
Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

author:Creator of Shehi

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Topicality! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came, and the insider revealed that it was related to the woman's husband. The penalty decision was made two days after the incident. It seems that this thing is "real", but just whether there is "true love" between them, I don't know.

The two took advantage of the opportunity to study abroad and often sleep in the same room at night. While many of the teachers' families attended college together, others lived next door. It can only be said that both are very brave.

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

To be honest, when I first saw this report, it was difficult to draw conclusions, because the information on the Internet was too messy, and it was difficult to draw conclusions based on just a "hotel surveillance video". Corridors" provided by whistleblowers.

But late Friday, the local education bureau said it had opened an investigation. Unexpectedly, on Sunday night, the local education working committee issued a final disciplinary action.

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

It seems that the whistleblower needs to be ready!

The evidence provided to the Education Bureau is by no means just "hotel video surveillance". Otherwise, this video alone will not be able to determine the real relationship between the two.

The whistleblower must prepare two things

First-hand preparation: the first time to deliver the news to the media!

Both are special teachers at Lijia Middle School. One is the Director and the other is the Director of the Education Division. Both of them are in high positions. They also provided video recordings of entering and leaving the room. Such a plot is enough to cause a storm of public opinion.

The incident quickly escalated and public opinion was in an uproar. In order to reduce its impact, the local education bureau quickly opened a case for investigation.

But if both sides jointly insist on "non-recognition", such corridor monitoring alone may not be enough to prove the truth.

Therefore, the announcement of the sanction results by the Education and Work Committee so quickly must be related to the second-hand preparation of the whistleblower.

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

Used Preparation:

Now that you've chosen the media to deliver your message, you need to have all the preparation and evidence ready. As for the decisive evidence, it is estimated that the whistleblower was then handed over to the local education department.

Sanctions would have been imposed so quickly only if there was solid evidence.

Some people may ask: Principal Tang and Director Gou are rare talents in the school. Will the Education Bureau ignore the evidence and be partial rather than punished?

Obviously, this idea is impossible.

Since whistleblowers can report to the Education Office, they need to have a backup on hand. Once the news is leaked to the media, if the education bureau does not carry out "fair and equitable punishment", it will have a negative impact on the local education bureau.

So the Department of Education does not dare to gamble and cannot make mistakes!

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

And it depends on how the local education committee handles this result. It's fun to think about it!

The punishment received by the two is very similar. Both received serious warnings from the party and were removed from their posts. The only difference was that Principal Tang was transferred from Lijia Middle School, while Director Gou was transferred from his current position.

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

At first glance, this punishment is intended to separate the "two", but upon closer inspection, it is to protect Principal Tang. Principal Tang can still shine when he goes to other units, but it is an embarrassing situation for Director Gou. Her punishment was much harsher than Principal Tang.

There is such a big scandal. Director Gou is first and foremost a woman. Not to mention the school, even the local neighbors know about it. What is the purpose of Director Gou's stay in school?

A teacher who violates professional ethics and damages the image of teachers has such unhealthy tendencies. What should students and parents think of this seemingly beautiful face?

Therefore, Director Gou's judgment seems to be just a transfer from his current position, but in fact, it is only a step for Director Gou to "voluntarily resign".

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

The incident triggered a series of consequences

Now this ending can only be blamed on two people being too careless. A group of people go to school together, each living in their own room, and live together shamelessly. Aren't they afraid that the partition wall has ears?

Good things do not go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles, and such romantic stories will soon reach the ears of the relatives of the parties involved.

I saw a comment from a netizen:

If you're so immoral, don't get married. Freedom is wonderful. Since you are married, you must be responsible for the family, otherwise you must first divorce and then live together. But how will it end in the end?

Careers will definitely be damaged, and it is likely that family problems will also occur. In the woman's case, the possibility of divorce should be high.

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

Two people separated, and it is not impossible to be together. It depends on their ability and luck.

However, some netizens see opportunities from different angles:

It is said that in order to save money for one room, Principal Tang and Director Gou ruined two families, but gave at least four other colleagues the opportunity to be promoted.

It is believed to be related to Director Gou's husband

In addition, an insider revealed:

During the summer vacation, Director Gou's husband had already found the school. It is estimated that there was no sound of water at that time, so he collected evidence, reported the news to the media, and hit it immediately.

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

If the news that this netizen broke is true, then the person who broke the news is most likely Director Gou's husband. Now that things have come to this point, the divorce must be finalized.

In addition, some netizens pointed out that although the incident has come to an end, the remaining problems still need to be investigated:

Carefully investigate whether there is a power bargain between directors and directors;

Hotel surveillance exposed and leaked at will should also be investigated!

Moreover, the significance of the event is extraordinary:

In today's information age, no matter who you are, no matter how much you contribute to society, you must first be responsible for your own family!

It's a shame if your future is ruined by your own style.

Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came
Latest! The punishment of Principal Tang and Director Gou came

Public information shows that Principal Tang and Director Gou are both outstanding talents in the school. If they all keep themselves and focus on their careers, the future will be immeasurable!

It's a pity that one wrong step has now made a big mistake. It's too late to regret! Finally, I would like to ask you a difficult question to answer. For such a farce, it was suggested to fire them!

Do you think the punishment from the local education commission is normal or too light?

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