
Because of a miscalculation, China paid a trillion dollars, and the most pity is this hateful fallen superstar

author:Lu Junze

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With the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous advancement of globalization, technical exchange and knowledge sharing have become daily. However, some technological exchanges in history have had serious consequences. Due to a miscalculation, the Soviet Union mistakenly believed that China was trying to develop nuclear weapons on its own, which led to a rapid deterioration of friendly relations between the two countries, and overnight Sino-Soviet relations, which were like brothers, turned cold and hostile. In the process of independent development, China also paid a high price for a wrong decision, and unfortunately, the mistake led to the death of an outstanding scientist and engineer. His name was Ma Fengshan, and he was one of the many engineers of that era. In order to learn Soviet technology, he and his colleagues went to the Soviet Union, but after returning home, he made great efforts to advance bomber manufacturing technology and technology, and finally China had its own bomber, achieving a major breakthrough in air force equipment. However, he eventually died with hatred because in the 60s of the last century, China decided to develop its own jumbo jet. Ma Fengshan was appointed as the technical director of the project, but the project encountered unprecedented difficulties and took five years to complete the final assembly of the test machine. However, when mass production was about to be achieved, new partners appeared, but the cooperation ultimately failed, resulting in China lagging behind other countries in the field of jumbo jets, and the results of Ma Fengshan's team were ruined. In 1989, for the development of domestic large aircraft, Ma Fengshan was again entrusted with important tasks. However, this heroic scientist died of hatred at the age of 61.

Because of a miscalculation, China paid a trillion dollars, and the most pity is this hateful fallen superstar

Many years ago, during the Sino-Soviet friendship, the Soviet Union provided China with the design drawings of the Tu-16 bomber, and China sent engineers to the Soviet Union to study, but the accident led to the loss of technical data. Ma Fengshan stood up brilliantly, and his notes became a guide for Chinese engineers, although not complete drawings, but organized technical details and data as the basis for implementing the work plan. His leadership skills have earned him the trust and respect of his colleagues. Decades later, Sino-Soviet relations improved, and complete Tu-16 information was obtained, and it was found that Ma Fengshan's notes completely matched it, and this note became a state secret document and has been kept in a safe place. The successful delivery of the H-6 aircraft marks a greater power in China's aviation industry. Ma Fengshan's team's contribution to the Y-10 was ruined by a mistake in decision-making.

Because of a miscalculation, China paid a trillion dollars, and the most pity is this hateful fallen superstar

In 1989, Ma Fengshan was awarded the rank of major general, and he has made significant contributions to China's aviation industry and national defense, receiving numerous honorary titles. His innovative thinking and spirit of exploration continued to influence later aeronautical engineers. Ma Fengshan has an important position and far-reaching influence in the history of the development of China's aviation industry. The H-6, Y-8, Y-10 and other models he participated in the design have been successfully applied at home and abroad. His life is legendary, and his dedication and achievements will forever be remembered in the history of China's aircraft manufacturing industry.

Because of a miscalculation, China paid a trillion dollars, and the most pity is this hateful fallen superstar

The C919 is a Chinese-developed civil aircraft that was launched in 2008 with the goal of competing with market leaders. After years of hard work, the C919 has completed its first flight and started mass production. Its development not only fills the gap in China's large passenger aircraft field, but also promotes the upgrading of Chinese manufacturing to high-end manufacturing, and promotes competition and cooperation in the global civil aviation market. The development process of C919 shows the accumulation of talents and technical capabilities of China's aviation industry, and the death of Ma Fengshan has become their driving force.

Because of a miscalculation, China paid a trillion dollars, and the most pity is this hateful fallen superstar

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