
Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

The cost of sexual harassment was too low in the past, and now is the time to pull it up.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

In order: Huang Ziling, Chen Jianzhou, NONO

Recently, the Me Too movement in Taiwan's entertainment industry has been vigorous, and the issue of sexual harassment has once again caused turmoil in the entertainment industry. Accused of sexual harassment are star artists such as Huang Ziling, Chen Jianzhou, and NONO, and the enthusiasm of netizens to eat melons is once again placed on the stars, and then began to extend the gossip related to artists such as S and Fan Weiqi.

However, this incident should not stop at gossip and eating melons, sexual harassment and sexual violence not only bring long-term mental and physical trauma to the victim, but also a criminal act in itself, and we must seriously face and discuss this series of issues.

Kang Kang, a female behind-the-scenes worker in Chinese mainland, told Entertainment Studio that she has also encountered sexual harassment at work, why do people often not choose to speak out? What kind of living environment do women face in the entertainment industry? From the sharing of this practitioner, we can get a glimpse of the current situation.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

Why didn't we come forward and accuse?

In this time in the Me Too movement in Taiwan, in addition to some star artists accused of sexual harassment, backroom workers were also found to be repeat offenders. Yau Zhiwei, who won the Golden Horse Best Short Film Director, was accused by an actress that she had been asked to drink, and then forcibly kissed, took off her underwear, and forcibly entered.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

On the Chinese mainland network, there is not much discussion about You Zhiwei, but in fact, his claws have reached out to Chinese mainland entertainment industry.

Kang Kang told Entertainment Studio that she had also been harassed by You Zhiwei, "I hope you can expose this kind of news, if (China) mainland does not report it, he will definitely not be able to mix in (China) Taiwan, so he will come to (China) mainland to harm women." ”

Kang Kang said that during the epidemic, she collaborated with You Zhiwei on a project. In the preliminary preparation stage, Kang Kang sent some reference plans to You Zhiwei through information many times, but every time when the file expired and was cleaned up, You Zhiwei did not open it. During months of communication, talking about work was neglected, but You Zhiwei wanted to ask her out for a run and drink. The most egregious time, You Zhiwei asked Kang Kang to bring a swimsuit while swimming and talking about the way of working, "I have been working for so many years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing. ”

Several months of early communication made Kang Kang feel that something was wrong, and after the swimsuit incident, she decided to stop the loss in time and left the crew before the official start of filming. "After he didn't succeed, he called me unprofessional for various reasons, but he couldn't make sense, so I turned my face." There is also a girl in our group who is also an artist, and I talked to her after I turned my face and left the group, and she said that the director often asked her out for drinks at night. ”

Although leaving the group in time avoided the possibility of further harassment, the preparations for the past few months were not paid, and the cost of time and effort was lost.

"I actually waited for about 4 months for this play and didn't take a job, so it really collapsed in the end. But I felt that I didn't want this job at that time, although I had no income for almost half a year and was really short of money, but I couldn't suffer this loss if I was poor, and I didn't want this kind of person to succeed. But do you say there are any girls who really lack this money, or lack a job opportunity? Then you have to bite the bullet and shoot it. ”

Recently, You Zhiwei was exposed to sexual harassment of more than 20 people, even men and women eat all, the past evil deeds have been completely made public, after seeing the news, Kang Kang is also reflecting: Why didn't I stand up and break the news at that time?

Kang Kang thought of two reasons, which may also be the dilemma faced by all victims of sexual harassment -

First, "He didn't commit any real crime against me, if he said I was kidding you, what could you do, you don't have enough evidence, if you really want to sanction this person, this must happen first." "From a legal point of view, sexual harassment and sexual assault are difficult to obtain evidence, and even after the actual occurrence of the incident, there will be enough evidence to convict.

