
Indecent behavior was exposed This time, 33-year-old Li Yitong can no longer retreat from his whole body

author:Wise Kitten 007

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Opening rewrite:

The advent of "Crazy" has made many actresses stand out, and Li Yitong is one of them. However, in less than half a year, Li Yitong's reputation has undergone earth-shaking changes, from being praised by netizens as "unqualified" and "uneducated", and even causing strong criticism from CCTV. So what exactly did 33-year-old Li Yitong do to make her reputation so turbulent?

End rephrase:

Although Li Yitong graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy with excellent dance skills, she did not develop according to her professional field. Instead, she explored an unusual path in show business. Her career was in a smooth state until the advent of Crazy Racing changed everything for her. This story also reminds us that stars in the entertainment industry must not only be talented, but also need to maintain high morality, because their behavior will be subject to public attention and scrutiny.

A pair of "face-bumping monsters"

"Who is Li Yitong? Could it be the doppelganger of the White Deer? "Since Li Yitong's debut, this question has been lingering. Obviously, netizens think that their appearance is "godlike". This topic immediately triggered "plastic surgery doubts", and some netizens jokingly said that they may be the result of the same doctor's surgery. Bai Lu claims to have only undergone orthoplastic surgery, while Li Yitong seems to have chosen to remain silent. After that, netizens often compared Li Yitong and Bai Lu and found some striking similarities. It is undeniable that although the two have similarities, in comparison, Li Yitong does not seem to be so lucky. Just like Zhao Lusi, Bailu also rose from an Internet celebrity, but she successfully got the opportunity to star in a big drama. With the performance of costume romance dramas such as "Zhou Shengru" and "Yulou Chun", she has become a screen goddess in the minds of many young people, and has also become a representative of "traffic flowers". However, at the same time, Li Yitong, with a similar face, has been in a state of "deep water" and seems to be eclipsed. However, it was "Crazy" that turned her life around.

Indecent behavior was exposed This time, 33-year-old Li Yitong can no longer retreat from his whole body

Set sail

Unlike many professional actors, Li Yitong did not come from the Drama Academy, her school was the Beijing Dance Academy. However, after graduation, she did not continue to engage in her profession, but embarked on a "journey" in the entertainment industry. With her excellent dance skills, Li Yitong got the opportunity to be a crossover actor, and her first online drama "Half-Demon Falling City" made her stand out. Soon after, she reappeared in Jin Yong's martial arts drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", for which she won the honor of "New Drama Star of the Year". However, Li Yitong at that time may not have imagined that her "nightmare" was about to begin. Despite the awards, she continued to participate in more TV series, such as "Sword Dynasty" and "Lige Xing", but she never really became popular and remained in a flat state, which lasted for several years until the advent of "Crazy" completely changed the situation. At the beginning of this year, the crime drama "Crazy" was officially launched, which quickly caused a sensation on the Internet, and even CCTV gave it a thumbs up. At the same time, Li Yitong's role as Meng Yu in the play has also attracted much attention, her acting skills have been recognized by the public, and her name has become well-known.

Indecent behavior was exposed This time, 33-year-old Li Yitong can no longer retreat from his whole body

The barefoot incident caused controversy

Recently, a photo of Li Yitong taking off his shoes on a plane went viral, quickly causing widespread discussion. The photo shows Mr. Li taking off his shoes without caring and even stretching his bare feet in his seat, as if he had made the plane his home. Netizens have criticized her behavior as "unqualified" and "uneducated", and some even worry that this behavior may lead to

Health problems such as fungal infections. However, as usual, this social problem is always accompanied by the emergence of two voices.

Some people think that this kind of thing is overplayed, after all, Li Yitong has a pair of high heels next to her seat, and she may just take off her shoes when she feels uncomfortable, which is not much of a problem. However, this view is clearly in the minority. Most people believe that Li Yitong's behavior is indeed uncultured, especially in public, and she should pay more attention to her behavior so as not to cause discomfort to others. In addition, People's Daily also stood on the side of netizens, saying that this is by no means a fuss, but an act that should be taken seriously.

Indecent behavior was exposed This time, 33-year-old Li Yitong can no longer retreat from his whole body

However, despite the increasing pressure from public opinion, Li Yitong does not seem to have formally apologized. Perhaps she thinks the problem won't last long and people will forget it quickly. However, at this time, netizens began to express concerns about Li Yitong's "road to stardom".

Similar incidents in the entertainment industry are not uncommon, and there are many stars like Li Yitong. These events remind us time and time again that celebrities need to not only have talent, but also maintain high moral character, because their every move is subject to public scrutiny and judgment.

The more hot the more "floating"

Looking back at the entire entertainment industry, the uncivilized behavior of stars seems to be endless. There are many celebrities like Li Yitong who take off their shoes in public, including Jiang Wenli. In the early years, Jiang Wenli was accidentally witnessed by netizens and showed her "indecent" side on the bus. Without hesitation, she took off her leather shoes and extended her foot to the railing. This behavior is undoubtedly alarming, especially for a public figure, who should pay more attention to his image.

Indecent behavior was exposed This time, 33-year-old Li Yitong can no longer retreat from his whole body

However, paying attention to your behavior doesn't seem to be something every star does. Mei Ting, for example, was harshly criticized by the public for her misconduct in the early years. According to the photos provided by netizens, Mei Ting actually put her feet on the seat of the passenger in front, which caused widespread controversy. Fortunately, Mei Ting realized her mistake and quickly apologized publicly. Her sincerity and sincerity have been understood and forgiven by netizens.

However, even if an event like Mei Ting caused a widespread sensation, stars in the entertainment industry still don't seem to have learned from it. Tu Lei is an example, cocking his feet quite high on the plane, causing doubts and anger among netizens. However, unlike Mei Ting, Tu Lei did not apologize directly, but used varicose veins as an excuse. However, most netizens do not accept this explanation, they believe that morality and quality should be put first.

In recent years, Wang Ziwen has become popular with his outstanding performance in "Ode to Joy". However, she also sparked controversy for her actions on high-speed rail. The photo shows that Wang Ziwen directly put his feet on other people's dinner tables, which was strongly condemned by netizens. Netizens criticized her for "standing without standing and not sitting", thinking that she did not look like a girl. These incidents all illustrate the need for celebrities to behave more cautiously in public so as not to attract negative attention from society.

However, some celebrities don't seem to realize this or deliberately challenge the public's bottom line. Ma Sichun is an example, on a sunny day, she drove a luxury car against the road and took the opportunity to throw garbage out the window. Such behavior not only lacks quality, but also violates traffic rules. Although netizens strongly condemned her, Ma Sichun did not apologize in time, but put forward an excuse. Eventually, she was fined and demerited points. Although she later issued an apology, these incidents once again remind us that celebrities should be held accountable for their actions, because their actions affect the moral ethos of society.


As an actor, Li Yitong's talent is undeniable. She has created many outstanding works with her strength. However, as a public figure, she still has some way to go to achieve "both ability and integrity". We cannot completely dismiss her just because of a "poor quality" incident. Everyone will

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