
Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

author:Calm waves 3tP
Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

In the mysterious forest deep in the mountains of Yunnan, there is a colorful guardian, and its existence is like a legendary treasure, but it is difficult for us to see its face. Today, I'm going to take you on a magical journey to discover the story of the Colorful Tree Dog, a mysterious creature that is said to bring good luck.

Colorful wonder: Balama giant squirrel

Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

Slender, huge in size, and colorful coat, this is the Balama giant squirrel, the only colorful squirrel in the world. Its existence is like a work of art in nature, which cannot be ignored.

With a body length of up to one meter and a tail up to 60 centimeters long, this colorful tree dog is stunning in appearance alone. In the sun, its hair will shimmer purple, rust and other lusters, and the lower end of its tail is golden, just like a huge gorgeous squirrel.

Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

Magical lifestyle

The Balama giant squirrel is a master of life in the trees, roaming the canopy all year round. They weigh between 1 and 3 kilograms, and their strong limbs allow them to easily walk through trees in search of delicacy.

The foodie personality is also synonymous with giant squirrels, which mainly eat fruits from various trees, but also take care of young leaves, flower stamens, etc. Amazingly, they eat 200 to 300 grams of food at a time, twice a day. Peel and pit? They don't eat it, the flesh is their favorite.

Store secrets

Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

Like other squirrels, giant squirrels know how to store food. Nuts, seeds, all portions. They gather food in one place, but this also leads to a competition for food from the same kind. What's even more amazing is that they actually store some seeds of Xenophyllum xenophyllum that, although they contain slight toxicity, can reduce toxicity by storing, is really self-inflicted art.

In addition, giant squirrels have a peculiar taste, and they occasionally eat dirt and cobwebs, perhaps to compensate for the minerals and proteins that the body needs.

The challenge of survival

Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

The life of a giant squirrel is full of challenges. Predators such as golden eagles, owls, and crested snake eagles are waiting for predators all the time. However, giant squirrels show unusual timidity, clinging to the bark of trees when predators come, waiting for opportunities, and then using their ability to bounce quickly to escape danger.

Unique social habits

Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

Giant squirrels are solitary creatures, but occasionally several of them are seen foraging together in the same tree. When it comes to socializing, they show their own characteristics. However, they do not interact easily with other species, but live in their own way, creating unique social patterns.

The threat to humanity

Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

Although the giant squirrel is so amazing, it is threatened with endangerment. The main reason is the excessive deforestation by humans, which has led to the loss of habitat. The once dense forest is now desolate and bare, and it has become a plate meal for natural enemies.

The mission of conservation

Heard! Have you ever met a far, colorful balama giant squirrel?

Now, giant squirrels need our protection. They are nature's treasures and the guardians of this forest. We need to take action to reduce deforestation and protect their habitat to ensure their survival. Otherwise, our descendants may only be able to see this "good luck" colored tree dog in photos.

The story of giant squirrels is a magnificent picture, and their lifestyle, challenges and magic are worth learning more about. May we walk with this colorful tree dog into the wonderful world of the forest and protect the wonders of nature.

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