
Fighter plane disaster: more than 6,000 planes crashed, 224 pilots killed!

author:Ink SSIK

Inadvertently, a hot news came from the network. In recent years, there have been frequent crashes of US military aircraft, more than 6,000, which not only led to the crash of 157 aircraft, but also caused the unfortunate death of 224 pilots! It is alarming that recently this situation has spread to the ranks of fourth- and fifth-generation fighters. So what the hell is going on with the US military? The US side believes that the main reasons are the irregular use of funds, poor epidemic prevention and frequent delivery delays. Everyone knows that the US military can lead the world and is inextricably linked with its various advanced weapons and equipment. The fifth-generation stealth fighter is a magic weapon for the US Air Force to show off its strength. It is a pity that this beautiful land was once one of the treasure lands. Unexpectedly, it has recently experienced a complete collapse. And this raises a rather dangerous signal that the US military may have begun to decline and fall into the possibility of defeat. COVID-19 has spread in the United States since it began this year.

Fighter plane disaster: more than 6,000 planes crashed, 224 pilots killed!

Its impact is no longer limited to ordinary people. After the outbreak of a massive infection on US Navy aircraft carriers, almost all aircraft carriers were evacuated to military ports for refuge. Although the Air Force has not yet made its position clear, the situation is not much better. This will lead to a decrease in the frequency of training, and even many insignificant pilots will lose the opportunity to fly. Now that the intensity of training in the U.S. military has decreased, sudden training without accidents is very rare. Non-combat aircraft are so frequently wrecked, the United States claims that the pilots' training is too intense, but the aircraft is not repaired in time, and the performance is seriously damaged. However, experts have shown no mercy that this is just an excuse to mislead the public. The real reason is that the government's failure in anti-epidemic measures has led to heavy losses for the Air Force, and the supply of new fighters has often not been carried out as scheduled.

Fighter plane disaster: more than 6,000 planes crashed, 224 pilots killed!

This year, the US military has suffered a series of disasters. As for the cause of the accident, the US side always covered it up with mechanical failures. Although the United States is still trying to explain the cause of the crash, there is no doubt that it is their own problem. The actions of the United States this year are shocking, and its hegemonic strategy has also been challenged. As the world's only superpower, the United States is synonymous with deterrence, and no one dares to underestimate it. But now the United States is mired in internal and external troubles and has been rejected by the international community. It also shows that the position of the United States has been seriously challenged. The United States is no longer a tiger that no one dares to hostile, but a rat crossing the street that everyone wants to defeat. Trump's inadequate epidemic prevention has had a clear impact on the military. In April, the U.S. Air Force reported that hundreds of flight personnel were infected with the novel coronavirus, which had serious implications for combat readiness.

Fighter plane disaster: more than 6,000 planes crashed, 224 pilots killed!

Since then, the situation has not improved, but has worsened. Some non-essential air bases even had to give flight personnel a holiday to avoid clusters of infections in the military. Given the complexity of the problem, the increased frequency of plane crashes can also be "justified". There is no doubt that Pentagon officials must have had a great headache about these accidents, not only because the loss of a fighter plane means tens of millions of dollars, but also because the country has invested heavily in training a qualified team of pilots. And with the decline of the image of the US military over the years, the sense of honor of young people joining the army has also been greatly reduced. The public is averse to war, making it difficult for the various branches of the military to recruit enough recruits each year. Now that such a scandal has come to light again, it seems that it will be difficult for Biden to solve the problem of "insufficient military resources" after taking office. He must have had to find a different way.

Fighter plane disaster: more than 6,000 planes crashed, 224 pilots killed!

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