
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

author:Words are dancing

October 1, 2023 marks the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Today's China is a brand new China after experiencing great suffering; Today's China is the backbone of safeguarding world peace; Today's China is becoming the center of the world, leading all mankind towards a new civilization.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

Founded from ruins, New China was once synonymous with poor and backward countries. In the past 74 years, the Communist Party of China has led the entire Chinese people to shake off the hat of poverty and backwardness. Today's China, with the joint efforts of the entire Chinese people, has risen from poverty to the world's largest developing country in 74 years.

Through 11 sets of comparative photos posted by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on Twitter on October 1, it takes a closer look at China's great achievements in sports, information technology, transportation, aerospace, poverty alleviation, air pollution control, rural urbanization transformation, and human rights development in recent years.

Through those photos, we can clearly see the earth-shaking changes that China has undergone over the years, which reflects the hard work, wisdom and tenacity of the Chinese people; It embodies the greatness of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. The tremendous development and progress China has made once again proves that the Chinese nation is the best nation in the world. It also proves once again that adhering to reform and opening up and unswervingly taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an incomparably correct choice!

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

Let's start with the liberation of Tibet and human rights today, so that we can know what it means for serfs to turn over and become masters. The first picture below shows homeless women and children on the streets under the old Tibetan serfdom before 1959. The second image below shows children in Tibet taking Tibetan language lessons in modern classrooms in 2023.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

Many netizens who have not paid attention to history may not know that before the 50s of the 20th century, Tibet was under the rule of feudal serfs who "integrated politics and religion". At that time, the trinity of officials, aristocrats, and monasteries firmly controlled the resources and wealth of Tibet, and the Tibetan people suffered greatly under the rule of this feudal system, had no access to education, and did not even have basic freedoms, dignity and rights as human beings.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

Tibet was peacefully liberated in May 1951 and has since embarked on a bright path of development under the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. In the democratic reform carried out in 1959, the feudal serfdom of theocracy was abolished, and the feudal system in Tibet entered civilization "once across a thousand years". In 1965, Tibet began to fully implement the system of regional ethnic autonomy, which further enabled the people to be masters of their own country and laid the foundation for the development of human rights.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

In order to liberate Tibet and free the Tibetan people from serfdom. In April 1950, the state began to organize teams to build the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, when a total of 110,000 soldiers and civilians participated in this great Genesis project, and the northern route was officially opened to traffic in December 1954. After that, the road construction army continued to build the section of the East Oro Line from Batang , Mong Kham and Zuogon to Bonda South, which was completed and opened to traffic in 1969, and then officially included as part of National Highway 318.

Due to the backward engineering technology at that time, there was no modern mechanical auxiliary equipment, and they were all dug with simple tools such as shovels, steel tongs, and hammers. In order to open the Sichuan-Tibet Line, PLA soldiers had to use ropes and nails to fix their bodies to the cliff and hammer and chisel. In the first year of construction, more than 2,000 people gave their lives, and about 300 people died on the top of Bird Mountain alone.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

According to incomplete statistics, more than 3,000 people died on the road in the more than four years of construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway. But everyone was not deterred by the difficulties and dangers, and in the end, this steel team of more than 100,000 people dug a "blood channel" between Tibet and the interior on the roof of the world. Since then, batches of materials have been transported to Tibet by Sichuan-Tibet Highway, which has greatly alleviated the shortage of materials in Tibet and brought Tibet closer to the political, economic and cultural ties between Tibet and the hinterland.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

In 1951, Tibet's GDP was only 129 million yuan; in 2020, this figure exceeded 190 billion yuan. In 2020, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in Tibet doubled compared with 2010, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents maintained double-digit growth for 18 consecutive years, ranking first in the country. In particular, the average life expectancy in Tibet increased from an average of 35.5 years in 1951 to an average of 71.1 years in 2019.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

At the same time, Tibet's excellent traditional culture and freedom of religious belief have also been fully protected and developed. Moreover, the Tibetan language is the first Chinese minority language with international standards to obtain a global information highway pass. It is reported that there are now more than 1,700 Tibetan Buddhist religious activity sites in Tibet, and there are about 46,000 monks and nuns.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

At present, modern education in Tibet has adhered to bilingual (Tibetan and Chinese) education from the very beginning, comprehensively popularized bilingual education based on the standard spoken and written Chinese language, and consolidated and improved the bilingual education system. At present, Tibet's overall level of educational development has approached the national average, and basic public education services have been equalized.

