
The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Original | Pregnancy

A crying baby can indeed easily break down, especially late at night.

Recently, a video of a grandmother coaxing a baby late at night has sparked heated discussions among netizens.

In the video, the 2-month-old baby cries and falls, and the grandmother puts the baby in the stroller and shakes it in order to comfort the baby.

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Video source: @爱义乌

Through the screen, you can indeed see that the shaking is very large.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Netizens watched the video and said: The baby really can't shake like this, it will shake the brain.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

"Such a baby will have problems with being brought out by such a grandmother."

"Don't dare to shake your brain."

"If you don't want to bring it, don't bring it, what to do if you shake stupidly."

There are also many netizens who said: The baby who really makes noise in the middle of the night will be irritable and collapse, she is sleepy and tired, and the baby is still disobedient.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

"It shows that grandma is also sleepy at this time, and the baby is crying for a long time and is very collapsed."

"In the middle of the night, the three of them don't want to take the child, why blame grandma."

"In the past, there were not so many rules for bringing babies, and they also brought them well, but now people are pretentious."

"If you change to your own mother, you will collapse."

That's right, the baby cries late at night, how to coax is not good, it will indeed make people collapse, plus the old man himself is older, bringing a baby is even more difficult, the family should understand more.

But the way to shake the baby vigorously in the video is indeed inappropriate, because the brain of a young baby really can't shake vigorously.

At this point, mom can communicate well with grandma.

As netizens said: It is not easy for the elderly to bring a baby, they don't mean it, they just don't understand, they love children like their parents.

Young babies

It really can't be shaken vigorously

Many people think: it's okay to shake the child, we all shake it like this.

Pregnant mothers want to remind that it's okay to shake gently, but it's really not okay to shake vigorously.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Young babies cannot shake violently, and every caregiver around the child must know that improper shaking may cause serious injury to the baby.

There are a pair of young parents in Dongguan, because the baby is not crying well, so they learn the old people at home to shake the child to sleep, and the two take turns to coax and take turns to shake.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

As a result, the baby is shaken into: craniocerebral injury (brain swelling, intracranial hemorrhage), fundus hemorrhage, severe anemia, also known as "baby shake syndrome".

The 3-month-old baby barely recovered after more than ten days of hematoma removal and drainage treatment. (News source: China Youth Network)

Improper shaking can not only seriously injure your baby, it can also be fatal.

A 3-month-old baby in Australia lost his life because he was violently shaken by his father, and the cause was "shaking syndrome" caused by shaking.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

The father was later arrested on charges of killing his daughter, who was only three months old.

Cheyenn, a little girl less than 1 year old in the United Kingdom, was shaken by her father because of sleeping and crying, and 3 years later, although she is slowly recovering, she still has some sequelae.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Cheyenn's mother shared Cheyenn's experience on the Internet, hoping that parents can pay attention to controlling their emotions and increase their attention to "baby shaking syndrome".

Every time I see these news, pregnant mothers are heartbroken, and what they want to say to all parents and caregivers is: no matter how broken or angry the child is, don't throw the child, don't shake the child.

Once the damage is done, it is too late to regret!

Shake the child vigorously

The damage to a child is fatal

Why does shaking a child lead to such serious consequences?

This is because for babies under 1 year old, the brain is as fragile as tofu blocks, at this time, the brain, the skull has not yet grown completely, the base and inner surface of the skull are still very smooth, the connecting tissue has not grown well, and the skull is not good enough to "clamp" the brain.

The brain at this time is large and heavy, accounting for a quarter of the body, and once shaken, the most affected is the brain.

Before the baby is 5 years old, the muscles in the neck are weak, the ligament elasticity is poor, and the cervical spine is not completely ossified, which is difficult to withstand the shock of large shaking and high throwing.

When the child is shaken by external forces, the brain shakes greatly between the skulls and hits the hard skull, which is easy to cause rupture of small blood vessels in the brain, coagulation of large blood clots, retinal hemorrhage, etc., collectively known as cerebral hemorrhage.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

After cerebral hemorrhage, intracranial pressure will rise rapidly, causing neurological symptoms such as loss of appetite, vomiting, lethargy, convulsions, limb weakness, and coma.

The consequences include: brain damage, blindness, hearing loss, speech and learning disabilities, mental retardation, seizures, neck and spinal cord injuries, and even death, which is dangerous baby shake syndrome.

Infant shaking syndrome most often occurs in infants under 1 year old, especially 2~4 months old babies, after 2 years old, the chance of infant shaking syndrome will be reduced.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

But if the shaking is very violent, children five or younger can also have brain damage.

So ah, no matter who it is, treat the baby as gently as possible.

4 dangerous baby coaxing moves

Parents don't do any of them!

The dangerous behaviors that lead to shake baby syndrome may have been done by every parent, so be aware of it.

The following four actions, pregnant mothers focus on listing, mothers must transfer to each family to see.

