
Putin is no longer soft, the Ukrainian side is ready to turn Kiev into an empty city at any time, and the Russian army is expected to win without a fight

author:Hurry up after reading everyone

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Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is facing an unprecedented crisis, and the local government has begun urgent preparations for possible emptying of the city. Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitchko warned that the city is at risk of power, water and heating. Currently, 450,000 households are without power, and an estimate of three people per household has plunged millions into darkness. This figure is shocking because the total population of Kiev is only about 3 million, and this is the statistics before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

It is worth noting that the blackout problem is worsening dramatically. Klitschko noted that not so long ago the situation was relatively good, with 1.5 times fewer households without power than now. Over time, the situation will only get worse. Roman Tkachuk, head of the municipal security department of the Kiev city government, warned that if there is a power outage in the city, it may lead to the collapse of the entire power supply system, and 3 million Kiev citizens will have to be evacuated, turning the city into an empty city.

Putin is no longer soft, the Ukrainian side is ready to turn Kiev into an empty city at any time, and the Russian army is expected to win without a fight

The prospect of the Ukrainian capital has been closely watched, especially when the Russian army once surrounded Kiev, and there were widespread fears that Kiev would be occupied by Russian troops. However, the situation turned out unexpectedly, Russia withdrew its troops from the perimeter of Kiev, did not make Kiev its main target, and gradually returned to calm in the city. However, just when people thought that Kiev was no longer threatened, Russia took new actions.

Unlike past encirclements, this time Russia opted for air strikes on Kiev and targeted infrastructure such as energy and power supply facilities in the city. The series of airstrikes has been going on for quite some time, starting with the bombing of the Crimean bridge and becoming a signature move after Russia's new commander-in-chief, Senior General Surovikin, took office.

Putin is no longer soft, the Ukrainian side is ready to turn Kiev into an empty city at any time, and the Russian army is expected to win without a fight

At first, it was thought that Russia's large-scale airstrikes were in retaliation, and Russia claimed to have ended its retaliation. However, this operation gradually evolved into a long-term strategy, and although the density has decreased, air defense sirens still sound daily in Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the Russian side showed a certain restraint in its actions, taking into account not only civilians, but even against the Ukrainian army and neo-Nazis.

For example, looking back at the battle for Mariupol, the Russian army could have resorted to more drastic measures, but in the end Putin ordered to accept surrender rather than kill them all. However, as Putin's determination grew, the war situation changed significantly, and although there were almost no civilian casualties, it dealt a huge blow to the morale and economy of Ukraine, thus affecting the situation on the frontal battlefield.

Putin is no longer soft, the Ukrainian side is ready to turn Kiev into an empty city at any time, and the Russian army is expected to win without a fight

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been firmly demonstrating a tough stance aimed at maintaining the morale and resistance of Ukrainians. Because only when the Ukrainians maintain their fighting spirit can they continue to hold on to resistance, and once they lose confidence, Zelensky may lose his leadership and face the risk of internal unrest.

As more and more Ukrainians fall into power, water, and warmth, the domestic situation is bound to descend into chaos, and Russia may win without actual fighting. All this highlights the enormous challenges facing Ukraine and beyond, which require a more active engagement of the international community in resolving this crisis in order to maintain peace and stability. The resolution of this issue will affect the future of the entire region, and all parties should work together to avoid further escalation of the crisis.

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