
I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

author:Seven steps anecdote
I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

My granddaughter is one year old and has just learned to walk, and her innocent smile always brings us infinite joy.

"Wow, watermelon!" As soon as she saw the bright red watermelon, the granddaughter immediately screamed excitedly, and the little short legs "plopped" and ran towards the watermelon.

After that, I carried her to the faucet and washed her little hands.

After washing her hands, my granddaughter looked at the watermelon even more widely, and I knew she couldn't wait to taste this big red round fruit.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Well, give you the first bite." He smiled and brought the watermelon to his granddaughter's mouth.

"Sweet!" The granddaughter happily took the first bite of watermelon, and the sweet juice immediately flowed to her little hands and clothes.

The granddaughter didn't care, just ate one bite after another.

"Eat slowly, be careful not to choke." I reminded me softly, but my granddaughter didn't seem to hear it, still sucking the watermelon juice, making a "coo-dong" sound.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Our baby is eating watermelon for the first time, right?" My husband said with a smile.

"Well, last year she was too young, and now she is just over a year old, and it is time to taste all kinds of fruits." I say.

"Let her eat more, she's so happy." My husband cut a large piece of watermelon for his granddaughter.

I looked at her childish little face with a happy smile because she had eaten the food, and I was very relieved.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

Just as we watched our granddaughter eat melons, the courtyard door was suddenly slammed open.

"What's going on with you guys!" The son's face turned red and he looked angry.

I was stunned for a moment, and before I could react to what had happened, I saw my son reach out and slap me on the left side of the face.

"You." I covered my face and looked at my son in disbelief. The warmth just now disappeared in an instant, and my mind was blank, not knowing what I had done wrong and to be scolded by my son.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

At this moment, my husband stepped forward with an arrow, and it was two loud slaps against his son! "Hit your mother?! Did Lao Tzu teach you so! He roared.

The son froze in place, five distinct finger prints on his face clearly visible. He also seemed to realize that he had gone too far, and a look of shame appeared on his face.

"You..." He stammered, but didn't know what to say.

The burning pain on my face faded, replaced by an inexplicable sadness. I looked at the scene of father and son fighting me, and my heart was mixed.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

Our son is our jewel, and we have regarded him as a treasure from the moment he was born.

I still remember the feeling of my son in his arms when he was first born. That little body was warm and fragile, with a pair of big watery eyes, holding my little finger tightly.

My husband said happily. I am also looking forward to watching this little life grow up day by day, looking forward to every small stage of his growth.

All my son can do is eat and sleep, but whenever he babbles, we are like a treasure. My husband often made him laugh, threw him into the air and caught him, so that his son always showed a happy smile.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

As my son grew up, he began to crawl and toddler, and every "first" was our pride and pride.

However, the child will eventually grow up and leave home. When my son was admitted to university, my husband and I frequently sent him living expenses, and drove long distances to see him from time to time, for fear that he would suffer alone outside.

Later, the son finally found the girl he wanted to marry and have children. He has his own home, and our role seems to be diminished.

My husband and I often wonder whether our love and expectations for our son will eventually be annihilated by the years.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

Until that day, my son slapped me, and this sudden blow not only made my face hurt, but also made my heart desolate.

However, he is no longer a child who needs our care, he has his own life, his own troubles.

Life seems to be peeling off layer by layer, and I can only allow the years to take away my tenderness. But when the familiar little figure raised his hand in front of me and slapped it down fiercely, my heart was still dripping blood.

I know that he will always be my most beloved son and the pearl of my life. Even if he is far away from home, even if he no longer needs my care, I will still silently guard and guard every footprint of his growth.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

When my son's slap hit me in the face, I was stunned. What happened? My son, the son I regard as a pearl in the palm of my hand, why beat me like this?.

My cheeks ached hotly, and I looked at my son's angry expression, and my heart was like a knife. I remember how he looked as a baby, how carefully I held him, fearing that one mistake would hurt him.

I remember the day he left home for college, my eyes were red and I sent him to the train station, mixed but also glad that he had finally grown up and flew to a wider world.

My love for him has always been there and has never changed. I see him as life, I see him as a pearl in my palm.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"How can you hit me like that?" I asked him in a trembling voice.

"Do you think I can't see it? You only care about my sister and never put me in your eyes! The son said excitedly.

