
When the Chinese Consulate General in Houston was forced to close for a year, the US media was anxious: You are coming back soon!


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The decision to close the Chinese Consulate General in Houston for a year is sparking a reflection in the US media, calling for the reopening of the Consulate General's doors.

The Houston Chronicle, a daily newspaper founded in 1901 and the largest newspaper in Texas, published a new article titled "Should the Chinese Consulate Return to Houston?" 》。 The article examines the original intention of closing the consulate general and its consequences, and questions the correct decision.

Reports suggest that the official reason for closing the consulate general in Houston, namely large-scale espionage, may have been exaggerated. No details of the alleged "malicious activity" have been made public, and the Justice Department has not exposed high-level espionage operations in the Houston area. This makes one wonder if there is more that has not come to light.

When the Chinese Consulate General in Houston was forced to close for a year, the US media was anxious: You are coming back soon!

The article also revealed that the reasons for closing the consulate in Houston may have included "less importance so as not to escalate the diplomatic war with China too quickly," and regional congressional representatives and state governments did not appear to object. This makes people think that whether to close the Consulate General is really a rational decision.

Before the U.S.-China trade dispute, China was Texas' third-largest export market for goods in 2017, after Mexico and Canada. In 2016, China was also Texas' second-largest services export market, after the United Kingdom. This is a thought-provoking statistic because tens of thousands of jobs in Texas, from the oil and gas and semiconductor industries to education, concessions and tourism, are closely tied to the Chinese market.

When the Chinese Consulate General in Houston was forced to close for a year, the US media was anxious: You are coming back soon!

Now, however, Texas and surrounding areas must face a range of economic consequences, including inconvenience in visa services, legal services, and the lack of official international trade promotion activities to facilitate trade with the world's second-largest economy. Of particular note is that as the global economy gradually recovers, trade may become more dependent on countries with high vaccination rates. So without reopening the Chinese Consulate General in Houston and the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, Texas and the South could miss out on huge opportunities.

The reopening of the two consulates will help thousands of ordinary citizens of the United States and China. In addition, it will promote Texas' future competitiveness with other U.S. regions in terms of exports to China.

When the Chinese Consulate General in Houston was forced to close for a year, the US media was anxious: You are coming back soon!

However, the article also raises a warning about how Chinese diplomats should interact with them if they return, ensuring calm and mutual respect. It noted that although historically we have seen Chinese diplomats as friends or partners, in reality, we should calmly see them as competitors, perhaps even enemies.

Recall that on July 24, 2020, the Chinese Consulate General in Houston was forced to close, and in response, the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu closed on July 27. Behind this series of events are complex international political considerations.

Houston, the capital of Texas and the fourth-largest city in the United States, is the largest economic center on the Gulf Coast. It is not only home to the largest aerospace research center in the United States, but also an important hub for the global energy industry and a gathering place for medical research and treatment institutions.

There may be multiple factors in choosing to act in Houston. First, the Consulate General in Houston was the first consulate to be established in the United States in 1979 after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and its closure may have more political symbolism. Second, other consulate cities have closer ties to China, and closing the consulate general in Houston could help create political provocations. Finally, given the U.S. political environment at the time, the decision may also help divert public attention from the government's inadequate response to the pandemic.

However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry responded that the unilateral action of the United States is a political provocation, violates international law and basic norms of international relations, violates the provisions of the Sino-US consular treaty, and seriously undermines Sino-US relations. The current state of Sino-US relations is entirely the responsibility of the US side, and China has always been unwilling to see this situation happen.

In summary, the reopening of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston and the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu will bring more convenience to the citizens of both countries and will also provide opportunities for Texas' economic future. However, as it reopens, engagement with Chinese diplomats must be carefully handled to ensure a balance between competition and cooperation. This is essential for the promotion of international cooperation and stability

The essential.

To sum up, a year after the closure of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston, the American media have deeply reflected on the consequences and reasonableness of this decision. The shutdown decision may have overstated concerns about mass espionage, without providing sufficient details to support that reason. In addition, the closure of the Consulate General has had economic consequences for Texas and the South, affecting jobs and trade with China. As the global economy recovers, reopening consulates will benefit both citizens and trade. However, interactions with Chinese diplomats need to be handled carefully to ensure calm and mutual respect.

The incident underscored the complexity of international diplomatic and political decision-making. In the future, a more balanced and cooperative relationship needs to be sought between the two countries to address global challenges and promote stability and prosperity. Only through open dialogue and mutual trust can we find a way to solve the problem and allow the two countries to move forward together. Ultimately, it will also benefit global peace and prosperity.

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