
Gu Yue: Why did the actor who played the most similar role to a great man die suddenly? The wife revealed a bad habit

author:Mr. Brave

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Introduction: On September 9, 1976, the Chinese nation ushered in an eternal parting, and Chairman Mao left us forever. His mark on the world will forever be etched in the pages of history. But how can this great leader be remembered? Perhaps, through the play of special actors, we can feel Chairman Mao's greatness and excellence more deeply. Among the many special actors who played Chairman Mao, Teacher Gu Yue is an undisputed outstanding representative. He interpreted the life of Chairman Mao with a striking similarity and became a legend. However, in 2005, Mr. Gu Yue died of a sudden heart attack, ending his career as a special actor, leaving regrets behind.

Gu Yue: Why did the actor who played the most similar role to a great man die suddenly? The wife revealed a bad habit

Teacher Furutsuki, born in 1937, was devastated by war and orphaned in his childhood. In 1949, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Gu Yue was accepted into the army, but at the same time, people began to notice his striking resemblance to Chairman Mao. This similarity laid the groundwork for later filmmaking, as China desperately needed an actor similar in appearance to Chairman Mao to interpret the great course of the Red Revolution.

Gu Yue: Why did the actor who played the most similar role to a great man die suddenly? The wife revealed a bad habit

In a rigorous selection process, Furukue-sensei stood out, and although he didn't know anything about acting, his similar appearance made him the best choice. However, it was not enough to simply resemble his appearance, he faced a great challenge and needed to imitate Chairman Mao's demeanor and temperament. In order to be up to this task, Teacher Gu Yue stared at Chairman Mao's photos day and night, delved into the history of the Red Revolution, and tried to integrate himself into Chairman Mao's world. Finally, in 1981, he completed his first film and television work as Chairman Mao, "Xi'an Incident".

Gu Yue: Why did the actor who played the most similar role to a great man die suddenly? The wife revealed a bad habit

As soon as "Xi'an Incident" was broadcast, it immediately won a warm response from audiences across the country. The audience said that Teacher Gu Yue's performance was too realistic, as if they saw the real Chairman Mao. The success of this film opened the door to acting for Mr. Gu Yue, however, he resolutely decided to play only the role of Chairman Mao and refused many director's invitations.

Gu Yue: Why did the actor who played the most similar role to a great man die suddenly? The wife revealed a bad habit

Successive films such as "Four Crossings of Red Water", "The Founding Ceremony" and "The Story of Mao Zedong" have won the audience's recognition with their outstanding performances. Teacher Gu Yue gradually gained the support and respect of the national audience, and his acting career was thriving. However, just as everyone was looking forward to his new work, bad news suddenly came.

On July 2, 2005, Teacher Gu Yue was rushed to the hospital due to a sudden myocardial infarction, and despite the best efforts of medical staff, he eventually passed away. This sudden event made people sigh, because Teacher Gu Yue's spirit had always seemed healthy. However, the reasons behind it reveal the huge impact of stress at work and life on health.

Teacher Gu Yue's work is extremely stressful, and the frequent on-set work environment is unstable, resulting in his irregular life and work. He drank excessively, smoked, and even took saunas after meals, unknowingly adding a burden to his heart. These bad lifestyle habits have become risk factors for sudden myocardial infarction.

Conclusion: The death of Mr. Gu Yue has made domestic audiences and fans feel sad, and as Chairman Mao's special actor, he interpreted the glorious course of a generation of great people. However, he also served as a wake-up call to take care of our bodies and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In the new year, may everyone be happy, healthy, peaceful and joyful.

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