
This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations

author:Bright Net
This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations

In the pond, it sounds poetic, and it is a poor house to live in. On April 3, this "old and broken" plot of land located in Ouyang Road Street, Hongkou District, The central urban area ushered in a "good day", with a housing expropriation signing rate of 98.3%, and residents are about to bid farewell to the snail house and usher in a new home.

This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations

"Tangli" is the 250 neighborhood of Hongkou District, east and south to Nongdi, west to Ouyang Road, north to Sida Road, in the shape of a triangular arrow wedge between Ouyang Road, Sida Road and Jixiang Road, there are 176 residents and 262 households, which is a piece of second-class old li. Most of the houses in the neighborhood are 100 years old, have been barracks and warehouses, and have poor living conditions. Residents have a strong willingness to change their old ways, reaching 100% in only 3 days during a round of consultation.

In the view of Chen Li, the project manager of Tangli who "specializes in gnawing on the old bones", although this plot is not large, "the complexity of the expropriation work is no less than that of The Old Street in Hongzhen, with an average of 5.39 people per certificate, and the story of each family can write a book." Originally, the 250 neighborhood is a typical "three more" lot - many private houses, accounting for a high proportion, up to 122 certificates and 197 households; there are many co-owners, the earliest land title can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty, the longest property relationship has gone through six generations, and the largest family has 47 co-owners; there are many "old tenants" and more problems left over from the history of 10 certificates. Moreover, many houses here have been repeatedly transformed by residents, some "fat" and some "tall", or expanding from one horizontal to multiple, or changing to the high bungalows in the air, occupying a large number of original public spaces, and the whole neighborhood is crowded and chaotic.

This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations

"I am responsible for the old reform of my family, I am responsible for the work of the neighborhood, and I am responsible for the old transformation of the plot", the resident party member brightly identified himself and established a temporary party branch on the plot. Party member Zhu Jianhong not only took the lead in signing the contract, but also cooperated with relevant departments to take the initiative to match and help the two old neighbors coordinate to solve the problem of "old tenants". Originally, the compensation methods and standards of "old tenants" are very different from ordinary private houses, which requires property owners to give up part of the "cake", which must mediate the interest relationship between property owners and tenants. A resident of a family that Zhu Jianhong knew encountered the situation that the old tenant did not cooperate with the move at a long price, and even affected the valuation of the house. When the elderly landlord met Zhu Jianhong and talked about it, his blood pressure soared with excitement. While comforting the landlord, Zhu Jianhong took the old gentleman to the old reorganization headquarters to truthfully reflect the situation. According to the certificate of birth of the house and the lease contract, the manager held several multi-square table meetings. After a month and a half of coordination, the landlord and tenant finally reached an agreement and the evaluation work was carried out as scheduled. "This matter was handled in a timely manner, and we made a good start in our neighborhood where the 'old rental' problem is prominent, and many tenants have moved out as soon as possible."

This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations

First put aside the contradictions at home and take back the "old big cake", go home and then slowly divide. Today, this understanding has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the old base. At the end of last month, Shen Li, vice president of the Hongkou District People's Court, led senior judges to send the legal consultation "expert clinic" to 250 neighborhoods, using professional knowledge and work experience to "carry a problem, talk about the law, and lay out a reason" for the residents of the old reform.

In Chen Li's view, the law protects the interests of the people, and in the old reform, "the law also requires us not to leave any household behind." Numbered "Jixiang Road Tangli No. 5 1 Floor", it is a 16-square-meter private room, and the old house has been vacant since the death of Grandma Cui many years ago. Grandma Cui is an elderly man with no children under her knees, and her brothers and sisters have been separated for many years without contact.

Zhou Qi, the manager, found a phone number left by the Cui family through the neighborhood committee and found Cui Apo's youngest brother. It turned out that the Cui family had a total of 9 brothers and sisters, who were the legal heirs of this old house. Some of them have passed away, some have lost contact, and some of them are living in the provinces. Moreover, some people's names have changed, and some people's household registration information is not perfect. In the course of nearly two months of investigation, Zhou Qi and her partner ran to several neighborhood neighborhood committees, police stations, etc., and even went to the funeral home to retrieve relevant death certificates, and finally sorted out 15 co-owners. After one-by-one communication and explanation, it was facilitated that all property owners signed a full-money compensation agreement.

"I'm thrilled, after decades, the family has finally gathered!" Aunt Cui, Aunt Cui, the niece of Grandma Cui, remembers that on the day of signing the power of attorney, more than a dozen members of the Cui family gathered in the pond and achieved a reunion after many years of separation in the form of the old reform contract. The third elder of the Cui family, who lives in Suzhou, is over seventy years old and has been pushed by his children to push a wheelchair.

This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations

"The difficulties are concrete, but the work is warm." Wang Lei, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Ouyang Road Street, told reporters that the street has not carried out old reform in history, and in cooperation with the old reform headquarters, the party working committee team and resident party members actively play a leading role in party building, "on the basis of conforming to the policy, use warmth to achieve the ultimate in the part that can be controlled independently." ”

After a round of consultation was launched, the street organized professional photographers to take a souvenir photo of the "expectant smile at the doorstep" for each household, and preserved the anniversary of the old house for people. It also mobilized students in the plot to write small poems with the theme of "I am looking forward to a new home at home" to express their yearning for a better life. After the residents relocate, the street also plans to hold a photo exhibition and physical exhibition of "My Old Objects", so that these old objects full of warmth will become a vivid portrayal of the people's rush to a well-off life.

This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations
This newly expropriated central urban area is "old and broken", and the difficulty of old reform is no less than that of Hongzhen Old Street! A room can pull out six generations

Nowadays, walking into the small old reform and expropriation base in the 250 neighborhood, on the one hand, there is housing information, and on the other hand, there is the "Tangli Memory Painting Exhibition". Among them, there is a new work "Tangli Water Receiving Station" that resident Li Genlong spent half a month to complete, which is not only a memorial to the place where he once lived for decades, but also a farewell to this life. This painting depicts Li Genlong's memory of the situation in which neighbors helped squeeze, carry and deliver water at the pond water receiving station in the 1950s and 1960s. Although the water receiving station has long been rebuilt, the warmth in this pond has continued to the present.

Author: Shan Yingwen

Photo: Ye Chenliang Shan Yingwen

Source: Wen Wei Po

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