By liberating Tibet, rescuing the Tibetan people under the oppression and exploitation of serfdom, and enabling them to truly turn over and become masters, the greatness of the Communist Party of China is embodied. Through the earth-shaking changes in Tibet, it has fully proved the correctness and superiority of taking the socialist road!

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

To be honest, there is no country in the world whose social system pays as much attention to ethnic equality as China, and will provide policy support for ethnic minorities. Although the developed countries of the United States and the West like to use the so-called "democracy", "freedom" and "human rights" all day long, in fact, their racial system and caste system are still deeply rooted.

For example, the United States is the loudest slogan of "human rights", and a fire on Maui, Hawaii, smashed their so-called "human rights, democracy" fig leaf to pieces; After tens of millions of Indians were constantly slaughtered by them, only two or three hundred thousand remained. The concepts of democracy, freedom, and human rights have become weapons used by the United States and the West to launch color revolutions and create division and war.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

The United States and the West often use the slogan of "environmental protection" and safeguarding the life and health of all mankind, but they can let the wildfires burn for months at will. Just as the so-called not afraid of not recognizing the goods, afraid of comparing goods, many times just look at it does not feel anything, in contrast, you will find the gap and advantages and disadvantages.

Not to mention their hypocrisy, let's take a few more sets of comparative photos to see the major changes and progress in China in recent decades, and to see the wisdom, diligence, tenacity and greatness of the Chinese people. By comparison, we will find that the Chinese nation is the best nation in the world, and we will certainly be able to achieve common prosperity and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

The first picture above shows the mainland hosting international multi-sport events for the first time in 1990; The second picture is the third Asian Games held in Hangzhou. According to Xinhua News Agency, because China was in the early stage of reform and opening up in 1990, the country's financial resources were limited. At that time, relevant parties estimated that 2.5 billion yuan was needed to prepare for the Asian Games, and there was still a gap of 600 million yuan.

In 1990, China's GDP ranked 10th in the world, with an output value of 363.8 billion US dollars. According to post-competition statistics, a total of more than 100 million people donated funds and materials to the Asian Games, raising a total of 700 million yuan.

After 33 years, the mainland's total economic output has jumped to the second place in the world, and China's GDP output value in 2022 is 18 trillion US dollars, equivalent to 120 trillion yuan. In 2022, Hangzhou's GDP exceeded 1.87 trillion yuan. Hangzhou's preparations for the Asian Games reflect the higher standards of green, intelligent, thrifty and civilized.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

The above set of pictures is Shenzhen in 1980 and Shenzhen in 2018, and in less than 40 years of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has developed from a fishing village to one of China's most dynamic cities. In 1980, Shenzhen's GDP output value was 270 million yuan, and in 2019, Shenzhen's GDP output value was 2.7 trillion yuan.

In less than 40 years, Shenzhen's GDP output value has increased by 10,000 times, which is the wisdom and creativity of Chinese under the wave of reform and opening up. Everyone, the Chinese nation is really amazing!

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

This set of pictures is a communication comparison, in 2004 we were 3G network, now Myanmar, Cambodia and other countries are basically 3G, in the past we often have to make calls to open places, so the signal is better. In many rural areas, it is basically in aviation mode, but now it is the 5G era, we are in the underground parking lot, in remote rural areas, the signal is basically full.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

The first picture of this set of pictures is Yanwu Village in Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province in 2006, and the second picture is Yanwu Village in 2023 after Zhejiang Province launched the green rural revitalization plan 'Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Rectification' project. In five years, about 10,000 administrative villages from the 40,000 villages in the province will be selected for comprehensive rectification, and about 1,000 of them will be built into model villages for comprehensive moderate prosperity.

