
Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing

author:- Hypochondriasis | ▍Th

Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu.

He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. Joining the national mountaineering team in 1974, his first mission was to climb Mount Everest, the world's highest peak. In order to take care of his overdrawn teammates, he gave up his sleeping bag, but the next day his feet were severely frostbitten and he was forced to amputate.

He was only 26 years old that year, and this was the first blow that fate had given him. Immediately afterwards, his father also died during this period, and the successive blows made him completely lose confidence in his future life. Later, when he saw the news on TV that the national mountaineering team had successfully reached the summit, he was both happy and disappointed. Once this was his dream, but now looking at his legs seems more like fate's mockery of himself. He was unwilling, but helpless.

Until this day, he met a doctor, who told him that as long as he got a prosthetic leg and adapted, he could not only walk and even climb mountains. Climbing the mountain, the doctor's unintentional words evoked monstrous waves in Xia Boyu's heart.

Since fate is so unfair that climbing Mount Everest made me lose my legs, then I will trample you under my feet with a prosthetic leg. It was the first time he had declared war on fate. He began to train himself again, running, cycling, and his previous depression was wiped away. But fate seemed to torture him.

Due to regular exercise, leg joints are often worn out by prosthetics, and worn wounds become cancerous, unfortunately suffering from lymphoma. At that time, the cure rate of lymphoma was extremely low, almost equivalent to death. But this death verdict Xia Boyu didn't care.

In order to step on Mount Everest, he insisted on active exercise every day and actively received treatment. Almost 60 years old, still get up at 5 o'clock to practice strength, carry sandbags and do squats. With this mentality, not only did he gradually recover from cancer, but he also successfully climbed the 6,090-meter Mount Robche.

Year after year, Mushtag, Barang, Four Girls. These prosthetics put one peak after another under the foot, decades of honing practice.

Finally, in April 2013, he challenged Mount Everest again. But before the beginning of the knee accident, the climbing season is another year.

The following year, he finally stood in front of Mount Everest again, a full 39 years ago. However, just a week after his arrival, the largest avalanche in history occurred on Mount Everest, and 14,000 tons of ice and snow not only blocked the climbing road, but also killed 16 mountain guides.

However, in the third year, a 62-year-old man still stepped on a pair of prosthetic legs and appeared at the foot of Mount Everest, this time showing more cruel fangs. Nepal had the largest earthquake, the southern peak of Mount Everest avalanche again, the crowd scattered, he did not have time to escape, simply sat down in the tent, let the blizzard press. But when everything calmed down, he walked out of the tent and saw that the tent in front of him had collapsed, and the avalanche had just stopped for him.

At three o'clock in the morning, he began to advance towards Mount Everest, and every step he stepped on was terrifying. Climb the aluminum ladder, cross the ice valley, and finally come to the 7900-meter camp, where the wind is more than 10 all year round, which can blow people off, even if the weather is good, it takes 10 hours for able-bodied people to climb to the top.

To ensure sufficient time, he set off at two in the morning. Seven hours later, he surpassed the height of 41 years ago and reached the South Peak at 8,750 meters. At this time, it was less than 100 meters from the summit, but suddenly the weather changed suddenly, and a snowstorm fell on the summit, and the team's physical strength continued to be exhausted. The two-hour journey becomes far away, and if you continue to hit the top, it is likely that there will be no return, chasing a dream of 41 years, and it is close at hand. What to do? I think this is the last time I climb Mount Everest, so I must rush to the top desperately, even if I can't get down, I will go up first, and then that's how I fight.

But when I saw a few mountain guides following me, all of them young men in their twenties, I suddenly realized that I could not risk the lives of others for the sake of my dreams. I don't know how you will feel when you hear his story, but I saw from him the three realms of Zen practice: First, looking at the mountain is a mountain.

At first, he climbed Mount Everest, just to climb Mount Everest, but with the amputation of both legs, his father died and cancer attacked. This unattainable Mount Everest began to change in his heart. At this time, he entered the second realm, seeing that the mountain is not a mountain. At this time, his climbing was no longer to conquer Mount Everest, but to conquer his inner demons. He wants to prove to everyone in the world that legless can still reach the top of the world. At this time, he began to have an obsession, in order to conquer Mount Everest, even if he died here.

But when he is less than 100 meters away from the peak, the goal of impacting more than 40 years is close at hand, whether to fulfill himself or save his teammates. In the midst of anxiety and tearing, he entered the third realm of life, looking at the mountain or the mountain. But how can a Mount Everest be more important than human life? When peeling away the fog of obsession, when overcoming the entanglement of demons, a mountain is high. It's just the road under your feet. After climbing for 41 years, after three mountains, at the last moment, the "sacrifice" at the practical level has become the spiritual "gain".

Finally, did this top of the world go up? Of course, in 2018, at the age of 69, he charged Everest again, this time successfully reaching the summit. After so many years, it was too difficult, and finally came up.

This is the just-released documentary film "Endless Climbing", telling the real story of Mr. Xia Boyu climbing Mount Everest, interviewing the old man at the end of the film and saying that he named his son "Dengping", which means climbing the peak like walking on the ground, and his wife said that he returned safely after climbing. Yes, the summit is not the end. Going home is. The film has just been released, rigid and soft, very shocking, worth watching.

Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing
Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing
Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing
Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing
Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing
Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing
Lost two-legged climber Xia Boyu. He lost his legs the first time he climbed Mount Everest, his name is Xia Boyu. He joined the national mountaineering team in 1974 and his first mission was climbing

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