"No, we have always loved you, you are our pride and the most important person in this family." I explained, my voice choking.

"Liar! If you really care about me, why don't you only cut watermelon for your sister to eat, and don't even leave a little of my scraps cold? The son was still full of indignation.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

It turned out that he misunderstood us about the watermelon matter and treated him and his sister unfairly, thinking that we were partial.

"Baby, calm down. We cut watermelon specifically for your sister, because she is still young, this is her first time eating watermelon.

But the son didn't seem to listen to a word, and he retorted coldly: "I don't need your explanation, what you have done has said it all."

After that, he slapped it again. This palm was heavier than the last, and my face immediately swelled with a large bag.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Son, how can you do this to your mother!" My husband roared angrily and took me behind him.

I cried so hard that my heart was like a knife. I couldn't accept that my son had no respect for me, even used violence.

I was bitter in my heart, and I didn't know what to do with him.

How can there be any reason in life not to hit the southern wall and not look back? I looked at my son's face distorted by misunderstanding, and my heart was only filled with endless sadness and exhaustion.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

When my son slapped me for the second time without scruples, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

This slap seemed to split the tenderness in my heart, and I was no longer the mother who unconditionally spoiled her son.

"Stop!" I suddenly raised my voice and slapped me back. This palm I used the strength of breastfeeding to finally shut up my son.

"You unfilial son!" I said angrily, "I gave birth to you and raised you, how can you repay my kindness like this?" ”

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

The son covered his face and was speechless for a while.

"You mother and son, don't fight!" My husband hurriedly stepped forward and pulled us away.

"Let him fight, I'll settle the total score with him today!" I threw away my husband's hand and wanted to go up and slap my son again.

"Stop!" The husband gulped and slapped a palm on his son's face. "Still dare to hit your mother, look at the move!"

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

Then came the second palm, which was firmly breathed on the other cheek of his son. These two slaps were powerful and stunned their son.

"You..." The son covered both sides of his face and looked at his husband with wide eyes, as if he couldn't believe that Lao Tzu would also hit him.

"Beat your mother, I'm still a man!" My husband was furious.

Two bright red slap prints on the son's face were clearly visible. His face turned pale, his lips trembled, and he finally realized that he was too out of line.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"I'm sorry... I was wrong...... He lowered his head, his voice faint.

I looked at him with this embarrassed look, and my heart was mixed. I don't want to be so discordant with him, but he has to pay for his actions.

"Son, you have grown up and have your own family. But no matter what, we are your parents. You can't just forget our nurturing grace and turn on us with violence because of a little misunderstanding.

"I know it's wrong, you hit me, I won't fight back." The son also seemed to realize that he was too much, and his voice was full of crying.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

Seeing his appearance, my heart softened. "What's the use of hitting you? Does it solve the problem? We are a family, and we can't fight and kill at every turn.

"It won't happen again. Let's all calm down, make it clear, and don't let misunderstandings ruin family harmony.

I nodded and looked at my son's flushed cheeks, my heart full of concern. I don't want us to break up, on the contrary, I look forward to the reconciliation of this family again.

Blood is thicker than water, and I believe that the past affection will not disappear. The son will eventually understand that he has always been the most important presence in our hearts.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

Just after the husband slapped his son twice, the situation suddenly reversed.

The son stood in place, the red and swollen palm prints on his face clearly visible. He was dumbfounded, and seemed to be immersed in a huge shock, unable to believe that Lao Tzu would also hit himself.

After a while, he finally came to his senses. "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry." His voice was shaking, and his eyes were filled with tears, "I shouldn't hit my mother, and I shouldn't have hit you like that."

I saw the remorse in my son's eyes, and the anger in my heart subsided. He finally realized how hurtful what he had done was, and that was enough.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Kid, calm down too. It is inevitable that there will be some misunderstandings and disputes between parents and children, but they cannot go this far.

"I really regret it, you can beat me to relieve my anger, I will never fight back." The son choked and said.

Seeing my son's tearful and remorseful appearance, my heart softened. "Son, do you remember how your mother hurt you when you were a child?"

The son nodded, and tears came out of his eyes: "I remember, my mother saved money for me at that time, as long as I am happy, she will be happy."

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Let's all calm down, sit down and talk." My husband pulled my son over, and the three of us sat down on a stone bench in the yard.

