
Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?


Today, I'm going to share with you a theory known as the conjugal way, which may have never been heard of. The husband and wife Tao, different from those esoteric words, are explained in the vernacular. It is a theory about the path of life, similar to the confusion without a road, or losing yourself on a winding road, experiencing various hardships, and not necessarily achieving the goal in the end.

Many people mistake some techniques for Tao, such as dressing, perfume selection, body maintenance, cooking skills, creating romance, love strategies, and so on. These are just tricks, similar to a branch, a water bottle, or a broken knife picked up along the way, which can help you move forward but will not take you to the end. The way of husband and wife pursues the way of nature, the way of heaven and earth, the way of yin and yang, the way of reality and reality, as well as laws and rules. The family has house rules, the country has the national law, and the universe has its laws, the road is simple, but it can create all things.

Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?

However, just reasoning, few people can really understand, because most people are too lazy to think deeply. To help you understand, let me ask the question: why are some people born poor and unable to be rich even if they try? If I tell you that this is related to past life cause and effect, you may not be able to accept or understand it. What is a past life? I think this life is the past life of the next life. So where is the dividing line between past and present lives? It's in Mom's belly.

Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?

How does past life affect this life? Let me explain it with an analogy. We can compare past lives to the state of people before they went to prison, while this life is similar to prison. The dividing line between past and present lives is the gate to prison. Then you may understand that although they are all criminals, have committed the same crimes, and have been sentenced to the same sentences, they are treated differently in prison. Some people have been bullied, while others live relatively comfortably, and can even live in single rooms or suites. This is determined by wealth, status, connections, contributions, and influence in past lives. Cause and effect in past lives determine the fate of this life.

Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?

Past lives determine this life, but whether or not you can change your destiny depends on the efforts of this life and the good karma of past lives. Some were rewarded, commuted or released early for redoubling their efforts and performance. Others are suddenly cared for in prison by relatives or acquaintances in their past lives, which is also a good cause in past lives. Life is the cause and effect of past lives, and efforts in this life and good causes in previous lives are luck. Therefore, do not complain, your only choice is to fulfill your duties, support, warm, encourage each other, and treat everyone sincerely to make life better. Otherwise, you will be punished.

Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?

Why do you choose to be rich and handsome instead of short, poor and ugly? If I told you that it has something to do with your blessing, and that you only deserve to find such a person, will you accept it? Is it understandable? Marriage seems to be fated, but what is the reason behind it? For example, if someone owes you money, would you want to collect it? If you have a grudge with someone, do you want revenge? Most people will want to. This is karma, and our thoughts determine that we cannot change our destiny.

Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?

The Buddha once said: You can't take everything with you, but you can only carry karma with you. The people and things we encounter are influenced by karma, and the law of attraction also plays a role in it. Your heart is like a magnetic field, attracting similar people. If your husband is poor, it is because he owed you money in a previous life, and you have not forgotten, so you met in this life.

Our hearts determine our attractiveness. If you are always complaining and calculating, you will be more speculative with those who also complain and calculate, because you have common topics and can resonate. Therefore, couples should reflect on themselves because the other person is a mirror of you. If you are often angry or upset with the other person, do you want to know why? The root of the couple's conflict usually lies in yourself, as long as you are willing to find the answer.

Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?

The relationship between husband and wife is complex and mysterious, and they originate from our hearts. Cultivating the mind is the key to solving problems, and past life cause and effect play a huge role in it. In the way of life

Along the way, we need to recognize the connection between our past and present lives. As mentioned earlier, if we owe someone else in a past life, that debt will be paid in this life. But if we can let go of these debts in past lives, then we may be rewarded in different ways in this life, such as help from others or good opportunities.

Destiny founder: Your misfortune is all doomed, how to change the status quo?

The world is full of wonders, and everything comes from the thoughts of our hearts. The mind gives birth to all kinds of laws, and for this reason, sages and enlightened beings have always emphasized the importance of cultivating the mind. If you are a person who likes to complain and calculate, you will attract people similar to you because you share negative energy. However, if you can change your inner attitude and let go of resentment and calculation, you will attract more positive people and situations.

Therefore, the relationship between husband and wife is a wonderful phenomenon of mutual attraction. If you are always upset with your partner, or are prone to anger, it may be because you still have some problems in your heart that are not resolved. The relationship is a mirror that reflects your inner emotions and attitudes. If you can persistently reflect and look at yourself, get to the root of the problem, and work to improve yourself, you have the opportunity to improve the relationship and make it better.

Communication and understanding are also crucial in a couple's relationship. You need to learn to listen to each other's needs and desires, as well as express your thoughts and feelings. Through honest dialogue, you can better understand each other, resolve potential conflicts, and build stronger relationships. At the same time, you also need to learn to be tolerant and tolerant, because everyone has their own past and problems, and no one is perfect.

Finally, remember that the relationship between husband and wife is a practice that takes time and effort to perfect. Everyone has room for improvement, and every relationship faces challenges. But if you can understand the principles of the conjugal path, recognize the influence of cause and effect in past lives, work hard to cultivate your mind, and improve communication, then you have the opportunity to create a happier and more fulfilling relationship between husband and wife. Only through mutual respect, support