
Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

author:The starlight of history

Chao Que was a famous politician during the Wenjing period of the Western Han Dynasty and made outstanding contributions.

During the reign of Emperor Wen of Han, he proposed a strategy to resist the Xiongnu by defending the enemy in Tuntian and emigrating to yubian, which was adopted by Emperor Wen of Han and received practical results. It has set a precedent for the "Tun Tian system" in previous generations.

Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

In the second year of the Han Jing Emperor's succession, he boldly proposed the "Cutting The Strategy", which profoundly analyzed the urgency of cutting the domain, which can be described as a shocking word!

Although Liu Hao, the King of Wu, led 7 kingdoms to launch a rebellion and was fierce, it was defeated in only three months, the central government was consolidated, and the feudal system was completely eliminated, completely eliminating the threat of the princes!

However, Chao Que died before he could get out of the school, and was actually dressed in imperial clothes and was beheaded at the East Market in Chang'an!

How is a typical unjust, false and wrongly decided case created?

The "Chronicle of History" records that he was knowledgeable and far-sighted, and his mouth was like a river, but he was "straight and deep", that is, he was arrogant and arrogant, mean and strong, and he suppressed people everywhere, taking advantage of people, and his eyes would repay. This extremely strong personality gave him a momentary show off, but...

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, messing with the rules and making themselves enemies of the masses. </h1>

Because he was valued by Emperor Wen of Han, he was appointed as the crown prince and assisted by Emperor Jing of Han, who was then the crown prince, and his relationship was very close. After the Han Jing Emperor succeeded to the throne, he promoted him to be the head of the internal history, and later promoted him to the rank of imperial history master, which could be described as obedient to him, "favoring the nine secretaries of the nine secretaries," many government decrees bypassed the three dukes, and after being modified by his hand, the emperor directly approved the implementation.

Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

Of course, this is not legal, the three princes and nine secretaries are equal to the side of the cool, followed by their officials. He mistook the biggest take.

Can the Three Princes and Nine Secretaries be happy? Of course, he was not happy, but Chao Mistaken did not take them seriously.

Contradictions are constantly intensifying. Chu Xiang Shen Tu Jia shot at him!

It just so happened that Chao chao made a mistake at this time.

Every time he went to the office, he had to go around the temple of Gaozu Liu Bang, and for the sake of convenience, he opened a small door on the back wall of the temple.

Shen Tujia seized on the matter and impeached Chao for destroying the Taimiao Temple and disrespecting Gao zu, and wanted to put him to death.

If convicted, he would have to die.

But he ran to emperor Jingdi of Han in advance to plead his guilt, and was forgiven by Emperor Jingdi of Han.

As soon as Shen Tujia proposed it at the meeting, it was rejected by the Han Jing Emperor.

Shen Tujia was the one who came out to ask for the guilt, and this defeat was tantamount to a defeat for a group of high-ranking officials who conspired with him, and he Shen Tujia was even more disgraced! I was so angry at this matter that I died!

He stomped a group of high-ranking officials under his feet and won a one-man war. At this moment, he was on his toes and did not think that the disaster would come soon.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cares about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. </h1>

Yuan Ang, also a generation of famous courtiers, is not accustomed to chaotic mischief, the two people continue to quarrel with each other, so that if you want to come, I will go, you go, I will come, can not meet, water and fire are intolerable!

In the end, this Yuan Ang still did not fight Chao's mistakes, was sent down to the princely states, and finally went to the State of Wu as a chancellor, and Liu Hao, the king of Wu, treated him well.

Yuan Ang had rolled far away, and Chao Was wrong should have been poor and not chased, but in the name of Yuan Ang accepting Liu Hao's wealth gift, he wanted to put Yuan Ang to death.

Fortunately, thanks to Dou Baobao's guarantee, Yuan Ang was spared a death, but the hat was taken off and he was idle at home.

Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

When Liu Hao rebelled, Chao Que immediately seized yuan Ang's previous accusation that liu hao would not rebel, and ordered Yuan An to be sentenced to death.

Yuan Ang was forced to a dead end, what would he do?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, the relatives of the emperor and the country are not afraid, and he is determined to do what he wants. </h1>

We all know that the emperor wants to cut the domain, and Chao Wrong strongly recommends that it be implemented immediately, and the courtiers do not express their position.

Can the ministers of ono's crisis not see it?

Of course, yes, but this is the Liu family's nest, who is willing to stretch out and take care of things, let him make a mistake!

Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

Only Dou Baby objected.

Dou Bao was the nephew of Empress Dou, and Empress Dou, as the wife of Emperor Wen and the mother of Emperor Jing, covered the sky with one hand and said one thing. Dou Baby has such a hardcore backstage, of course, has this confidence. He believes that this clan cannot be cut, and once it is cut, it will be chaotic. Even if it is cut, it is also necessary to take it slowly.