"Son, tell us, have you encountered any difficulties at work recently? As long as you say it, we will do our best to help you.

The son poured out his recent troubles at work and his unhappiness in life. I realized that he was also accumulating a lot of negative emotions in his heart, and this dispute was just the trigger.

"Son, mother understands your difficulties. You know, you will always be our most beloved baby. No matter what happens, we will always support you.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"I've disappointed you so much. Having your parents who love me so much is the greatest blessing of my life.

The son's tone was full of remorse.

I was also very pleased to see him regain his sanity and warmth. We are not only connected by blood, but also by heart.

When my son's emotions finally calmed down, we decided to communicate well and find this family relationship that had been diluted by misunderstanding.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Son, let's talk calmly and talk about the past bits and pieces." I looked into my son's reddened eyes and said seriously.

The son nodded, and his expression finally recovered some temperature.

"Remember when you were a child, when you were just learning to walk, you always liked to climb under the table and then hold the table leg and refuse to come out?" The husband held his son's hand and said wistfully, "Your mother worked hard to coax you out."

"I remember remembering, I remember my mom dangling outside with my favorite car toy before I climbed out.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"After the years you were in school, we worked hard and saved money just to get you through college.

"I let you worry too much, you have worked hard all those years of studying." The son's eyes turned red again.

"Son, you must know that no matter what difficulties you encounter, we will always support you." My husband said firmly.

"I'm really going too far to think you're unfair. In fact, I know in my heart that you treat our two brothers and sisters equally.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Tell us about your recent work, and tell us if you have any troubles." I asked with concern.

Only then did the son tell the unsatisfactory at work and the troubles in life. It dawned on me that the uneasiness in his heart had been accumulated for a long time, and this time it was just the fuse.

"Son, tell us directly if there is any difficulty, you will always be our most beloved." I comforted him softly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have vented all my emotions on you." The son's voice choked.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"It's all gone, kid. The future is still long, and our family must unite to tide over the difficulties together. The husband spoke seriously.

I couldn't be happier to see my son smile again. After this turmoil, I believe that we will become a closer family than before.

After this turmoil, we once again found the warmth and harmony of home.

The next morning, I woke up early and prepared a hearty breakfast for the whole family with a smile on my face. My son woke up a little surprised, he looked at the dishes on the table, and then at me, as if he couldn't believe that yesterday's unhappiness had dissipated.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Mom, it's early." He greeted cautiously.

"Sit down and eat, these are your favorite foods." I said with a smile.

"Then I'll get it going." The son relaxed a little.

"Yo, happy breakfast for the whole family!" My husband also came to the table in good spirits.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Dad, I thought you would continue to be angry with me." The son was a little ashamed.

"Silly child, it's all gone, can we still remember the old?" The husband laughed and patted his son on the shoulder.

In this way, amid laughter and food, we had a relaxing and enjoyable morning. Yesterday's unhappiness has long dissipated, replaced by the harmony and affection that the family has rediscovered.

"Son, let's go fishing this weekend, shall we?" After breakfast, my husband proposed with a smile.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

"Okay, okay, I haven't been out with you guys in years!" The son happily agreed.

"If you go fishing, you have to get up early and roar, and you can't sleep in then." I reminded my son with a smile.

"I know, I must get up early!" The son seemed to have returned to his childhood, his eyes shining with youth.

Seeing him smile again, my husband and I were relieved. We got through this turmoil, and the bond of family became stronger.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

People are not sages, children are not. The key is to know tolerance and understanding, as my husband said, the future is still long, and our family must unite to overcome the difficulties in life.

This may be the meaning of home. A welcoming haven and a place to turn back. There is always someone waiting for you to come home.

Since then, the relationship between our family has never been harmonious before. Every week, the husband will take his son to go fishing or hiking to regain the intimacy between father and son; I will accompany my son to make the snacks he loved when he was a child, so that my son can feel the care of his mother's love.

As the days passed, we learned to understand and tolerate each other's shortcomings, rather than just superficial disputes.

I fed my one-year-old granddaughter watermelon, my son slapped me, and my husband slapped my son back twice

My husband and I have grown old, but my son has still grown up to be a filial and responsible person to his family.

There will inevitably be ups and downs on the road of life, but with the support of our families, we will eventually be able to get through it safely. This dispute has reawakened our family as the most precious existence in the world.

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