
How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

author:Peng Ge Investment Research

The bull market in A-shares basically occurs when the economy is bad!!

Since 98 years, there have been four times in China in which the PPI has been significantly negative and the CPI has continued to decline;

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

In these four periods of economic pressure, A-shares have walked out of the bull market under the stimulation of positive policies!

From 97 to 99, the domestic PPI and CPI continued to be negative, and at that time it was a double dilemma of internal and external,

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

When the Asian financial crisis broke out in '97, mainland exports were hit hard, internal capacity was overcapacity, state-owned enterprises were in trouble, and the catastrophic flood in '98 hit domestic demand.

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

In order to stabilize the economy, the central bank has cut interest rates five times in a row and cut the reserve requirement twice

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

Fiscal issuance of more treasury bonds, increased investment in infrastructure, adjusted the tax structure, and expanded domestic demand

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

Real estate reform has become a new economic growth point, and WTO accession has brought export prosperity;

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

Supply-side reform eliminated backward production capacity and upgraded industries;

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

Finally, under the combined force of multiple policies, A-shares walked out of the famous "519" market;

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

Under the background of the global financial crisis in 2008, domestic PPI/CPI turned negative rapidly;

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

The United States opened QE, the domestic launched the "four trillion" investment plan, and the real estate policy was relaxed

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

A series of policies promoted the bullish trend of A-shares in 2009;

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

In 2012, the PPI continued to be negative, and the CPI continued to decline.

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

During this period there were problems of overcapacity in upstream coal, oil and metallurgy, as well as tight real estate policies and the impact of the European debt crisis

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

In 2014, macro policy turned loose

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

The real estate policy implements the monetization of shed reform,

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

The reform of state-owned enterprises was carried out in a classified manner, focusing on mixed reform, supply-side reform and the "Belt and Road" to solve the problem of production capacity.

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

Driven by a variety of policies, A-shares have come out of the "reform cow"

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

In 2020, the impact of the epidemic caused PPI/CPI to turn negative rapidly, and the global economic demand was affected both internally and externally.

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

Domestic RRR cuts, interest rate cuts, issuance of special government bonds, stable economic growth,

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

After the policy "combination box", A-shares began to rise, especially track stocks out of the super bull market;

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

At present, PPI is significantly negative, CPI continues to decline, and the corresponding stimulus policies are increasing.

How to break the four types of deflation, and what are the opportunities for the stock market?

A-shares are also likely to come out of the bull market in the future, after all, the A stock market is a typical policy market.

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