This is the helplessness, if it is a situation of sexual harassment, the victim feels that the matter is not big enough, it is difficult to obtain evidence, so he endures, the victim leaves a long-term shadow in his heart, but the abuser can go unpunished; And if it reaches the level of sexual assault, Chinese women often have a sense of sexual shame, and they are not willing to expose it publicly after the actual occurrence. On both levels, the cost of sex crimes is too low.

Second, if you want to mix in the entertainment industry, you will still swallow your anger for the sake of your future career.

Kang Kang originally wanted to stand up and report You Zhiwei in his real name, but finally chose to be anonymous, "The producers I have worked with in the past few days are persuading me, I can understand that my friends stop me, that is, I am afraid that I will be easily hurt after I overdo it, at this time I spoke up, but left a fire twister in others, in a few years he will be fine, what should he do if he retaliates against you?" ”

On the other hand, the general environment of the film and television industry is not good, it is not easy to open a project, and I am afraid that the subsequent projects will be affected because of the follow-up of this matter. "Now customers don't want to take risks, and people are worried that the works I participate in will be implicated because I have participated in exposing these things, which is not a positive thing, it is a negative thing, and people don't know what the next direction will be."

This is the greater helplessness, obviously a victim, obviously standing up and bravely exposing a criminal act, but in the Internet era, no one knows what direction will happen after a thing is exposed, and there seems to be a stain on the relationship with this matter, in this era of safety first in film and television projects, everyone seeks safety and stability, and is unwilling to be involved with such social issues. If you want to continue working in the entertainment industry, you can only swallow this breath.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?
Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

Hypocrisy and the "gift of love"

Looking back at the sexual harassment incident in the entertainment industry in Taiwan, almost all the perpetrators are celebrities with heads and faces, and the public image is very good.

Expose Huang Ziling's victimization to analyze why he did not resist at that time, and even did as Huang Ziling's request, because "the image he gave people was very kind and harmless", "his image was so positive" and "he completely respected him like his predecessors".

Da Ya, who exposed Chen Jianzhou, said in a long article: "I have wanted to say this for a long time, but I have never had the courage... He uses the image of loving his family and protecting his wife, from time to time showing people in the kind appearance of public welfare and sports, and runs his public cause, so who will believe me? ”

Affectionate seniors, husbands who love their wives, when facing the old rivers and lakes of the entertainment industry with such an image, women may rarely associate them with sexual harassment, and this is the scary thing.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?
Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

Kang Kang recalled that when he and You Zhiwei first met, the other party he felt was also cordial and polite, "This kind of person is the most terrifying, he talks to you very politely, looks like a gentleman, and packages himself well, so that he comforts anyone, and even says to give you a hug, it looks very human." ”

Kang Kang analyzed, in fact, it is easy for newcomers to have illusions about these individual senior teachers who seem cordial and kind, they look like they have heads and faces, but they never think that under the appearance of hypocrisy is the dirtiest thoughts, and these people are the most likely to commit sexual harassment and even sexual crimes. Because on the one hand, many people will be crushed by this sudden collapse of personality, and there is no time to react; On the other hand, many people will also mistake the intimacy of these high-ranking seniors for a gift of love.

Kang Kang once worked with a senior, and her experience in the crew shocked her.

At that time, he invited the little girl to the RV, and sang a song that could make the little girl cry, because this senior is very high, and as a result, he held your face and sang a love song to you, and then gave you a little kiss after singing, the girl is very simple and stupid, listening to a love song and feeling loved. What shocked me the most was that the girl was engaged before the start of the play, and her fiancé was standing under the RV, and then the boy had to be very polite to the senior after he came out. ”

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

Indeed, when ordinary people face many stars in the entertainment industry, they often feel that the other party is high, and it is more a mentality of the inferior to face the superior, while ignoring the relationship between men and women.

The author remembered that I interviewed a superstar many years ago, the interview was very pleasant, and when I wanted to take a group photo after the end, the superstar naturally put his arm around my waist, and I happily shared the experience of that day in the circle of friends, and everyone's reaction was basically that he was a person without a shelf, so kind and nice, only one friend said to me at the time: This is not very cordial, directly hugging the waist can be used as sexual harassment.