In June 2003, Zhejiang Province launched the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Rectification" project. Over the past 20 years, this project has not only been solidly promoted in Zhejiang, but also promoted and implemented throughout the country. With the continuous implementation of the highway project connecting villages and villages, rural revitalization has ushered in rapid economic development in many rural areas.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

This set of images is a comparison between the 2012 Greenskin low-speed train and today's high-speed train. I am very impressed by the green train, when I joined the army in 2002, I took the train, and I trembled for several days and nights to get to Urumqi, and then transferred from Urumqi to Kashgar, I really almost wasted everything, and I had half a life left after getting off the train.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

The first picture in the above set is a rattan ladder at the entrance of the "cliff village" in Zhaojue County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. I've been to this place once, and the poverty is unimaginable, and the amount of alcohol they drink is unimaginable. The altitude difference from the bottom of the mountain to the village on the mountain is about 800 meters, and the only access between the villagers and the outside world is the 17 very dangerous rattan ladders. Later, the rattan ladder leading to the "cliff village" was replaced by a steel ladder, and the villagers' time to go up and down the mountain was shortened from 8 hours to less than 2 hours.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

In May 2019, with the support of the relocation policy, a total of 423 people from 84 registered poor households in "Cliff Village" moved into a centralized resettlement site in Zhaojue County, with the support of the relocation policy.

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

Villagers doing handicrafts

Mu'endi community, the capital of Zhaojue County, is the largest of the six resettlement sites for poverty alleviation and relocation, with a total of 1,424 poor households, 80 of whom are from "cliff villages". Each household in the resettlement community is allocated according to the standard of 25 square meters per capita housing area, the largest housing area is 100 square meters, and each house contains a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room.

Moreover, the community is very well equipped, with schools, shops, employment service centers, homes for left-behind children, maternal and child health centers, legal consultation rooms and other infrastructure. The second photo above shows the villagers who moved into their new homes in Cliff Village in 2020.

Ladies and gentlemen, if they work their own, how can they get out of the mountain?

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

Local government revenues simply cannot help them change their lives, because the uneven distribution of resources makes the development of the industry unable to keep up. This is to rely on the strength of the state to implement "blood transfusion" support in places where they get rich first, which is also a manifestation of achieving common prosperity.

If the overall strength of the country is not strong enough, I am afraid that they will be able to get out of the mountains in their lives, and China really has not left a person behind in the process of development and progress. Of course, "poverty alleviation" is not "upbringing", and it will be very troublesome if this thinking is not changed.

From this set of comparative pictures, we can clearly see the great changes in China in recent decades, from the country's development and progress, the improvement of people's living standards, all of which are earth-shaking changes. As the saying goes, there is no harm without contrast, no contrast does not know progress, and no contrast does not know where happiness is.

Therefore, if anyone who says that China is not great, that the Communist Party of China is not great, that reform and opening up is not contrary to greatness, that the Chinese people are not contrary to greatness, and that the Chinese nation is not excellent, I think that is talking nonsense with open eyes!

Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!
Looking at China's 74 years, Chinese wisdom on the road to rise, the Chinese spirit will surely lead the world!

Finally, I would like to say that the perfection of China is closely related to the perfection of each of us, and the more perfect and excellent we are, the more perfect and powerful this country will be. Because every Chinese we are part of China, every beam, not a brick, every nail of a building is of high quality, and the higher the quality of this building.

China's achievements today are the result of the joint efforts of each and every one of our Chinese, because we are different, so we have a society. Here's a tribute to every ordinary person who strives for a happy life, let us work together to build the Republic Building more perfectly, and welcome the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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