
From Zhang Tianai to Wu Jinyan: actresses' body changes, and aesthetics evolve rapidly

author:When smeared with cat's eyes

Time flies, looking back at the film and television dramas 20 years ago, the actresses of that era were all beautiful as flowers and perfect figures. But nowadays, actresses suffer from spit and even online violence when they are a little richer. We will review four actresses to explore which state is more beautiful, while reflecting on the changes in modern aesthetics.

1. Zhang Tianai: In the 2015 online drama "Crown Princess Promotion", she was already quite thin, her collarbone was clearly visible, and her curves were just right. However, excessive weight loss made her look ten years older with deep nasolabial folds.

From Zhang Tianai to Wu Jinyan: actresses' body changes, and aesthetics evolve rapidly

Second, Liu Wen: Once had a healthy body when she was young, but excessive weight loss led to prominent cheekbones, sunken cheeks, and difficulty understanding the aesthetic standards of fashion. Her figure was too thin and unhealthy.

From Zhang Tianai to Wu Jinyan: actresses' body changes, and aesthetics evolve rapidly

Third, Jin Chen: Excessive weight loss makes her look weak and unbearable, giving people a feeling of recovering from a long illness. Her appearance became very fragile.

From Zhang Tianai to Wu Jinyan: actresses' body changes, and aesthetics evolve rapidly

Fourth, Wu Jinyan: Excessive weight loss makes her skeleton small, and her appearance is too thin to support her clothes. Recent costume photos have shown a healthier image and reacquainted with her appearance.

From Zhang Tianai to Wu Jinyan: actresses' body changes, and aesthetics evolve rapidly

The changes in the figure of these actresses present a point of view: true beauty is not the appearance of thin sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and bones from the neck down. Today's aesthetic trend is biased towards the young, which restricts the freedom of actresses and misleads the public.

The actress of that year did not pursue an overly thin figure, nor did she think that only being as thin as a skeleton was truly dedicated and beautiful. Modern aesthetics require actresses to be slender and girly, but sometimes neglect health and natural beauty. This aesthetic trend not only affects the self-esteem of actresses, but also misleads the public's understanding of beauty.

Beauty is diverse and should not be limited to certain standards. The changes in the figures of the actresses are a testimony to the aesthetic evolution of the fashion industry. We should encourage actresses to stay healthy, natural, rather than forcing them to conform to narrow aesthetic standards.

In the field of fashion and beauty, we need a more diverse aesthetic. Beauty can come in many forms, and different body types have their own charms. We should encourage people to pursue health, confidence and happiness instead of pursuing unrealistic body standards.

So, let's reflect on the definition of beauty in modern society, and no longer require actresses to be skinny too harshly. Beauty should come naturally, and true beauty is the embodiment of health and confidence. In a diverse world, everyone should be accepted and respected, regardless of how their appearance changes.

The definition of beauty varies from person to person, and aesthetics are constantly evolving. We should pursue our own happiness and health, not be bound by external standards. The experiences of actresses remind us that true beauty comes from inner confidence and health, not the appearance of excessive weight loss. Let's cherish the beauty of diversity so that everyone can express themselves with confidence.

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