At the time, I didn't take this sentence to heart, and of course I still don't think there must be anything wrong with the superstar's behavior. But reflecting on my own mentality back then, I really took that hug as a recognition of my work, as a gift, in fact, this mentality itself is unhealthy, even if he is a superstar, we are equal, and we should not look at all this with a state of worship and admiration.

Recently, I also interviewed a super A-list superstar in Hollywood, and in the final group photo session, the other party also wanted to express a cordial hug around the waist and take a photo, and he asked MAY I? After getting my consent, I put my arms around my waist and took a picture, and at that moment I realized how important it is to respect this matter.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?
Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

A world where big fish eat small fish

Out of worship or fear of power, many people still dare not expose, or at least dare not expose or resist when things happen.

Kang Kang said that the entertainment industry is a place where big fish eat small fish, and the more low-level practitioners dare not resist and speak out, because once they are disobedient, those in power have a way to "kill you".

When Kang Kang first entered the industry, he experienced such an incident: "Almost ten years ago, I was doing tidbits in a crew, and the whole department was just me at that time. At that time, our crew was divided into AB group, I went to shoot Group B after filming Group A, and the two groups were separated by a mountain, which was particularly far away, and it took half an hour to drive. At that time, there was a boy who was a live producer, and at first he thought that everyone was a young person, and it was normal to have a meal together and visit a supermarket, until one night the boy asked me to go to a late-night snack, I called my good friend, a little girl who remembered the scene, and then the live producer said to me, can you not call her, I asked you to eat. I thought why did you ask me out, why can't you call another girl, that is my good friend, he said no, I said then I don't want to go. He said, I told you not to go, did you? I said I wasn't going, I was tired, and it turned out that because I didn't accompany him to have a late-night snack, when I was about to change the venue from the next day, he said that there was no car, let me walk by myself, and said that it was only a dozen kilometers.

I didn't understand why, until one day he asked me if I had a late-night snack, and I was really hungry that day, so let's do it. When eating a late-night snack, he said that in fact, you eat a good late-night snack, where is so much nonsense.

That was the first time I understood what unspoken rules were, and I was so stuck eating that late-night snack. We often film in the mountains, and I will have a concept in my head that if you really disobey, no one will know if people throw you in the mountains. ”

So many times, cautious girls kill the possibility of sexual harassment in the cradle, but they have to face the possibility of workplace bullying.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?

Over the years, Kang Kang has been lucky that there are not many potential sexual harassment incidents in practice, but she has also heard a lot of other people's stories.

A girlfriend who did casting told her that a director once asked her directly if there was any actress who could have unspoken rules. The casting girl thought the director was joking at first, until the director asked her for the fifth time, she understood that the director was genuine, so she could only shirk and say, "I'll tell you when I know." Although the director's words and deeds are very dirty, in order to make the crew move forward smoothly, it is still difficult to directly point out his mistakes in person, and can only play a tai chi to let things pass.

Working hard in the entertainment industry, Kang Kang has heard many stories, but there are almost no people who choose to publicly stand up and accuse. There is reason to believe that the publicly exposed sexual harassment incident is only the tip of the iceberg, and more people choose to let things pass in silence, not wanting to tear their scars again, or holding the mentality that more is better than less.

Therefore, it is not easy for girls to publicly stand out in the Me Too movement in Taiwan, although Daya is facing a lawsuit with Chen Jianzhou, and the accusations against Huang Ziling are obscured by his crying about his childhood, pulling half of the entertainment industry into the water, and committing suicide, but this series of events has made everyone pay attention to the phenomenon of sexual harassment in the entertainment industry, which is the meaning itself.

Only when everyone dares to speak out can the perpetrators be afraid, making them realize that it will happen soon. The cost of sexual harassment was too low in the past, and now is the time to pull it up.

Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?
Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?
Don't stop at eating melons, how terrible is sexual harassment in the entertainment industry?