First: Shake the baby

According to statistics, 60% of adults shake the baby incorrectly, and improper shaking of the baby will cause the baby to be seriously injured, and if the shaking is large, it can cause harm to the baby at one time.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Second: throw the baby

When teasing the baby, some parents will choose to throw the baby, throw it up and down, such a step will cause the baby's brain to shake violently.

Third: Wrong baby holding

Without supporting the baby's neck, directly put the baby down, pick it up, or carry it on the back of an adult, the brain shakes badly in the process, which may also lead to baby shaking syndrome.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Fourth: cumulative damage

The injury of infant shaking syndrome may also accumulate many times, and sometimes even if the shaking action is not violent, if it is repeated for a long time (such as shaking the cradle with the same frequency for a long time), it is easy for the baby to have symptoms of infant shaking syndrome after accumulating several times.

Taking care of a small baby really requires attention and attention.

Soothe a crying baby

You can try the following methods

For small babies, all their physical and psychological needs can only be expressed by crying.

Therefore, to cope with and reassure a crying baby, it is important to understand the baby's needs.

Not every cry is hungry, and different cries represent different needs of the baby.

First: the baby is hungry

Features: short crying, not high, but high and low.

Hungry babies may begin to cry softly and slowly, louder and louder, and more rhythmic.

Signs of hunger in the baby: sucking fists, turning his head to find the breast, sucking his lips.

Respond correctly: Feeding your baby in time and responding early can avoid prolonged crying, unless you have just fed your baby and you can be sure that your baby is not hungry.

Second: the baby is angry

Features: The crying will be much more intense

Picky and angry cries start and stop suddenly, and may also go up and down in volume, and if you ignore it, the crying may increase the volume.

Correct response: Do not hesitate to comfort him, crying may indicate that the baby is uncomfortable, or it may just indicate that the baby wants to be held, and respond to the baby in time.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Third: the baby is in pain (colic and flatulence)

Features: The cry is louder and the pitch is higher

A baby in pain may cry suddenly, and this cry may be sharp and harsh, and each cry is loud, short, harsh, and if you hear a painful cry, respond immediately.

Look for hair tangled around your baby, look for signs of colic, if your baby's belly is hard or his back arched, it may be flatulence, and if he cries a lot, see a doctor.

Manifestations of baby colic: clenched fists, back arch, tight tummy, knees reaching for the chest and fart, pay attention, crying for too long will make the baby take in more air, which will make the baby more uncomfortable.

Correct response: burp your baby after feeding, gently massage your baby's back and abdomen, discuss with the doctor how to relieve colic, and try the following:

● Try airplane hugs. Have your baby lie on an adult's arm to simulate an airplane climbing or flying.

●Wrap your baby in a swaddle. Wrap your baby in a blanket to make him feel safe.

●Massage your baby's tummy. After warming your hands, gently massage your baby's little tummy clockwise to help expel air from your intestines and relieve discomfort.

● Try white noise to appease. Let your baby listen to white noise, such as vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, dryers, electric fans, etc.

●Consider changing the milk powder. Some studies believe that some colic is associated with cow's milk protein allergy, so you can try to change the hydrolyzed formula.

Note: The above methods of reassurance can be switched alternately, if one does not work, you can switch to the other, if all methods do not work, consider consulting a pediatrician to try medication for adjunctive treatment.

Fourth: the baby pees

Features: Crying appears suddenly, sometimes urgently

If you urinate and pull it in time, if you don't change it in time, the baby will be very uncomfortable and will protest, especially when the baby's skin is very sensitive.

Coping method: change the baby's diaper in time, wash the butt in time after poop, apply buttock ointment, and change the diaper frequently, otherwise it will lead to red butt.

Fifth: the baby is uncomfortable

Features: The cry is not the same as usual

If your baby cries differently than normal, it may be a sign of discomfort or teething, watch for symptoms such as runny nose, cough, fever, lethargy, decreased activity, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.

How to cope: If your baby keeps crying, shows any signs of illness, and has a temperature of more than 38 degrees Celsius, be sure to see a doctor immediately.

The 2-month-old baby cries in the middle of the night and is shaken vigorously by the grandmother: stop quickly, the child cannot shake like this

Sixth: The baby is too cold or too hot

Features: Very uncomfortable crying

Too cold or too hot can also cause your baby to cry, touch your baby's tummy or neck to see if it's too hot or too cold. Don't be misled by the temperature of your baby's hands or feet, it's normal for newborn babies to have cold hands and feet.

Cope: If your baby is cold, raise the room temperature and add clothes. If your baby is too hot, take off some clothes and/or change into lighter clothes and/or lower the temperature in the room.

Seventh: Identify abnormal crying

Features: Up to three times the normal cry of your baby

Some cries may tell you that something is seriously wrong, an abnormal cry may be very high, up to three times the baby's normal cry, it may also be an unusually low-key sustained high or low cry, which may indicate a serious illness.

If your baby's crying is weird, take your baby to a doctor right away.

One final note: it's not easy to soothe a crying baby, but always remember that never try to stop crying by shaking the baby, it's very dangerous.

Be patient with crying babies and everything will be fine over time!

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