
If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

author:Love to think Avery 9G8c

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Looking back on the development of the past five years, we stand in the orchard of Hu Xiaohai, general manager of Zhejiang New Ideal Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., and everything has changed. At the beginning, with a determination, he bravely plunged into new agricultural projects and planted the seeds of hope for "red beauty". Today, this land has become the largest "red beauty" production base in the Jiaxing area, and Hu Xiaohai's decision is bearing fruit. However, this process is far from smooth, and behind the cultivation of "red beauty", there are many challenges such as price, channel, quality, etc., let's explore this unusual agricultural story together.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

The "red beauty" in Hu Xiaohai's eyes has been highly anticipated since the first planting five years ago. After much research, he decided to introduce this variety to his orchard. Initially, there were only more than 70 acres, but over time, this number has continued to grow, and now it has expanded to a full 200 acres, becoming the largest "red beauty" production base in the Jiaxing area. Of course, all this has his deliberate reasons.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

"Red Beauty" is not an ordinary variety, Hu Xiaohai commented: "Overall, 'Red Beauty' is a good variety, its taste is slightly better than most citrus varieties on the market, so the price can also be sold a little higher, but not several times the price." This sentence condenses his understanding and expectations of this variety, and also reveals his sober understanding of the market. However, many challenges remain to be faced if this expectation is to become a reality.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

The price problem has always been a major problem for "Red Beauty". When asked about the price of Hu Xiaohai's retail in the circle of friends, he said frankly: "My own retail is basically 20 yuan / jin." This is equivalent to us earning money from the fruit store, but in fact, it does not generate value. At that time, many people planted this variety at a price of 20 yuan / jin and 30 yuan / jin, in fact, this is the retail price of the gift market, not the real price of fruit circulation. ”

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

This detail allows us to see the real problems faced by the "Red Beauty". The gap between the gift market and channel circulation has led to inflated prices, thus limiting the development potential of varieties. Now, Hu Xiaohai has realized that the future of "Red Beauty" should go to large-scale circulation, through fruit chain stores, supermarkets and other channels, in order to achieve volume growth. This line of thinking is particularly important in the current economic situation.

Shen Xiaodong, CEO of Yulu Space, also put forward his views on "Red Beauty". He believes that this variety faces challenges in terms of price, volume, etc., especially in competition with other citrus varieties. However, he also sees the advantages of "red beauty", especially in terms of taste. He said: "The taste of 'Red Beauty' is really good, especially at this stage, when the 'rake rake' has not yet come up. ”

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

When discussing the competition of varieties, we learned that "Red Beauty" faces many competitors, including "crisp honey kumquat" and "green grapefruit". This makes the market positioning of varieties more complex, requiring a combination of taste, price and competitors. This also allows us to see that the competition in the agricultural market is never easy, and it requires constant adjustment and thinking.

However, Hu Xiaohai is confident about the future of the "Red Beauty". He adheres to the principle of low price and high quality, small profits and quick turnover, and believes that as long as the quality can be maintained, the price will be within a reasonable range. His persistence and belief let us see the persistence and determination of an agricultural man, and also laid a solid foundation for the future of "Red Beauty".

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

In this agricultural story, we see Hu Xiaohai's decision-making and thinking, see the development process of "red beauty" varieties, see the challenges of price, channel, quality, etc., and also see the complexity of the agricultural market. It is hoped that in the future, "Red Beauty" can walk its own unique path and make more contributions to the development of the agricultural industry. This story tells us that agriculture is an industry that requires continuous exploration and innovation, and only with persistence and belief can we usher in a better tomorrow.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

How does "Red Beauty" stand out in the fierce market competition? The answer may lie in continuous supply capacity and price adjustments. Shen Xiaodong pointed out: "If the 'red beauty' sells for 5 yuan / jin, you still can't plant it?" Hu Xiaohai said that if the price can be maintained at 5 yuan / jin, there may be no more people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang to plant "red beauty". This answer reveals that price is crucial to the survival and development of the variety.

However, to achieve price reduction, it is also necessary to maintain cost control, which is no small challenge. However, Hu Xiaohai is full of confidence in this, he emphasized: "The taste of 'Red Beauty' is indeed good, so its product positioning is mid-to-high-end, as long as it can grow its due quality, I believe the price will not be bad." ”

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

Backed by facility cultivation and ripe harvesting, Hu Xiaohai has hardly made any detours in planting, so the cost of sinking is relatively low, which provides strong support for his confidence. Today, the quality of "Red Beauty" has steadily improved and the taste is superior, which also makes him firmly believe in the potential of the future market.

Not only that, Hu Xiaohai also pointed out a path for the future of "Red Beauty". He believes that "red beauty" should go to large-scale circulation, through fruit chain stores, supermarkets and other channels, in order to achieve large-scale sales. This strategy is particularly important in the current economic situation, as the gift market is shrinking and new sales paths need to be found.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

In Jiaxing, the vast majority of the 3,000-mu "Red Beauty" planting individuals are still small, which makes the "Red Beauty" face shrinking competition in the gift market. However, as Hu emphasized, scale is critical to achieving better prices and market share. If the planting scale exceeds a certain level, it may face sales pressure. Therefore, the future of "Red Beauty" needs to rely on large-scale cultivation and large-scale circulation sales model, which will be a challenge and an opportunity.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

In this agricultural story, we see Hu Xiaohai's persistence and belief, see the development process of "red beauty", see the challenges of price, channel, quality, etc., and see the complexity of the agricultural market. In the future journey, Hu Xiaohai will continue to work hard, adhere to the principle of low price and high quality, small profits and quick turnover, and strive for the development of "red beauty". This story tells us that agriculture is an industry that requires continuous exploration and innovation, and only with persistence and belief can we usher in a better tomorrow.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

To sum up, the agricultural story of "Red Beauty" is full of ups and downs and hopes, which is not only the story of varieties, but also the portrayal of Hu Xiaohai's agricultural feelings and determination. In this story, we see a tenacious agricultural man, see the cruelty and challenges of market competition, and see the vitality and future of China's agricultural industry. In the process of continuous exploration and innovation, perhaps "Red Beauty" will find its own positioning in the market, bring delicious and healthy to more people, and contribute to the prosperity of China's agriculture.

If the red beauty sells 5 yuan a catty, you still can't grow it?

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