
Latest! US troops shoot down Turkish drones in northern Syria! The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people, and the UN Secretary-General spoke out...

author:National Business Daily

Per editor: Li Zedong

According to CCTV news reports, on October 5, local time, according to Reuters, citing US officials, the US military shot down a Turkish drone operating near the US military in northern Syria in Hasakah, northern Syria.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense issued a statement on the evening of October 5, local time, saying that the Turkish security forces launched air strikes in northern Syria, destroying a total of 30 targets of the Kurdistan Workers' Party and the Syrian Kurdish armed "People's Protection Units", including oil wells and oil storage facilities, bunkers, caves and other shelters.

According to Reuters, an official of the Turkish Defense Ministry said on October 5, "Our only goal is to eliminate terrorist organizations that pose a threat to Turkey." A ground operation is one of the options to eliminate this threat, but it is not the only option for us. ”

According to reports, the Turkish military launched a drone attack on Kurdish armed controlled areas in northeastern Syria on the 5th, killing at least 8 people.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said on October 4 that all infrastructure and energy facilities of the two Kurdish militant groups in Syria and Iraq are now "legitimate targets" for Turkey, according to the German news agency.

According to CCTV news reports, on October 5, local time, the Syrian Homs Military Academy was attacked by drones when holding an officer's graduation ceremony. On the evening of the same day, Syria's health minister said on Syrian state television that the attack on the Homs military academy had killed 80 people.

Latest! US troops shoot down Turkish drones in northern Syria! The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people, and the UN Secretary-General spoke out...

On October 5, local time, UN Secretary-General Guterres issued a statement through a spokesman expressing deep concern about the drone attack on the graduation ceremony of the Homs Military Academy in Syria. In addition, Guterres expressed deep concern about retaliatory shelling and new casualty reports at several locations in northwest Syria.

Latest! US troops shoot down Turkish drones in northern Syria! The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people, and the UN Secretary-General spoke out...

The Secretary-General once again stressed that a ceasefire throughout Syria is essential for a meaningful political process to implement Security Council Resolution 2254.

The statement strongly condemned all acts of violence in Syria and urged all parties to respect their obligations under international law. Civilians and civilian infrastructure must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law, Guterres said.

Earlier, the Syrian government army issued a statement saying that on the afternoon of October 5, local time, the graduation ceremony of the military academy officer in Homs in Syria was attacked by drones carrying explosive ordnance, resulting in the death of many civilians and soldiers, including women and children among the invited family members.

Latest! US troops shoot down Turkish drones in northern Syria! The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people, and the UN Secretary-General spoke out...

The statement said that the Syrian government army general command said that it will respond fully and decisively to these terrorist groups wherever they are found, and stressed that the planners and perpetrators of this terrorist attack will be held accountable and pay a high price.

On the same day, the Syrian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that Syria strongly condemns the terrorist attack on the graduation ceremony of officers of the Homs Military Academy. The Syrian Foreign Ministry said that the Syrian government will fight terrorist organizations in China in an all-out and decisive way.

Latest! US troops shoot down Turkish drones in northern Syria! The attack on the Syrian military academy has killed 80 people, and the UN Secretary-General spoke out...

According to the Syrian "Fatherland" news, on October 5, local time, Syrian government forces shelled a headquarters of opposition forces in the city of Gisr Shugul in Idlib province.

Idlib province is the only area in Syria that is completely controlled by opposition forces.

On October 5, local time, according to Syrian local media Radio Sharm news, rockets from opposition forces attacked the western area of Hama Province in Syria, killing a child.

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