
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

author:Pure Walker ZJ



Fujian is a very peculiar province, which seems to be rich in small but very famous cities, such as: Sha County, which has become the most famous county in the country because of snacks; Stepping into the era of new energy vehicles, let the world know - Ningde; And because of the hospital, everyone knows - Putian...

In fact, in addition to the two most famous labels of hospital and Mazu, Putian is also a thousand-year-old city, known as "Xinghua" in history, known as "Zou Lu by the Sea", "Famous State of Literature" and "Ten Rooms and Nine Books, Longmen Half the World".

When I first arrived in Putian, I was surprised to find that there are so many temples in Putian! From the mountains to the seaside, villages and towns, streets and alleys, everywhere.

When it comes to Putian Temple, Nanshan Guanghua Temple undisputedly holds a place. Putian folk proverb says: "Before the development of Xinghua, there is Guanghua first"; "First there is the Golden Immortal, then there is the Pu Immortal"... Guanghua Temple, which carries the historical context of Putian, is the oldest and largest of the four major Zen forests in Fujian.

Nanshan Guanghua Temple is not only the source of Putian Buddhism, but also the birthplace of the earliest law school in China, and the source of Putian culture. This time, we will go to Nanshan Guanghua Temple and go to a spiritual practice...

【Tour】Nanshan Guanghua Temple

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

As the car drove past a square, I saw through the window glass a torii with a plaque hanging "Nanshan Guanghua Temple".

Located at the foot of Phoenix Mountain, Guanghua Temple was built in the Southern Dynasty and has a history of 1,500 years. In 711 (the second year of Tang Jingyun), Emperor Ruizong of Tang gave the name "Lingyan Temple" and ordered the calligrapher Liu Gongquan to write a plaque; In the first year of the Xingguo of Song Taiping (976), Emperor Taizong gave the temple the name "Guanghua Temple", which has been used to this day.

Nanshan Guanghua Temple was also a place for studying and cultivating. During the Song Dynasty, Guozijian set up a branch examination room here, which lasted 12 imperial examinations for 36 years, and about 70,000 students took the examination here.

On that day, three hollowed-out iron gates under the torii were closed, dividing the noise from the gate. It is said that this gate is rarely opened, and to enter the temple you have to go through the "Liberation Gate" next to it.

  • Shakyawn Stupa
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Since ancient times, ancient temples and ancient pagodas have always complemented each other and complemented each other. As soon as I got off the bus, I was fascinated by an ancient tower. It is one of the three treasures of Guanghua Temple, the thousand-year-old stupa - Shakyawn Stupa.

Quaint, solid, like infused with the builder's indestructible faith, this is my first impression of the Shakyawin Stupa.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Not only Mazu is from the Song Dynasty, but many important histories of Putian originate from the Song Dynasty. Built before the first year of the Song Dynasty (1165), the Shakyawn Pagoda is an octagonal five-story hollow stone pagoda with a height of 30.6 meters.

The five-story pagoda was built because the five floors represent the five-fold Dharma, and each floor has a tower chamber and an outer cloister around the tower.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

The most striking feature of the Shakyawen Stupa is that the pagoda body is extremely rich in carvings, which are densely carved, but complex and not chaotic, and dense, which can be called the treasure house of stone carvings in the pagoda.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

According to reports, the whole pagoda is full of carved Buddha statues and Buddhist theme patterns, a total of 891 pictures; The Song Dynasty text inscriptions, a total of 116 places and more than 10,000 characters, are precious physical materials for studying the architecture and culture of the Song Dynasty.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Looking up, the eaves of each floor are carved into imitation bricks and tiles, thin and upturned, in the wind fluttering, light and beautiful.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

On the outer wall of the tower, exquisite patterns such as Buddha statues, double-headed feathered figures, flying tricks, flowers, birds and beasts are carved, which has a high artistic level, which is rare in eight Fujians.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

On the south side of the pagoda, a stone plaque of "Shakyawn Stupa" hangs under the eaves of the second floor.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

On the south gate on the first floor, there are even four words engraved with "Long live the emperor", and the red font is particularly eye-catching.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

The Shakyawn Stupa is not close to the main body of the temple, just right, it is not only one of the landmark buildings of the temple, but also posthumous and independent.

Guanghua Temple has gone through ups and downs several times, and although this pagoda has gone through vicissitudes, it stands majestically and maintains its original appearance, which has to be said to be a miracle. We also have to be impressed by the skills of the ancients. It is also an ancient wisdom that it can be so strong and stable without a drop of cement.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

There are two tall Bodhi trees near the Shakyawin Stupa, and when you walk under the Bodhi tree, you accidentally see two stone pagodas of Nikko Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva. The two towers have the same regulations, and both are Baoji scripture-type stone towers. This quickly reminded me of the moonlight bodhisattva stone carvings I saw last year at Luoyang Bridge in Quanzhou, which are quite similar.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

I noticed that on one side of the Buddha statue, there was a verse from the Nirvana Sutra: All evil is not done, all good is purified, and it is Buddhism. People are advised to practice all good deeds, and over time, they will surely receive blessings, which is called turning evil into blessing.

