
Six questions about Zhang Huizan's capture and killing.


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The Battle of Longgang, a historic conflict, was not only part of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, but also left an eternal mark in Mao Zedong's "Fisherman's Pride Against the First Great "Encirclement and Suppression". However, digging deeper into the battle and its main characters, we can find more wonderful stories.

First, let's dive into the connection between Zhang Huizan and Mao Zedong. The two Hunan alumni, born in the same land, met on campus in Changsha, Hunan Province in their early years. This coincidence gave them a unique bond on the road of revolution. Mao Zedong heard Zhang Huizan's name in Changsha, and then the two met in Guangzhou, and Mao Zedong even gave a speech in the Xiang army led by Zhang Huizan, and this friendship was a part of the postwar period that could not be ignored.

Six questions about Zhang Huizan's capture and killing.

The second question, who captured Zhang Huizan? In fact, during the Battle of Longgang, the ambush of the Red Army put Zhang Huizan's troops in an extremely difficult situation. However, it was not Mao Zedong's Red 3rd Army or the Red 3rd Army that captured him alive, nor the Red 4th Army or the Red 3rd Army, but the 100th Regiment of the 34th Division of the Red 12th Army. This detail reflects the complexity of the battle situation.

The third question is, why didn't Chairman Mao decide to kill Zhang Huizan immediately? Behind this decision, there is actually the wisdom of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong treated the captured old acquaintance in a humorous and firm way, expressing a lenient attitude. He stressed that not killing Zhang Huizan was not because there was no crime punishable by death, but because of the tolerance and righteousness of the Red Army. This decision later proved wise and had a positive impact on the cause of the revolution.

Six questions about Zhang Huizan's capture and killing.

The fourth question concerns who ultimately carried out Zhang's execution. In fact, the cause of Zhang Huizan's death was not decided within the Red Army, but was caused by the emotional performance of the agitated peasant masses and the young and strong self-defense forces at the anti-"encirclement and suppression" victory mass victory rally. This decision became out of control at the venue, and Zhang Huizan was eventually executed. This detail reveals the turmoil of the times and the intensity of popular sentiment.

The fifth question focuses on the impact of Zhang Huizan's death on subsequent events. There is no doubt that Zhang Huizan's death triggered a frenzied retaliation by the Kuomintang against the Communist Party. This led to the outbreak of a second "encirclement and suppression", which increased tensions in the country. The contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party further escalated, adversely affecting the revolutionary cause.

Six questions about Zhang Huizan's capture and killing.

The last question is concerned about Zhang Huizan's descendants. Although his own end is regrettable, his children have all made positive contributions to the construction of New China. The family's story shows the diversity and complexity of Chinese history.

In general, an in-depth study of the Battle of Longgang and the fate of Zhang Huizan can lead to a better understanding of all aspects of the history of the Chinese revolution and the profound impact of these events on the country and the people. It also reminds us that the development of history often depends on complex factors and decisions, which often appear complex and subtle in the context of the time.

Six questions about Zhang Huizan's capture and killing.

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