
It is worthy of being a 44-year-old movie queen who still hangs Jun Jihyun by her figure, and the 52-year-old leg photo looks like a post-00s girl group

author:Elegant far mountain 7hr

This is a commonly used method in aesthetic medicine to determine whether facial bones are regular. The aesthetic E line is an imaginary line that extends from the wing of the nose to the angle of the lower jaw, which divides the face into two parts, the upper part is the forehead, eyebrows and nose, and the lower part is the lips, lower jaw and lower jaw. When this line is regular, it means that the maxillofacial area is well developed and the facial contours are more youthful. If you notice that your aesthetic E line is irrational or your maxillofacial relationship is asymmetrical, you may consider orthodontic treatment. In addition, in order to maintain the health of the maxillofacial and bones, we should also pay attention to exercising and strengthening the support of muscles and ligaments.

It is worthy of being a 44-year-old movie queen who still hangs Jun Jihyun by her figure, and the 52-year-old leg photo looks like a post-00s girl group

In addition, eating more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, soy products, and green leafy vegetables, can also be beneficial for bone health. Finally, let's take another look at Kim Hye-so. As an anti-aging veteran, she has successfully maintained herself in good shape through a healthy lifestyle and moderate cosmetic surgery and has become a role model for many to follow. In addition to traditional bone assessment indicators such as aesthetic E-line, our focus on facial anti-aging also needs to include judgments on teeth, maxillofacial relationships and the overall health of the body. Only by paying attention to physical health and aging can we make our faces more youthful and attractive.

It is worthy of being a 44-year-old movie queen who still hangs Jun Jihyun by her figure, and the 52-year-old leg photo looks like a post-00s girl group

Orthodontics is not only a way to improve oral health and aesthetics, it can also help you fight aging and look younger and more energetic. The effects of oral health on aging are often overlooked, but this is extremely important. In addition to whitening teeth, removing bad breath, and treating dental diseases, orthodontics is also an effective oral improvement method. By aligning the position of your teeth and jaws, orthodontics can improve the appearance of your entire face, leaving you looking younger and more confident. If you are facing problems such as landing, retracted chin, and bulging mouths, then orthodontics may be the best way to solve these problems.

It is worthy of being a 44-year-old movie queen who still hangs Jun Jihyun by her figure, and the 52-year-old leg photo looks like a post-00s girl group

Adopting orthodontics not only helps the appearance of the entire face, but it can also make your face more anti-aging. The structure of the human skull changes all the time, and with proper orthodontics, you can adjust your bones and facial muscles to make your face younger and more elastic. Of course, different orthodontic techniques and methods are suitable for different situations, so it is necessary to find a professional orthodontist for consultation and treatment. Orthodontics improves the appearance and health of the face through a variety of methods such as adjusting the bite, facial muscle relaxation, and jaw position.

It is worthy of being a 44-year-old movie queen who still hangs Jun Jihyun by her figure, and the 52-year-old leg photo looks like a post-00s girl group

For example, for the problem of convex mouths, orthodontics can correct the maxilla by retracting inward, keeping it balanced with the height difference between the cheekbones and thus maintaining a uniform facial line. In addition, for the problem of the ground covering the sky, mild conditions can also be improved by orthodontic treatment. Finally, for the problem of receding chin, orthodontics can improve the position of the jaw by adjusting the position of the upper front teeth and lifting the back teeth backwards, thereby improving the support and overall line of the chin. The health of facial bones is closely related to appearance and even anti-aging. The right maxillofacial relationship is the cornerstone of anti-aging, and orthodontics can regain the appearance of your youthful appearance.

It is worthy of being a 44-year-old movie queen who still hangs Jun Jihyun by her figure, and the 52-year-old leg photo looks like a post-00s girl group

Therefore, if you want to look younger and more confident, consider orthodontics. This will not only make your smile more charming, but also allow you to get rid of the troubles of aging and maintain the charm of eternal youth.

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