
The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

author:Little Nguyen's worldview

Located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia, Brunei is a wealthy country with oil and gas as its main economic pillar.

Brunei has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world, and its citizens enjoy a life of high welfare and low taxes. Brunei is an absolute monarchy whose king, the sultan, has absolute power and wealth. Brunei's royal family is said to have a fortune of about $22 billion, making it one of the richest royal families in the world.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

Brunei's most famous prince was Jeffrey Borkia, the younger brother of the Sultan.

He was once the world's most extravagant loser, known for his profligacy and overindulgence. He owns more than 2,000 luxury cars, 17 airplanes, several yachts, more than 600 mansions, countless jewelry pieces and much more.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

He also once spent $17 million inviting Michael Jackson to sing for his birthday. Not only did he marry four wives, but he also secretly raised more than 40 concubines in the palace, including models, celebrities, and even Miss America.

In order to satisfy his selfish desires, he did not hesitate to use money and power to buy and coerce women, and even kidnapped and raped.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

How did such a person get so much wealth? How did he end up in such a miserable end today?

Jeffrey Borkia was born in 1952 and is the younger brother of Brunei Sultan Hassanal Borkia. He was given preferential treatment and education from a young age by the royal family and once studied in the UK.

In 1986, he was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer of Brunei, responsible for managing the country's financial and economic affairs. This was supposed to be a very important and glorious position, but Jeffrey did not perform his duties well, but used his power for personal gain.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

During his tenure as Chancellor of the Exchequer, he continued to embezzle public funds from the treasury to satisfy his extravagant life. It is estimated that he embezzled a total of $16 billion in twelve years.

The money could have been used to develop the country's education, health care, infrastructure and other fields, as well as to aid friendly countries affected by the Asian financial crisis. But Jeffrey spent all that money on himself: buying cars, houses, airplanes, yachts, jewelry, women.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

Jeffrey was not only involved in embezzling public funds, but also suspected of money laundering, fraud, extortion and other criminal activities. He has worked with businessmen and invested in projects around the world, many of which are fake or failing.

He also used his status and influence to obtain some privileges and benefits in some countries and regions, such as Brunei's neighboring Malaysia, where he once owned some land, minerals, forests and other resources. He has also dealt with some of the largest international companies and banks, often fraudulently and threateningly.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

Jeffrey's actions not only damaged Brunei's national interests and image, but also brought great shame and pressure to the Brunei royal family. His older brother, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, was so disappointed and angry with him that he decided to remove him from office and recover the public funds he had embezzled.

Before the revelation of the matter, Jeffrey had fled to England and hid there. The Sultan brought a lawsuit in the English court to demand that Jeffrey return all his property and stand trial. Jeffrey refused to appear in court, claiming his innocence and trying to reconcile with the Sultan.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

After years of wrangling in the case, Jeffrey eventually lost the case, was ordered to pay off the loan, and was arrested by order of the British Supreme Court. All the wealth he once owned was confiscated or auctioned.

All the women he once had, left him or betrayed him. All the power he once had was stripped away or denied to him. All the glory he once had, turned into shame and ridicule.

The Prince of Brunei has 40 beautiful people and spent 800 million to build a hotel for his lover, with 600 guest rooms alone!

Prince Geoffrey Borkia was a typical loser and a typical corrupt official. With his greed and stupidity, he ruined everything for himself.

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