But Chao mistakenly insisted, and he retorted to Dou Bao: "Cutting now is also the opposite, and not cutting is also reversing." If you cut it, it will be in the opposite direction, and the disaster will be small; if it is not cut, it will be late and the disaster will be great. ”

He meant that since the storm was coming, let him come more violently!

This is in line with the chaotic character.

Dou Baby accused Chao of making mistakes and not having a good family, which is not a big deal, and it is bound to cause chaos to the country and the people.

Chao mistakenly accused Dou Baby of blindness and could not see the national crisis clearly.

Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

There is one more beam. Offended Dou Baby, Dou Baby is not a fuel-saving lamp.

In the hall, I can't see that hatred is gathering, just waiting for a point to erupt!

Chao mistakenly offended the courtiers and forcibly cut the domain. Father went to Beijing to persuade him and said to him: If you do this, the Liu family is safe, and our Chao family is in danger.

Chao mistakenly did not listen, and his father committed suicide by taking poison!

Chao mistakenly became an unfaithful and filial person in the eyes of the courtiers.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > four, the rafters in the early days, and that's how they rot. </h1>

Emperor Jing ordered the domain to be cut. Ten days later, Liu Hao, the King of Wu, led the Seven Kingdoms to rebel in the name of Jie Chao and Qing Junfang. The rebels claimed to be 500,000, the momentum was fierce, all the way to the west, the momentum was like a bamboo!

The situation was as dangerous as an egg, and the Han Jing Emperor was chaotic!

At this time, the courtiers broke out, and one after another went to the chapter to impeach Chao, saying that he was the culprit of the disaster of the country.

The Han Jing Emperor of course regretted it, and the snowflake-like impeachment letter made his confidence in Chao's mistake begin to waver.

At this time, Yuan Ang sought help from Dou Bao in order to exonerate himself, and Dou Bao suggested to Emperor Jing that Yuan Ang had served as the minister of Wu and knew Liu Hao, so it was better to summon him and hear what he had to do to retreat from the enemy.

Knowing that Yuan Ang was Chao's nemesis, but recommending Yuan Ang to the emperor, what good idea could Yuan Ang come up with?

This Dou baby is also really yin, and the means of killing people with a knife are really high!

When Yuan Ang was summoned to the palace, Chao's face turned yellow.

Yuan Ang told Emperor Jingdi of Han that he had a good plan to retreat from the enemy without bloodshed, but Chao's mistake could not be listened to from the side.

Emperor Jing of Hanjing retreated from the wrong side.

Yuan Ang's plan was to kill Chao, pardon the Seven Kingdoms, and restore the fiefdoms that had been cut.

Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

(Yuan Ang)

"Emperor Jing was silent for a long time." He was extremely hesitant.

However, killing Chao wrongly deprived the rebels of the reason for rebellion, and made the courtiers have a bad breath, which is conducive to internal unity.

The death knell of chaos has sounded! He became a victim of emperor Jingdi of Han.

Seeing that Emperor Jingdi of Han was shaken in his heart, The Chancellor Tao Qing, Lieutenant Chen Jia, and Ting Wei Zhang Ou quickly signed a joint petition to impeach Chao's mistakes and propose that Chao's mistakes be cut off all over the door.

Emperor Jing of Han ordered Chao, and the most intimate leader, who obeyed him, sent him to the guillotine, and Chao was unaware of it!

For the safety of the big man, he became the rafter. Today, this rafter is so rotten!

Reading Shi Ji 47 Light will not do things will not be a person Full of ability but a failure Chaotic mistakes are typical of one, messing up the rules, and making oneself an enemy of the masses. Second, he committed the taboo of poor Komo chasing, he only cared about taking his own path, leaving others with no way to go. Third, he is not afraid of the emperor's relatives and relatives, and he is determined to do what he wants. Fourth, the rafters that come out of the head are so rotten.

Chao died by mistake, and the Seven Kingdoms did not retreat.

When Lieutenant Deng Gong returned from the front, Emperor Jing summoned him and asked what the effect of killing Chao was. Deng Gong honestly replied: The Side of the Qing Emperor is just an excuse, and His Majesty's accusations of killing Chao are wrong. Blocking the mouths of loyal subjects internally is tantamount to avenging the princes externally, and the rebellion will not be quelled. Emperor Jing", "Silent for a long time, I also hate it." ”

A visionary politician died.

"Human cultivation is an article", today can be read and understood. It is not appropriate to solve the knot, in the workplace, where can you die and live. Give people a way to live, and you have a way to live!

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