  • Enter Samadhi
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Accompanied by the drizzle, walking into Guanghua Temple, the solemn, solemn and silent Samadhi Hall first entered the eye.

As the first of only three national model temples of Chinese Buddhism, today's Guanghua Temple has its own "Buddhist elegant rhyme", and does not charge tickets, compared to some well-known temples in China, which is the true Buddha nature.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

"Samadhi" is a Sanskrit transliteration, also known as "meditation", which is to warn people that they need to settle their minds in one state without dispersion, that is, to enter into concentration.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Walking through the Samadhi Temple, look back at the four big characters from the Diamond Sutra that are "Doing as it is".

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

After entering the samadhi temple, there are two Bodhi trees with lush leaves, branches holding each other in the air, and the tree is more than 100 years old.

Through the towering banyan tree, I saw the ancient trees in the temple, green trees, and fragrance, compared with the hustle and bustle outside the temple, there was a sense of passage through a world away, and the body and mind seemed to enter another world.

  • Release stone bridge
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Originally, I thought that there was a straight road leading to the temple, but when I got closer, I realized that it was a long stone bridge.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

The stone bridge is flanked by two release ponds, so the stone bridge is also called the "release stone bridge".

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

In the corner of the release pond, the stone dragon head is spitting out clear water, the fish in the pool swim leisurely, and countless turtles are released on the wooden board next to the pool...

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

The atmosphere here is quiet and peaceful, and many elderly people bring their children here to feed pigeons and fish, just like entering and leaving their own back garden. At this time, Guanghua Temple is like an inclusive old man, carefully caring for every passer-by.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Walking on the stone bridge, you can see the second floor of the three-story bell and drum built on the left and right sides. Morning bells and twilight drums, the two are opposite, each doing its duty.

The thousand-year-old Buddhist sound, the morning bell and the evening drum, it is an indispensable ear and ear for monastic practice and life. In the morning, the bell is rung, then the drum, from slow to fast, awakens the monks to start the day; At night, the drums are beaten first, and then the bells are rung, from fast to slow, reminding the monks to let go of impetuosity and meditate.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Amid the melodious sound of drums, gradually I seemed to be able to feel the vast charm of the Dharma.

  • Ride the Heavenly Palace
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Walking across the stone bridge, 37 stone steps appear at the end of the road, representing the "37 paths", which is the basic content of Buddhist practice, that is, the 37 practice methods to enter the realm of nirvana in pursuit of wisdom.

In the rain, pick up the stairs, the charm is long...

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Coming to the stone steps, a simple red brick goose ridge house-style building stands out, which is completely different from other temples and has a strong southern Fujian character.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Through the dense branches, I saw the plaque in front of the temple with four large characters written on it, meaning the pure land of Maitreya Bodhisattva.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

On the exterior walls on both sides of the temple gate, there are two reliefs of "Daoan Pontoon" and "Karlin Daocui".

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

The golden and smiling Maitreya Buddha is enshrined in the hall, and a monk is worshiping religiously.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Walking into the Duobu Heavenly Palace, on the walls on both sides of the gate, I saw four stone calligraphy works, including the four calligraphy of zhen (楷), xing, subordinate and seal. Walking closer, I looked closely at the drop and found that the four works were all from Zhang Qin's hand.

After returning to check the information, I learned that Zhang Qin was a scholar of China's last imperial examination, a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of China, the chief writer of the newspaper "Yadong News", the chairman of Confucius University, and the director of the Fujian Education Department.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Two round windows were opened on the back wall of the hall, and the Daxiong treasure hall behind you could be seen through the round window, which suddenly turned this scene into a landscape.

  • Dialect stone scripture building
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

There are two lush ancient trees in front of the hall. They grow up in thousand-year-old temples, listening to the sound of wooden fish and chanting, year after year, experiencing countless reincarnations, and I don't know how many years have passed.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

On the platform in front of the hall, two Dharani stone prayer towers built in the second year of Song Zhiping (1065), with five floors and octagonal floors, and a height of about 3 meters, stand silently.

These two stone scriptures of the Song Dynasty, which witnessed the ups and downs of Guanghua Temple for thousands of years, still stand in front of the hall, like a pillar of the sky watching over Guanghua Temple.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Of the two stone sutra buildings, one has no inscription, the other is inscribed with the "Buddha Crown Venerable Sendharani Mantra", as well as the name of the donor.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Look closely at the exquisite carvings of the building, the lines are clear, and the brushwork is delicate. Nearly a thousand years later, these completely preserved objects have become valuable materials for studying the relationship between Sanskrit Chinese translation and the Putian dialect.

