
"The Fifth Heavenly King" Li Keqin: married "Miss Hong Kong" Lu Shuyi, and has never had a scandal in 28 years of love

author:Yan'er can't eat fat

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True love is not to control each other's possessiveness to please oneself, but to accept and respect each other. Ronald's words profoundly point out the true meaning of love. However, when choosing a partner, many people are fooled by appearance, which leads to the emergence of many love traps. This article will take you through the love story of Li Keqin and Lu Shuyi, a story full of traditional virtues, love at first sight, and happiness after marriage.

Li Keqin's wife Lo Shuyi is a graceful and outstanding Miss Hong Kong champion, once known as a star in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. However, Li Keqin's requirements for her in marriage are very traditional. He stressed that Lu Shuyi should not dress revealingly and even tried to limit her work. Behind these seemingly strict requirements is Li Keqin's deep desire to protect, who has witnessed the darkness and unfair treatment of the entertainment industry, so he wants to keep Lu Shuyi away from these dangers.

"The Fifth Heavenly King" Li Keqin: married "Miss Hong Kong" Lu Shuyi, and has never had a scandal in 28 years of love

Although Li Keqin has restrictions on Lu Shuyi in appearance and career, in the family, he is very careful and considerate. He hired a nanny to ease Lu Shuyi's housework burden so that she could focus on her hobbies. This allowed Lu Shuyi to live an elegant and interesting life and become an elegant wife. This life fills their family life with happiness and warmth.

The love story of the two is not love at first sight, but stems from Li Keqin's interaction with Lu Shuyi in a performance. During the interaction held on stage, Li Keqin accidentally saw Lu Shuyi and was attracted by her beauty. This moment made him feel an unprecedented attraction and became the beginning of the love story between the two.

"The Fifth Heavenly King" Li Keqin: married "Miss Hong Kong" Lu Shuyi, and has never had a scandal in 28 years of love

Li Keqin confessed that he is an appearance association and has always thought that his other half should be very beautiful. Although he later met more beautiful girls, he always cherished his time with Lu Shuyi. By Lu Shuyi's side, he felt happy and satisfied, and was unwilling to give up this precious relationship.

Lu Shuyi won the Miss Hong Kong title and other honors, she could have chosen to become a star, but for the sake of love, she chose to quit the entertainment industry and started a 14-year relationship with Li Keqin. During this time, the two grew up together and cultivated a deep relationship. Finally, after the long-distance love run, they announced their marriage and ushered in a happy life after marriage.

"The Fifth Heavenly King" Li Keqin: married "Miss Hong Kong" Lu Shuyi, and has never had a scandal in 28 years of love

After marriage, Lu Shuyi and Li Keqin lived a full and happy life. They have two lovely sons, and there is a nanny to take care of the housework, allowing Lu Shuyi to pursue her interests more. Their love has not been worn out by the passage of time, and they are still as loving as newlyweds.

In short, in this love story, we see the beauty of love and the importance of mutual respect and tolerance. The love story of Li Keqin and Lu Shuyi tells us that true love is based on deep understanding and cherishing, not just the appearance of appearance and social status. Only this kind of love can allow us to enjoy the best things in life.

"The Fifth Heavenly King" Li Keqin: married "Miss Hong Kong" Lu Shuyi, and has never had a scandal in 28 years of love

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