
The Bank of England's seizure of power丨Monetary consciousness awakened

author:Beifeng cloth

Whoever controls the right to issue money really controls the supreme power of a country, but we ordinary people never realize that from more than 200 years ago to the present, the right to issue money has been in the hands of a few private individuals. They downplay their existence, hide their plunder, but manipulate the world.

"I don't care what kind of English puppet is put on the throne to rule this huge empire that never sets. Whoever controls the money supply of the British Empire controls the British Empire, and that person is me. ”

- Nathan Rothschild

"On the one hand, only a few people understand the system (check money and credit money), and they are either very interested in the profits generated by this system or very dependent on the system's handouts (politicians), and this class of people will not oppose us. On the other hand, the vast majority of the people, who are intellectually inadequate to comprehend the great advantages of capital derived from this system, will endure oppression without complaint, and will not even suspect that the system harms their interests. ”

- Rothschild family inscription

This naked statement exposes the truth about money, which still operates under this system today, and we are slaves to monetary power from birth.

The Bank of England's seizure of power丨Monetary consciousness awakened

No one naturally had the ability to create money, and prosperous trade gave gold and silver a fair value, separated from ordinary commodities as general equivalents, and money was born. In the beginning, the government did not have the right to issue money, and the treasury received all its revenue from taxes and the mining of gold and silver, but this financial structure could only barely keep the country afloat.

The new king dilemma

After the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688, King William I of England settled in England, and what was in front of him was a huge mess. With the country tormented by a long period of political turmoil and a war with France in full swing, this upstart who had just undergone a bourgeois revolution had to be tested by internal and external troubles.

As a country far from continental Europe, overseas trade is the foundation of Britain's survival. Britain opened the way to maritime trade during the war with the Netherlands and Spain, but now it faces an insurmountable chasm – the Bourbons of France. King Louis XIV of France regarded English Protestantism as heretical, constitutional monarchy as heresy, and English merchants who came from afar as aliens, and his rejection of the goods of the British continent, the rejection of missionaries, and the rejection of the credentials of the British king were undoubtedly tantamount to a declaration of war.

The Bank of England's seizure of power丨Monetary consciousness awakened

At that time, Britain's population was less than half that of France, and its finances were on the verge of drying up. It was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the new regime faced starving to death in infancy at birth. At this time, the banker William Patterson suggested to the British king that he could establish a private central bank to finance the government, and the bank would lend to the government, and the government would pay interest in installments. Overjoyed, the king immediately approved the proposal, and in 1694 the Bank of England was born. Under the agreement, the Bank of England provides a one-off loan of £1.2 million to the government, while the government pays 8% interest and an administration fee of £4,000 a year.

At that time, the king was in urgent need of money, and people did not know enough about compound interest, the transaction was easily finalized, but now it seems that the government is the main culprit. What is even more funny is that the Bank of England, which Patterson formed, could not pay the loan at all, but he had long seen through the essence of money and created money without money.

Privatized central bank

Initially, he offered shares to the whole society, anyone could contribute more to the shareholders of the Bank of England, and those who contributed more than £2,000 would become directors of the bank. As a result, a total of 1,330 persons became shareholders of the Bank of England and 14 became directors of the Bank. Later, the Bank of England issued notes similar to modern bonds to raise funds, and the Bank of England was seen by outsiders as having a royal charter and was willing to spend money on these notes with a certain amount of interest.

At first, banks issued these notes as security for their own reserves of gold and silver, but later banks found that in the actual circulation process, few people came to redeem them, and people had become accustomed to using these notes directly for daily life payments. This greatly stimulated the greed of the banks, who began to ignore the reserves of gold and silver and issue bills with impunity, and even lent these notes directly to the government as loans. At this point, the nature of money changed completely, and bankers discovered that people had no concept of gold and silver reserves, and that the only reason they were willing to buy bills was to trust the government. The result is that bankers use government credit to create the equivalent of money out of thin air. In the evolution of history, bankers became more and more rampant, and later they simply did not even bother to issue bills, because after all, bills need to pay face interest, and if they print paper money directly, they can save this interest cost. They did, and they still do today.

These over-issued currencies have caused a sharp increase in the money supply, rising prices for a while, weakening people's purchasing power, and even making it difficult to maintain basic life. People were forced to pay bills to subsidize their lives, and the pound sterling that was exchanged for it could no longer buy anything because of the severe depreciation. The bankers used the money raised to invest in countless railroads and factories, which have now multiplied in value, and they only need to sell a fraction to cope with the run. In the end, the banks settled their debts with the people, and the banks owned the equity interests in many factories and railroads, and the people had money with little purchasing power.