  • Daeungho Hall
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Walking in Guanghua Temple, I found that in front of each hall, there was only one incense burner, and there was a basket of incense next to it, accompanied by a warm reminder card: Please use three sticks of incense to worship the Buddha, for the pilgrims to pick up for free. This is like a clear stream in many commercial temples today.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Built on a 2.7-meter-high abutment, the Daxiong Hall is majestic and majestic, and is the crown of Fujian's famous temples.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Step by step into the Daxiong treasure hall, I felt more and more that every hall here is majestic and tall, giving people a thick, atmospheric, solemn and solemn feeling.

  • Dharma
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Pass through the Daxiong Treasure Hall, and there is also a hall behind it. In the distance, the sound of chanting was heard in the hall, this was the Dharma Hall, and the monks were doing their homework. Having the opportunity to hear Buddhist scriptures recite gives people a comforting feeling.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

At this time, I saw a lotus flower with dewdrops in front of the hall, and I couldn't help but think: "One flower and one world, one tree and one bodhi." ”

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

On the entrance opening of the small courtyard on the side of the hall, there is a stone plaque inlaid with "Jingxingtang". "Jing Xing", isn't this my Ya name? Could it be that there is an arrangement in the power of power?! It seems that I really have a relationship here!

  • Guanyin Pavilion
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs
【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Bypass the prayer hall and come to the back mountain. With its apricot walls and lush trees, this place looks very quiet and elegant.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

The back mountain of Guanghua Temple, pines and cypresses are green, mountain springs singing, quiet and quiet. It is said that there are many cliff carvings scattered in the Lingtou Valley.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Between the singing of birds and flowers, the air appears more and more fresh, and there is a special Zen feeling between people. Occasionally coming here to calm down and wash your lungs is still a good choice.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Walking up the path, you can see a temple made of red bricks in the distance, hidden among the trees, which is quite a bit of red in the green bush and a spectacular and mysterious feeling.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Looking closely, it is not difficult to find that the "Guanyin Pavilion" is hung above the lintel of the Guanyin Pavilion, which is from the hand of Right Ren.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Standing on the platform in front of Guanyin Pavilion, overlooking the mountain, staggered, well-proportioned Guanghua Temple, dense halls in front of you, bamboo forests and pines behind you, pure and remote, in this pure land, you can sink your heart and temporarily leave the world.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

The architecture of Guanghua Temple progresses step by layer, each floor height has a different realm, and our souls continue to comprehend and sublimate.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

On the way down, standing under the "line of sky" between the two temples, I saw the green leaves washed by the rain, and I felt simple and pure and full of Zen.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Walking through the quiet corridor, I thought: whether it is quiet or noisy, the monks in the temple have long been accustomed to life here, and they can also see a sense of relief when they pass by in a hurry.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

At the end of the corridor hangs a red wooden fish with a dragon's head and tail, which has been beaten by pilgrims and has faded somewhat, but it shows that it has been in this ancient temple for a long time, and it is said to be a Ming and Qing dynasty relics.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

When you are tired of walking, you can find a stone step in a shady place and sit down, feel the cool breeze slowly blowing, blowing the banner in the hall, the bell under the banner makes a crisp sound of jingling bells, and then watch the green trees swaying in the wind, and suddenly come out of the heat, much cooler.

Guanghua Temple is extremely quiet, spend half a day walking, feel the Sanskrit sound, purify the heart and lungs.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

Looking back at the Guanghua Temple halfway up the mountain, he is like an old man, standing quietly observing the changes of thousands of years, not contending or seizing, indifferent to fame and fortune, and indisputable to the world.

【Travelogue】Jingxing Nanshan Guanghua Temple, pure land pure heart and pure lungs

When we go out, we look back at the inside of the mountain gate and write the four big characters "Don't ask for outward", which always remind us: true practice, when we look back at our own minds.


Towards a sacred mountain, worship a peaceful temple, and settle a restless heart.

Nanshan Guanghua Temple, ancient temple Sanskrit, ancient pagoda solemn, ancient trees, every place is a scenery, is a pure land in the busy city.

Strolling around the Guanghua Temple, walking around the pagoda along the Shakyawen Stupa, the morning bells and evening drums are heard in the ears, or the sound of chanting, and the heart suddenly calms down, "stealing the floating life for half a day", there is nothing more comfortable and comfortable.

Listening to Sanskrit, I slowed down, let go of everything in the world, and walked through it without hurry. Life is only a few decades, the geese pass through the traces, people go without a trace, no desire is just right, everything is good.

Buddha has clouds: Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a platform. There was nothing, where to stir up dust! However, the speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart, I think, everyone who has been here will remember a beautiful past deep in their hearts in the call of every wooden fish...