
Suitable for all girls with face shapes/fine soft and slumpy hair, Korean style perm in autumn and winter, naturally dried at home, well taken care of, with black brown color more white, high-grade age-reducing versatile #square round face girl's suitable hairstyle

author:Designed by Jay

Korean styling perm suitable for all girls with face shapes/fine soft hair in autumn and winter, naturally blow dried at home and taken care of, with black brown color, more white, high-grade, age-reducing and versatile #方圆脸女生适合的发型 #卷发 #造型烫 #黑茶色 #减龄发型

Suitable for all girls with face shapes/fine soft and slumpy hair, Korean style perm in autumn and winter, naturally dried at home, well taken care of, with black brown color more white, high-grade age-reducing versatile #square round face girl's suitable hairstyle
Suitable for all girls with face shapes/fine soft and slumpy hair, Korean style perm in autumn and winter, naturally dried at home, well taken care of, with black brown color more white, high-grade age-reducing versatile #square round face girl's suitable hairstyle
Suitable for all girls with face shapes/fine soft and slumpy hair, Korean style perm in autumn and winter, naturally dried at home, well taken care of, with black brown color more white, high-grade age-reducing versatile #square round face girl's suitable hairstyle

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