very important. At present, the computer operating system used by most ordinary users is Windows, and the vast majority of Windows application software and hardware drivers are provided by Microsoft and its partners. This means that users are effectively tied down to Microsoft's ecosystem when they use their computers. In the event of a major security breach or a charge for certain apps from Microsoft, users will not be able to make their own choices.

Domestic operating systems are able to provide users with more autonomy. Only by building a complete ecosystem can users get the same experience as Windows on the domestic system, and truly make their own choice. Domestic operating systems can also provide users with higher security and privacy protection, avoiding risks such as improper collection of personal data.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

To build a complete ecosystem of domestic operating systems is not achieved overnight. This requires the joint efforts of operating system vendors, software and hardware developers, and the government. Operating system manufacturers need to optimize their products and improve compatibility with mainstream software and hardware. Software and hardware developers need to attach great importance to the domestic system market and launch more high-quality products; The government needs to introduce relevant policies to create a favorable environment for ecological construction.

Although there is a long way to go to build a domestic operating system ecosystem, we have reason to be confident in it. With the rapid development of the national information and innovation industry, the domestic operating system has made great progress. The product performance is becoming more and more mature, and the application scope in key areas such as government and finance is expanding. The state attaches great importance to information security, and has introduced a series of policies and measures to support domestic substitution, providing strong support for the development of domestic operating systems. Thirdly, with the rise of emerging technologies such as cloud computing and big data, it has also brought new development opportunities for domestic operating systems.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

The ecological construction of domestic operating systems can be started from the following aspects:

1. Increase government support. The government should further increase investment in domestic operating systems to support the research and development of core technologies and product optimization. In government procurement, priority will be given to software and hardware products that support domestic operating systems, so as to create a good environment for ecological construction.

2. Strengthen the construction of open source communities. The development of the operating system is inseparable from the support of the open source community. Domestic operating system manufacturers should actively attract developers to join and contribute more excellent applications to the system. It is also necessary to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with open source communities at home and abroad to jointly promote ecological construction.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

3. Improve the upstream and downstream industrial chain. The success of the operating system requires the support of a complete upstream and downstream industry chain. Domestic software and hardware enterprises should attach great importance to the domestic operating system market, accelerate the launch of adaptive products, and form a joint force for common development.

4. Speed up the process of software and hardware adaptation. Software and hardware adaptation is the top priority of the ecological construction of domestic operating systems. Operating system manufacturers need to maintain optimized kernels to improve compatibility with mainstream software and hardware. Software and hardware developers should also speed up the pace of adaptation to provide users with a better user experience.

5. Cultivate operating system talents. Talent is the fundamental driving force for the development of domestic operating systems. We need to increase the training of operating system majors in colleges and universities, and at the same time, we must also provide a good development platform and incentive mechanism for talents in the industry to attract more outstanding talents to join.

With the rise and growth of domestic operating systems, will Windows be marginalized?

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