
The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people! Comparable to purgatory on earth

author:Military vision big science popularization
The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people! Comparable to purgatory on earth

On that bloody 5th October, the solemn graduation ceremony at the Syrian military academy in Homs became the target of ruthless terrorists. Drones carrying deadly explosive ordnance, like dark hands, raided this supposedly peaceful campus!

Chapter One: Relentless Attacks

The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people! Comparable to purgatory on earth

On the afternoon of October 5, a sudden drone attack turned the Homs Military Academy into a sea of fire. The relentless bomb was so powerful that it shook the entire campus and reduced innocent graduates and family members to ashes.

The statement of the Syrian government forces is a thunderous and forceful announcement of its attitude towards this cowardly attack. Wherever terrorists are hiding, they will face the harshest punishment and cannot escape justice.

Chapter 2: The Black Hand Behind the Terror

The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people! Comparable to purgatory on earth

What insidious mastermind is hidden behind the graduation ceremony of the Homs Military Academy? This vicious attack has raised the question of who is behind the scenes, and the question has become the most pressing question.

The statement of condemnation issued by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced this inhuman terrorist attack, while also firmly expressing its determination to combat terrorist organizations in the country.

Chapter III: The Organization's Worries and Warnings

The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people! Comparable to purgatory on earth

In a statement, UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his deep concern over the attack on the Homs Military Academy. However, he also warned of growing casualties in retaliatory shelling at several locations in northwest Syria, which caused deep concern.

Chapter 4: The Difficult Road to Recovery and Unity

After the relentless attack, the Syrian people will face painful pressure to recover and rebuild in solidarity. This disaster has made people deeply appreciate the preciousness of peace, and it has also made them cherish the preciousness of life even more.

Ending: A Call for Peace

The tragedy at the Homs Military Academy has once again made the world feel deeply the fragility of peace. We cannot stand idly by, but must work together to eradicate violence and terror from their roots and bring true peace and stability to that war-torn land. Only in this way can we create a peaceful and peaceful world for future generations.

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