At the same time, bankers have concocted a fancy narrative that the priceless equity they now own is due to their unique investment vision, and they should be rewarded for taking risks; The same people also need to invest in paper at their own risk, and the consequences of today's depreciation are all because of people's poor investment vision. First of all, ordinary people do not have the same financing channels as bankers, and therefore are not qualified to participate in the investment of railways and factories that are "basically risk-free"; Secondly, the result of the devaluation was originally caused by the bankers' excessive bills, which was the crisis they caused, and now they are trying to bury the truth behind it. What's even more ridiculous is that this phenomenon continues to this day.

The Bank of England's seizure of power丨Monetary consciousness awakened

Going back to the Bank of England itself, when it obtained the royal franchise license, it did not fully control the issuance of money, because the government could also issue treasury bonds, which competed with the notes issued by banks. And the government also has a special guarantee instrument, taxation, which is an advantage that banks cannot have. The Bank of England had to raise the coupon rate to entice people to buy, but the cost was too high and all previous efforts would be in vain if it could not be paid.

So the Bank of England chose to coexist with the government, with the bank issuing bills and the government issuing government bonds, and the two sharing the right to issue money. And the Bank of England has been the largest buyer of government bonds, thereby maintaining a peaceful relationship between the two. This state of affairs lasted for about a hundred years, until the outbreak of the "Waterloo" campaign completely tilted this relationship.

Attribution of monetary rights

In 1815, Napoleon and the Anti-French Coalition fought at Waterloo, and the victorious side would undoubtedly become the dominant player in Europe and even the world. This is true not only politically, but also economically. The value of government bonds comes from two factors, one is the reserve of gold and silver, and the other is the country's comprehensive national strength. If France wins, then the value of French government bonds will rise and the value of British government bonds will plummet; Conversely, if France loses, the French government debt will be unwanted, and the British government debt will be hot.

How does this relate to the Bank of England's seizure of power? Here we have to mention the Rothschild family, who influenced future generations for hundreds of years, they were the first bankers, family members infiltrated the political and economic circles of various countries, not only had a huge financial base, but also had the largest intelligence network in Europe. The Rothschilds are important shareholders in the Bank of England, and the battle to decide the fate of Europe has given them an unprecedented sense of opportunity.

At that time, communications were very backward, but Nathan became the first person in London to know the results of the war by relying on the marathon relay from the front line by the family servants. Not only that, but he also directed and acted in a good show of French victory, which caused everyone to sell their British government bonds at a low price. When the price fell to Nathan's satisfaction, he began ordering a sweep of all government bonds. This not only made him a lot of money, but also allowed him to control almost half of the British national debt, and the power of the Bank of England and the government was seriously tilted.

The Bank of England's seizure of power丨Monetary consciousness awakened

Now England has a large amount of British national debt, becoming the largest creditor of the British government, and if the Rothschilds choose to run on the bankruptcy, the British government will immediately go bankrupt. But they didn't, they wanted much more than deterrence, and in fact they had seized the right to issue money and had dominated the British government.

The Bank of England holds so many government bonds that it is almost impossible for the British government to issue new bonds. Whenever the government wanted to borrow to finance it, the Rothschilds got in the way, selling their treasury bonds at a lower price, so that no one could buy the government-issued bonds. If the government wants to finance, it has to borrow money from the Bank of England, and the Bank of England is also willing to do so, which not only earns high interest, but also takes away the creditor's right from the government and controls the right to issue money in disguise. Since the Bank of England is a private bank with several shareholders, it can be said that a few private directors hold the power key of the state.

Later, the British government needed the consent of the Bank of England whenever it wanted to use the money, even if the Bank of England was nationalized after World War II. But the large shareholders of those families still have a lot of say, and they have made the government their own debt slaves. Since then, the British government has not paid off its debt, and by the end of 2005, the debt owed by the British government increased from £1.2 million in 1694 to £525.9 billion, or 45% of British GDP; Debt continued to expand to £2.2 trillion by the end of 2021, or around 99.7% of its GDP.

Someone once said of the privatized central bank: "For such a huge sum, if anyone stands in the way of privatization of the bank, the risk of cutting off the heads of several kings or assassinating several presidents is worth the try." "Lincoln more than 150 years ago and Kennedy more than 60 years ago have successively become the bitter rivals of the central bank, both of whom have obtained the right to issue money through reforms, but the two have been killed one after another, and it is difficult to say that this has nothing to do with the oligarchs who hold the right to issue money.

Perhaps in our consciousness, this is an era of open democracy, but in fact it is still an era of manipulation by power. Privatized central banks control the most unscrupulous power to issue money, governments are completely reduced to puppets of private banks, and we are slaves of the monetary class from birth without knowing it.

The Fed's seizure of power was more "subtle" than the Bank of England, and it now enjoys the privilege of world currency. You may often hear that other countries' currencies are waste paper, but the dollar is printed as gold, and its power is even more inflated.