
This time, Li Yuchun, who was torn off the fig leaf, taught the domestic entertainment star a good lesson

author:Be an elegant eyebrow woman

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At the recent Greater Bay Area concert, the entertainment industry suffered a huge shock, and it seems that the entire domestic entertainment system has been seriously impacted.

First of all, Hua Chenyu's performance was a disaster, and the tonal problem made the audience trill, and some people even accused the sound of the problem and tried to excuse him. But in the face of the outstanding performances of other singers who share the stage with him, this excuse is clearly untenable. The Sixth Princess didn't even want to appear Hua Chenyu in her broadcast, which was enough to explain the problem.

Then there is Tan Weiwei, known as the "adaptation king", but her adaptation of "Sword Like a Dream" was completely rejected, and the rare bad reviews were shocking.

This time, Li Yuchun, who was torn off the fig leaf, taught the domestic entertainment star a good lesson

Of course, there are also those lip-synching stars, like Liu Haocun, who let the image of internal entertainment fall to the bottom, and there is no doubt that there is no face left.

The audience's last hope seems to be pinned on Li Yuchun, but her performance is not as good as people expect. Although Li Yuchun is the champion of "Super Girl", her performance is only slightly better than Hua Chenyu. This makes people wonder what is wrong with internal entertainment.

However, if we look closely at Li Yuchun's experience, we may be able to understand why her singing skills seem to have declined. She came from an ordinary family, her father was a railway policeman and her mother was a housewife. Her homeschooling was extremely strict, and her parents did not support her in pursuing a career in music, and even discouraged her from giving up many times. But Li Yuchun has always firmly followed his love of music.

This time, Li Yuchun, who was torn off the fig leaf, taught the domestic entertainment star a good lesson

In middle school, she frequently participated in school singing competitions and achieved good results. Subsequently, she was admitted to the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and began her professional music studies. In 2005, she signed up for "Supergirl", although people around her did not think highly of her, thinking that she was too personal and not like a star. However, Li Yuchun eventually won the championship with her excellent singing voice and high popularity, officially stepped into the entertainment industry, and began her musical journey. She proved herself with practical actions and shattered the expectations of all opponents.

Li Yuchun's songs have achieved great success in the entertainment industry, and many have become classics, such as "See you at the next intersection" and "If we are not crazy, we will be old". In addition to singing, she also dabbled in the show business, starred in movies, and scored films, and her career continued to rise.

This time, Li Yuchun, who was torn off the fig leaf, taught the domestic entertainment star a good lesson

However, when everything seemed to be going in a good direction, Li Yuchun's career was hindered. She developed orthospondylitis, a disease that caused her great suffering and even affected her daily life, sometimes requiring her to travel in a wheelchair. This is one of the reasons why she stopped concerts and her career entered a moratorium. The torment of orthospondylitis is not only painful, but also its difficulty in healing and wear and tear on the organs of the body, which is a long-term torture.

However, Li Yuchun did not lose confidence due to the disease, and she wrote a song called "Five Internal Organs" to encourage all sick people to be positive. She has also made no secret of her condition, and although it may have an impact on her career, she is reluctant to deceive her fans. In "I Am an Actor", she played the role of a patient lying in a wheelchair and conquered the audience with her performance, which may also be part of her true feelings. After all, if her condition continues, perhaps she will have to live a painful life in a wheelchair.

This time, Li Yuchun, who was torn off the fig leaf, taught the domestic entertainment star a good lesson

Despite suffering from illness, Li Yuchun has always shown her cheerful and optimistic side, and she does not want to bring a negative impression to fans. In addition, she often participates in public welfare activities, and unlike other celebrities, her birthday comment area is full of screenshots posted by fans of her participation in public welfare. She has always been a role model for fans, both in her career and in her career

in life.

Regarding marriage, although Li Yuchun is close to forty years old, he still has no plans to get married. This is not because she does not want to, but because she pursues true love. She firmly believes that if she wants to get married, she must marry someone she really likes, otherwise she would rather choose to be celibate. Her persistence and persistence are admirable, and her reluctance to surrender her life to a casual marriage is very respectable.

This time, Li Yuchun, who was torn off the fig leaf, taught the domestic entertainment star a good lesson

Recently, Li Yuchun has re-participated in a number of concerts, including her own solo concerts and concerts in the Greater Bay Area. However, it has to be said that her performance in the Greater Bay Area is very bad and does not seem to be taken seriously at all. Her singing voice feels as if she was performing on stage without adequate preparation, and if that's the case, she would rather not accept an invitation to that concert. Although Li Yuchun is better than those lip-synching stars, we can't take whether or not to sing really as the only criterion for professional singers. When we lower the standard to whether we really sing, we can't help but reflect on whether domestic entertainment has fallen into such a trough.

I hope that in the future, Li Yuchun can overcome the disease, regain his strength, and bring beautiful music again. We expect her to adjust her attitude and bring better performances to the audience, rather than rushing to cope with concerts in the Greater Bay Area." Her experience and persistence are examples that we can learn from and learn from, and she proves that no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we have firm faith and persistent pursuit, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and continue to move forward.

In short, the competition in the internal entertainment industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and to stand out among them, you need not only talent, but also tenacity and sincerity towards your career. Li Yuchun's story tells us that no matter how big a setback we encounter, as long as you have a dream, don't give up. Her musical path may have been tortuous, but her persistence and hard work have made her a great artist. I hope that her future path will be brighter, and I hope that she can shake the stage again and touch our hearts with beautiful music.

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